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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Absol  (Read 4906 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Absol
« on: February 22, 2014, 01:30:51 PM »
Pokemon 359, Absol, Dark type, Disaster pokemon

Intro: Absol is quite a unique pokemon. It has a black/grey/blue body which is covered in fur for the most part. The fur is extra present around Absol's neck, somewhat resembling a lion's mane. Absol has a typical horn protruding from its head, shaped somewhat like a crescent moon. Alongside the tress on the side of the face, and the typical black spot in the middle of Absol's head, the combination somewhat resembles yin and yang. Absol's tail is somewhat reminiscent of a bat's wing, and it's paws each have three short, but thick talons, complemented by a single talon on the back of each leg.
It's morphology is quite unique in the pokemon kingdom. There do not appear to be any direct evolutionary relatives of absol, although the Field egg group implies some sort of shared ancestor with the other pokemon in that group.

Diet: Adapted to life in various regions, Absols diet is very flexible. It may consist of specific leaves, fruits and vegetables, but also fish, small wildlife and anything a particularly hungry Absol may scavenge on the outskirts of society.

Habitat: Absol naturally live reclusive lives in mountainous regions or in heavily overgrown fields, far from any real form of civilization. Paradoxically, Absol always manage to find their way to civilization in case of a coming distaster. Particularly watchful Absol, living in an environment which is threatening to society, such as a volcanic region, have been seen moving their habitats closer to the area inhabited by humans. Although some unenlightened citizenry call Absol the disaster pokemon due to their connection with disasters, some Absol have been referred to as a town or city guardian, protecting the citizens from impending disaster.


Absol's unique horn allows it to sence natural vibrations with stunning accuracy. This ability allows it to predict coming disasters such as floods, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Although Absol tend to live reclusive lives, they feel it is their responsibility to warn people of coming disasters. Due to their watchful natures, some Absol have been seen taking a particularly unlucky trainer as their partners without directly being caught. Especially Absol with the Super Luck ability feel the need to share their ability with those less fortunate.
Absol's noble heart and protective nature are also reflected in the ability Justified.
Absol's fur has evolved to withstand the cold of mountainous regious in which they usually reside. Absol's fur is coveted by many, although Absol's social status as a guardian (angel) tends to prevent any structural form of hunting. This is especially true since absol pelts are particularly difficult to move, as no trader wants to stain their hands with the potential lives of an entire village.
Absol's claws have primarily evolved to allow a firm grip during mountain scaling. However, they are also particularly potent weapons. Absol has amongst the most potent attack power in the pokemon world, and the effectivity of their claws is partly the reason of that.
Absol is able to learn a variety of physical slashing and cutting moves thanks to their claws. They also allow for a wide range of powerful moves with types ranging from rock to bug and even flying type. Absol's horn is the source of more elaborate powers such as psychic and electrical moves. Absol also have the ability to breathe fire, though they cannot develop this power without the interference of a trainer.
Absol has the ability to evolve using mega-evolution. Mega-Absol is a stronger, faster and more magnificent version of Absol, and uses the substantially powerful abilty Magic Bounce.
Due to its magnificent fur and Super Luck ability, Absol are coveted pets and mascots among those that like to take a bet, such as Gamblers and Mobsters who spend their time in the casino. In some parts, pokemon breeders have added Super Luck Absol to their repetoire, since a particularly lucky Absol can be worth a fortune in the casino. One particular casino went bankrupt on the same night a Rocket Executive entered the building accompanied by a Shiny Absol.

Pokemon League Commission notes:

Class B- Due to their newfound status as guardians, the catching of some Absol may cause an outrage in certain regions. In these regions, catching Absol is strictly prohibited. In other regions where Absol does not have such a social status, catching may be limited or completely unlimited. Inquiry of catching Absol is reccommended per region.

Whoa I really went all-out on this one.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2014, 05:33:22 PM by fuzzy3158 »

Offline Sazaraki

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Absol
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2014, 01:44:55 PM »
I like it! Lots of info in this one.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Absol
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2014, 05:21:54 PM »
This is high quality work. fuzzy, you got a lot of talent with this. Approved.
Find me on Steam: Sir Ticklesword

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Absol
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2014, 05:31:59 PM »
Very well written, with minimal spelling and grammatical errors. I especially liked the extra information you threw in there (like the hunting and Super Luck parts), that was very well done.

Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Absol
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2014, 12:20:59 AM »
Thanks for the compliments, you guys are making me blush :)
I might put a little bit less effort into pokemon aren't my favorites though, but I'll still do my best.