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Author Topic: [RP] Devil of the Seas  (Read 3695 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[RP] Devil of the Seas
« on: February 26, 2014, 07:48:53 AM »

During a different time, in a different world that is much like our own, people live in constant fear. At the heart of this fear are pirates, ruthless bandits that, in the eyes of the people, care only about creating chaos and plundering treasure. In truth, many of the pirates want something that they feel no person on the planet honestly has: complete, unrestricted freedom. This naturally opposes the Empire, the all-powerful ruling government of the planet Gloriare, who enforce a controlling regimen upon all of the government’s nations. These two factions have been at war with one another for centuries, but due in large part to what the Empire provides for their citizens, most people tend to support their government, the conflict having taken place for far too long for many of them to care about which side is morally right or wrong.

Starting several years ago, strange phenomenon known simply “The Curse” has broken out across the entirety of Gloriare, seemingly infecting people at random and turning them into monsters such as werewolves, vampires, and the undead. While many of these transformations are only apparent at specific times, those discovered to be infected with the Curse are thrown out of imperial society and are known as Mutts, some of them developing strange characteristics and personalities that they never once had. People didn’t always live in utter fear of the Mutts, for when the Curse first broke out, scientists studied them in the hope for a cure, but things soon turned quickly downhill as the Mutts, controlled by their alternate, beastly personalities, along with other supernatural creatures not known to even be part human, attacked the Empire’s nations. These Mutt attacks combined with the increasingly frequent pirate raids, proved too much for the Empire to handle, and so they were forced back into a more concentrated region of the planet.
Throughout their years of cowering and hiding, the Empire was able to build up an army like never before, and was able to begin to take back some of their lost territory, despite the still ongoing occurrence of Mutt attacks. The Empire pushed too far, though, invading territories that many pirates considered liberated by their own hands. A full-out war was raged, with no side able to gain much leverage over the other. Conflicts have now been further escalated with recent rumors claiming that The Devil of the Seas, history’s most infamous pirate, is directly linked to the Curse and its outbreak. The problem is, not a single soul knows the identity of the pirate lord, and very few have survived any encounter with him. Will the Empire and the pirates put aside their conflict in order to find the truth to these rumors? Will their war continue, and if so, will either of the sides pursue the myth, along with their current goals? Not everyone belonging to these two factions are in line with any of their beliefs or standards, but what role will they play in this great divide? The world of Gloriare is about to collapse, and the puzzle surrounding The Devil of the Seas, which lies at the direct center of the planet’s current state, remain unsolved. What side will you take? Will you attempt to save what is left, or watch it all burn?

*OOCC and RP threads are currently up. Profiles will be posted later today.


-No Godmodding. You are not all powerful, and must be fair to the other players.

-No off topic discussions in the OOCC. Please leave the OOCC just for RP related things.

-All posts must be a paragraph, or at least 5 sentences, long. Anything shorter will result in a warning, and multiple warnings will result in being kicked from the RP. Just because this is the minimum, you should only result to that few sentences when you absolutely cannot write more. This RP is for experienced writers and RP'ers, and so you should therefore put forth as much effort into your posts as you possibly can. The GM is allowed to request that you put more into your post should he sense a lack of effort.

-You must use proper grammar and spelling at all times in your posts. You can write character dialogue in any style you wish so long as it is readable.

-This RP will contain mature themes and topics. Graphic scenes, topics, and language are accepted in your posts, but are not to be overused just for the sake of it. If any of your posts contain mature content, please post a MATURE CONTENT WARNING at the top of your post. This does not, however, excuse you from calling out or harassing other RP'ers, and is considered bullying. Bullying another RP'er results in an instant ban from the RP without warning and likely ban from any future RP's.

-You may not intentionally refrain from posting. If you don't post within a reasonable amount of time from your previous post without good reason, you will be either warned or kicked from the RP. It slows progress down and prevents the RP from progressing, and often forces the closure of RP's.

*For the sake of space, all other details will be in the OOCC

JerryEDIT: Approved
« Last Edit: February 27, 2014, 07:37:28 PM by Jerry »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100