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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung  (Read 9201 times)

Offline Sazaraki

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[Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« on: February 26, 2014, 04:20:22 PM »
#108 Lickitung (The Licking Pokemon), Normal Type

Average weight: 144.4 lbs
Average height: 3'11"


Lickitung are bipedal, reptilian Pokemon known for their extremely large and powerful tongue. This tongue is used for pretty much everything Lickitung does and is strong enough to lift an average human. It even remembers things by texture and taste. Most Lickitung are known to dislike sour things.


Lickitung eat berries and insects. They use their tongue to catch prey and gather food.


 Lickitung live in grassy plains and meadows and are mostly solitary creatures.


Lickitung's body is almost entirely pink. It has curved yellow lines on it's stomach along with a yellow dot on its palm and soles. It also has a yellow circle on its knees. Its "hands" have a single claw and it has two large nails, one on each foot. It has small, beady eyes making it's vision poor. Lickitung's defining features are its tail and its namesake, its tongue. A Lickitung's tail is long and bent upwards close to its body. It is almost entirely muscle. It is thought to be connected to its tongue and is part of the reason its tongue is so strong. Its tongue is very long and strong. Its tongue can reach 7 feet long and is easily able to life a full grown man entirely off the ground. Lickitung use its tongue for cleaning, exploring, battling, hunting, and marking its territory. Its tongue is covered in a unique slime called "Licki". This substance is able to stick to anything and leaves a tingling sensation on human skin. It does not appear to be harmful to the touch. Since it sticks to anything, it has been used as glue for thousands of years. People have tried to replicate the substance, to no avail. Even when they mimic its exact chemical makeup, it still won't stick to things. This substance remains a mystery even though it has been used by people for thousands of years.  Lickitung uses its body and tongue to battle and it learns many physical moves. Because of a mysterious organ present in many other Normal-type Pokemon, it can also use many special moves like Flamethrower.


Lickitung rarely evolve in the wild. However, if taught the move "Rollout" by a trainer they can evolve into Lickilicky.

Pokemon League Commission Notes

Because Lickitung are very common the PLC has classified them as Class D Pokemon; no limits on capture or use for battle. The trainer must be aware that Lickitung licks everything and should be discouraged from doing so in public locations.


I also claim Lickilicky which I will do later.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 04:33:13 PM by Sazaraki »

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2014, 06:34:25 PM »
A substance called 'Licky'? That's going a bit far isn't it? I'll grant you that the saliva story is original, but completely rewriting the origin of Lickitung's name is a bit much in my opinion. Also saying that it is not harmful might be a bit contradictory with the fact that the move Lick causes paralysis  ;)
I recognise that the rest is pretty much a Bulbapedia rewrite. I did that too for the introductions of Qwilfish and Absol, but Xetroc recommended that I write my own story instead of just rewriting Bulbapedia. Try to use your own imagination and experience from the games and episodes. Since Jessie had one, there are a lot of episodes with Lickitung to work with. For instance, I remember the episode in which Jessie caught Lickitung, where he ate pretty much everything he could get his tongue on. You say lickitung eats berries and insects, but based on the episode I'd say that's a bit limited.

If you don't agree with anything I say, be free to tell me. If I take your part at face value, it's a nice story and very well written too. I just like stories to be consistent and tend to have a high standard.

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2014, 07:05:14 PM »
Well, he did just that, used his imagination. And I said to use bulbapedia as a reference, which means not to copy it outright. I actually like the licki part, as it is a creative approach to this pokemon. That's what I want to see, creative approaches in a scientific tone. It's just a manner of choosing the right words.  :)

Note, I will show the approved entries this weekend, as this week has been kind of weird for me.
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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2014, 07:17:42 PM »
Xetroc, no offence, but that's pretty much a contradiction from what you said when I asked about the way I used Bulbapedia.
I also changed the text and asked if the way I changed it was good enough, and you told me to change it completely. I now get that it's okay to use Bulbapedia as long as you change it a bit, but I would've appreciated it if you had compared what I had done to the text to change it instead of just saying "change it completely" without reference. Because this text here is effectively no different from what I had done in some entries, and I'd rather put effort into new entries rather than change old ones that are already fine.

I do hope I'm not coming on too strong, I just don't like contradictory instructions.

*Edit*: after carefully thinking it over, I came to the conclusion that the above was likely my own damn fault for asking for it and using the word copyright :p
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 08:21:57 PM by fuzzy3158 »

Offline Sazaraki

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2014, 11:42:39 PM »
Fuzzy, I put that it ate insects and berries for a couple reasons. Wild Lickitung aren't gonna be eating much human food. You don't say dogs eat burgers you say they eat meat even though we feed them burgers. Bulbapedia didn't say what they ate. I do know that all Pokemon in the Pokemon World eat berries. Also, Lickitung didn't really seem like a Pokemon that would be hunting down small animals like rodents and birds. I saw them like lizards that eat bugs (since Bulbapedia says it might be based on reptiles). Jessie's Lickitung just might be a pig or has been around humans a lot. I named its substance "Licki" mostly because I'm bad at coming up with names. Xetroc is free to come up with something better. Bulbapedia also says that the saliva causes a tingling sensation, it says nothing about paralysis. The move "Lick" is an attack that is special and is even Ghost type I think.

Man I typed a lot...didn't mean for it to sound mean. Just giving my reasons :) I like your entries Fuzzy!

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2014, 11:19:35 PM »
Your arguments are pretty good. Now that you've shed light on your reasoning, I'm going to go ahead and agree with you :)

You sound mean? Sure, but I know that it's practically impossible to have an argument on the internet and still sound nice ;) good job :)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2014, 07:39:29 PM by fuzzy3158 »

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Lickitung
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2014, 07:52:56 PM »
I think this can be approved. I'll check it after unlocking all the topics that need some more work ;)