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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Metapod  (Read 3255 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Metapod
« on: February 24, 2014, 06:35:30 PM »
Number 11. Metapod, the Cocoon pokemon. Bug Type.

Introduction: Metapod is a green, crescent moon shaped pokemon with a rather polygonal appearance. It has two eyes and an angular nose. As the evolved form of Caterpie, Metapod is typically only a Metapod for a short while. Metapod is developing into a Butterfree on the inside.

Habitat: Residing in the same forests as Caterpie, Metapod can be found hanging from a string in trees.

Diet: Metapod does not have a mouth. During the short development period before turning into Butterfree, Metapod does not eat anything.

Biology: A Wild Metapod typically only knows Harden. It uses this move to reduce damage from attackers, which is fairly pointless since it lacks a way to counterattack. Of course, one cannot expect much movement from a cocoon.
Ironically, a Metapod that was evolved by a trainer retains the ability to use the moves Tackle and String Shot, and even Bug Bite if the trainer was dim-witted enough to hold off evolution until level 15. The use of the moves String Shot and especially Bug Bite is a complete and utter mystery, as Metapod does not have a mouth, let alone teeth, which are needed for these moves. It can be speculated that a well-trained Metapod is able to create some form of inertia by moving inside the shell, allowing it to use the move Tackle, but the other two moves cannot be explained.

PLC rating: D. As with Caterpie, the Metapod population is large enough to warrant unfettered continuation with any level of catching.