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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Weedle  (Read 3252 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Weedle
« on: February 25, 2014, 05:42:32 PM »
Pokemon 13, Weedle, Hairy Bug Pokemon, Bug/Poison type.

Introduction: Weedle is a tiny, brown or yellow caterpillar pokemon consisting of eight spherical segments. Six of the segments in the middle of the body have two small pink or purple feet with suction cups, which allow it to climb trees. The head and tail segments each have a large spike. The head also has two bead-like eyes and a large pink or purple nose. The stinger in its head is its main weapon, and is filled with poison.

Habitat: Weedle is found primarily in forest areas, though they sometimes wander outside of this area into nearby patches of grass.

Diet: Weedle eats primarily leaves, but may also scavenge fruit that has fallen from trees.

Biology: As a pokemon that is mostly used by starting trainers, Weedle is known to be a problematic adversary due to its ability to sometimes poison the opponent. This is also true for starting trainers trying to catch a Weedle without bringing antidotes.
As with Caterpie, Weedle evolves at level 7 and learns the move Bug Bite at level 15. Halting Weedle's evolution for this move is actually better justified than for Caterpie, since the resulting Beedrill is a pokemon that uses its physical attack rather than its special attack. Exchanging fury attack and focus energy for Bug Bite (which Beedrill learns at level 10 and 13) may thus be a decent choice for a trainer.
In its habitat, Weedle is more resilient to predators than most of its caterpillar counterparts thanks to its large stinger. Most flying-type pokemon will not risk swooping down on Weedle in fear of being poisoned.
Weedle is not able to learn any TM’s and no egg moves can be passed down through inheritance.

Pokemon Leauge Commission notes:
Catching Classification D: no restrictions on catching Weedle applies, as populations are typically plentiful.