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Author Topic: [Profiles] Devil of the Seas  (Read 3761 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[Profiles] Devil of the Seas
« on: February 26, 2014, 11:32:11 PM »

*All profiles must be sent to me in a PM, profiles posted here without my permission will be deleted and the poster will not be allowed into the RP.

*You may have as many characters as you like, but the GM may reject any and all of them for any reason, and is not obligated to share that reason.

*For each character you submit, you must have attached to it a "story" of 600 words or more that deals with that character. This is not their bio, but an actual event that happened to them, in complete, paragraph form. You may combine the story of more than one of your characters, but in that case, the minimum word limit still applies, so for example, if you have a story with two of your characters, it must have a minimum of 1200 words, and so on. For the time being, these stories will not be posted in the profiles section. Failure to submit the story results in immediate rejection of the profile and an infraction of the rules.

*Those that belong pirate faction of the RP will have several roles to choose from. One is to be your primary role, or your character's specialty, and is mandatory. The other is your secondary role, which is not mandatory, as it is sort of a back up skill, but it will likely be beneficial to have one. Feel free to join up with the characters of other RP'ers to form PART of a crew and choose your roles accordingly, if you so wish. The roles are as follows:

CAPTAIN: Generally one of the most experienced or gifted pirates on his ship, the captain is the leader of his pirate crew, and his word is law. Captains are generally well balanced in all sorts of skills, but they may have another crew member pilot the ship, navigate, or even relay orders to the crew. The captain is a leader, and is sometimes threatening to his own crew members, not to mention those of other pirate crews. The captain is often a fierce fighter, and will be right there in battle to lead his crew. Choosing a captain as your primary role means that you cannot have quartermaster, sailor, fighter, medic,  lookout, or chef as your secondary role. This is a primary role only.
QUARTERMASTER: Usually the captain's right hand man, as he keeps track of all supplies and crew members and their current state. He knows the crew well, and, much like the captain, can be either very threatening or very friendly. The quartermaster will often deal with the crew and give orders, only with his boss's consent, in the absence of the captain. Quartermasters can range in skill and strategy, are simply appointed by the captain, and are generally one of his first crew members. While they often do join int combat, quartermasters have the option not to, and then if they do, they will often hang behind with the ship, waiting to come in at the end of a battle to close things up and take in new, stolen supplies. This is a primary role only.
PILOT: Pilots take the wheel of the ship, sailing it throughout the seas. When the captain is not present, the pilot gives orders directly to the sailors, but may be overridden at any time by the quartermaster or captain. Each ship has at least two or three pilots, and the pilots typically do not enter day-to-day battle, unless they are also a fighter, in which case the quartermaster or navigator, if he is capable, will take over the wheel as he fights. Can be either primary or secondary.
NAVIGATOR: Understand the seas and are exceptional at reading maps and devising strategies, and often assist the pilot. May or may not enter battle, and while a crew technically doesn't have to have one, it is highly recommended. Can be primary or secondary.
SAILOR: The ones climbing on the ropes and working with the sails, as well as the ones that clean up the deck and repair the ship. Unless they're also a fighter, they likely won't go into combat, but will rather stay behind and protect the ship. Primary or secondary.
FIGHTER: Manage on-ship guns and cannons, and are the ones to jump headfirst into combat, fighting with typically blades and pistols, but will use whatever else they can find as well. Primary or secondary.
MEDIC: The crew's healer. Not every ship has one. They are proficient with medicines and herbs, and rarely jump into battle. Can be primary or secondary.
LOOKOUT: A secondary role only. This the person that, from time to time, makes his way to the crow's nest to look out farther than they can normally see, reporting their findings to the highest authority on deck.
CHEF: In charge of food and drink, and cannot be paired with any other role except for a scribe. There is generally only one per ship, if any, and they don't often react with anyone else in the crew, save for the captain and quartermaster. Needless to say, they never go into combat. Primary role only.
SCRIBE: Can't be a fighter or a sailor, and is in charge of documenting events and keeping records, as well as acting as a sort of ambassador, interacting with other ships and crews, as well as government officials, normally before anyone else on the crew does, generally on behalf of the captain. Primary or secondary.
SPECIALIST: They don't generally fit into other roles, and are often hired directly by the captain to fill either a very specific temporary or long term job. This role may be whatever you like, but it must be first approved by the GM.

*You can belong to one of three factions: Pirates, the Empire, or Gloriare Citizens. Note that citizens will likely have a slightly reduced role in the RP as compared to the other two factions.

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Username:[/u][/b] PU Username
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] The Character's name
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b]How old the character is. The average lifespan of those that die a natural death on Gloriare is 103, so your character's age may range from 16-60.
[b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Either Male or Female
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] How your character acts
[b][u]Technique:[/u][/b] How your character fights in combat and what equipment they use. Not all characters have to be fighters.
[b][u]Primary Role:[/u][/b] You must have a primary role. More info is posted above. If you choose specialist, you must speak with the GM first, and if approved must clearly state the full detail of your role.
[b][u]Secondary Role:[/u][/b] You are not required to have a secondary role, if not, just state None.
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]Your character's backstory. The more details, the more real your character seems. If the character is a Mutt, state that and all of its details here as well. Note that Mutts are still fairly uncommon in pirate crews, and being one will likely affect your character's personality as well as how they are treated by other characters and NPCs.
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b]Please provide an image for better visualization. You may include a description as well if you wish, and if no pictures exactly match the idea for your character, find the closest one you can and describe the differences in text.

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Username:[/u][/b] PU Username
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] The Character's name
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b]How old the character is. The average lifespan of those that die a natural death on Gloriare is 103, so your character's age may range from 19-48.
[b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Either Male or Female
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] How your character acts
[b][u]Technique:[/u][/b] How your character fights in combat and what equipment they use, generally speaking, they will likely have military distributed weapons. Not all characters have to be fighters, even in the military.
[b][u]Job:[/u][/b] There is no set list of roles, but most characters in this faction are soldiers. If you want your character to have another job in the military, it must be GM approved.
[b][u]Experience[/u][/b] How long your character has been a part of the military
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]Your character's backstory. The more details, the more real your character seems. It is not possible for a Mutt to knowingly be allowed into the military.
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b]Please provide an image for better visualization. You may include a description as well if you wish, and if no pictures exactly match the idea for your character, find the closest one you can and describe the differences in text.

Code: [Select]
[b][u]Username:[/u][/b] PU Username
[b][u]Name:[/u][/b] The Character's name
[b][u]Age:[/u][/b]How old the character is. The average lifespan of those that die a natural death on Gloriare is 103, but there is no age restriction.
[b][u]Gender:[/u][/b] Either Male or Female
[b][u]Personality:[/u][/b] How your character acts
[b][u]Job:[/u][/b] If employed, what does your character do for a living?
[b][u]Stance:[/u][/b] How does your character feel about the war and ongoing conflicts?
[b][u]Bio:[/u][/b]Your character's backstory. The more details, the more real your character seems. If the character is a Mutt, state that and all of its details here as well. Note that being one will likely affect your character's personality as well as how they are treated by other characters and NPCs.
[b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b]Please provide an image for better visualization. You may include a description as well if you wish, and if no pictures exactly match the idea for your character, find the closest one you can and describe the differences in text.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100