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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Dunsparce  (Read 3098 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Dunsparce
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:14:05 PM »
Pokemon # 206 Dunsparce, normal type, Land Snake pokemon.

Dunsparce is a pokemon that goes by typically unnoted. It is an oblong, mostly yellow pokemon with a blue underside, blue circles around his eyes, and blue and white stripes on a round square patch on his back. He has a drill-shaped tail, two pointy teeth and two tiny, white wings. Its eyes seem closed, as though it’s always peering through slits.

Dunsparce typically lives in caves and underground, where he digs mazelike tunnels to use as a home. Sometimes Dunsparce comes above the ground and can be spotted. Dunsparce’s ability to create vast and complex labyrinths underground is relatively perplexing. The network of tunnels is periodically undone by passing hordes of Diglett and Dugtrio.

Dunsparce eats bugs and munches on roots that he finds underground. Dunsparce is not a hunter, but will consume the corpse of a small animal if it finds one.

Dunsparce is a very shy pokemon, and thus is rarely spotted in the wild. When it is seen by a trainer or a big pokemon, it quickly burrows itself in the ground with its tail. A trainer will find itself shocked at Dunsparce’s ability to flee. Dunsparce can use its small wings to float for short distances, but it rarely uses this ability since it spends most of its time underground. The wings appear to be remnants of a winged ancestor that lived above ground.
Dunsparce is an exceptional user of elemental moves. With a range of attacks including flamethrower, ice beam, thunderbolt, solar beam, shadow ball and even dream eater, Dunsparce is a fierce contender for pokemon with the most versatile moveset amongst normal types, even though it is strictly outclassed by natural users of those moves. These moves are made possible by a strange organ that is present in other normal-types, but is exceptionally well developed in Dunsparce.
Although Dunsparce does not seem like it at first sight, it is able to use a plethora of moves with unmatched grace and serenity. The elegant execution of certain moves, such as headbutt, body slam and ancientpower, allows Dunsparce to greatly increase their effectiveness. Many pokemon have been left stunned by a series of moves expertly executed by Dunsparce, held back by a barrage of flinching and paralysis. The move ancientpower may unleash Dunsparce’s full potential, making him a force to be reckoned with.
Even though Dunsparce has its potential, it goes by typically unnoticed by the average trainer. Dunsparce is considered a rather dull pokemon by many, and few are willing to go through the trouble it takes to catch one. The discovery of an exclusive population of Dunsparce above ground on the Sevii Islands has fulfilled the need of most pokedex enthusiasts, making the number of active Dunsparce-seekers dwindle even further.

Pokemon League Commission notes: Class D. Although Dunsparce is an extremely rare pokemon in some parts, the reported population levels are typically stable since Dunsparce is not very sought-after. Additionally, its shyness makes for that the largest part of the population lives away from human eyes, which is enough to ensure continued Dunsparce survival.