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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Venusaur  (Read 4540 times)

Offline Tickles

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[Pokedex Entry] Venusaur
« on: February 21, 2014, 05:47:36 AM »
#003 Venusaur (The Seed Pokemon)

Height- 6'07"
Mega forme- 7'10"

Weight- 220.5 lbs.
Mega forme- 342.8 lbs.

Intro: Venusaur is a large reptilian pokemon with a flower supported by a trunk on its back. It is one of the few pokemon able to Mega Evolve.

Diet: Just like its previous evolutions, Venusaur only needs sunlight for photosynthesis. It rarely consumes any berries, as the flower on its back provides sufficient nutrients on its own.

Habitat: Venusaur live in open grasslands where there is the most sun. They have been known to venture into forests for a special ceremony for evolving Bulbasaur and Ivysaur.

Biology: Just like the first two evolutions, the plant on Venusaur’s back has evolved from bulb to full flower. This, along with its large size, makes it a very slow moving pokemon, but its sturdy legs gives it tremendous strength and defenses. Venusaur has very few predators thanks to its large size and fierce appearance.

A common misconception is that only female Venusaurs have a seed, which is visable at all times on the top of its flower. Further studies have confirmed that male Venusaurs do have seeds, only smaller, and in large quantities. This makes it easier for male Venusaur to place the seeds on multiple bulbasaurs’ backs. The female’s seed seems to have an effect on the surrounding environment, as well as play a hand in an evolution ceremony for Bulbasaur and Ivysaur. Only a handful of these ceremonies have been observed.

The disposal sack on a venusaur is replaced with a few toxic glands, as Venusaur does not require the nutrients from berries for health, thanks to moves like Synthesis and the combination of direct sunlight collected by the flower, which is sufficient enough to sustain a Venusaur.

It is uncertain why Venusaur reacts to venusaurite, and why it Mega Evolves. Further research is underway.

Pokemon League Commission notes-

Due to this pokemons rarity, this pokemon has been categorize as a Class B Pokemon under the Endangered Pokemon Act. Under this classification, this pokemon is obtainable through evolution, with very few in the wild. They are under the list of available pokemon to use in battle, but only a few per year are allowed to be caught in the wild due to rarity. The hunting of this pokemon is prohibited, and punishable by a 100,000 goldz fine and 15-20 years in prison. Furthermore, any attempt to interrupt Evolution Ceremonies is considered a cruel act against this pokemon.

Notice how each one has a nice little text in the biology? This adds more depth of character to each pokemon. You will have to show creativity to add more to the biology. As evolution grows, so does rarity, depending on the pokemon. So, Caterpie and the evolutions tend to stay in the same class, where as the starters increase in classification. So, if a pokemon is pretty rare on its own, the evolutions would be even rarer.
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Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Venusaur
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 10:27:08 PM »
This post definitely deserves appreciation. Great stuff, I like the part about the evolution ceremonies, though I've always despised that episode due to Ash's bulbasaur not evolving ;) That has nothing to do with the quality of your work here though, which is excellent.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Venusaur
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 03:49:21 AM »
Why thank you. I figured, I might as well give an example as to how I see these should be. Granted, some pokemon will be harder to write for than others, and I do take that into consideration.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword