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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Magnemite  (Read 3457 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Magnemite
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:33:33 PM »
Pokemon 81, Magnemite, Electric/Steel type, The magnet pokemon

Intro: Magnemite is a greyish metallic pokemon, consisting of a metal sphere with a single eye and two Phillips screws on the bottom left and right of the sphere, complemented by a single Phillips screw on top of the sphere, which is only screwed in halfway. To the sides of each side of the sphere is a magnet turned sideways, with a red and blue tip. In case of a shiny Magnemite, the tips are black. Magnemite is typically seen levitating in midair.

Diet: No scientist or trainer has ever seen a Magnemite consume everything but electrical energy. How this pokemon sustains itself is a mystery.

Habitat: Magnemite is typically found in and around power plants, where it may leach off of surplus power sources. Magnemite has also been found in certain caves where a strong magnetic influence is present.

Biology: The existence of magnemite is at the very least enigmatic. As a pokemon without an egg group, only able to reproduce with Ditto, it does not appear to descend from anything. How it came into existence cannot be reproduced with any modern evolution simulations, but records show Magnemite have been around for hundreds of years.
Magnemite’s evolution is a complete and utter mystery. A single magnemite may evolve into Magneton by means of leveling up, which causes the body to triplicate. However, definite reports have also been published in which three separate Magnemite have been seen sharing a magnetic bond and turning into Magneton after connecting. Additionally, Magnemite has been reported to evolve after a complete overload of electricity delivered by a Pikachu and a device using static electricity. This last method has not been reproduced since, but video evidence is available.
Magnemite has been used as a means to store and generate electricity. Magnemite farmers actively chase thunderstorms in the hope of charging their Magnemites and selling the stored electricity. It is unclear how the biology and metabolism of Magnemite is involved, but the typically docile pokemon does not appear to mind when used in this matter. A Magnemite completely drained of electrical energy goes into hibernation and will not respond to outer stimulants until recharged. Natural Magnemite death has not been reported to this day, though Magnemite have been deceased due to excessive damage caused by fire or physical damage.
Magnemite consists of a corrosion-resistant alloy. The exact nature of this natural alloy has eluded material scientists for years. Research persists as such a corrosion-resistant material would definitely serve as a valuable building material.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D- Common Pokemon. No strict catching guidelines. Although the reproduction of Magnemite in the wild remains an utter mystery, plenty of Magnemites can be found in several locations.