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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Persian  (Read 4479 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Persian
« on: February 23, 2014, 10:15:19 PM »
Approved by Xetroc

Pokemon 53, Persian, Normal type, Classy Cat pokemon.

Intro: Persian is a majestic, large feline pokemon. It has light, unblemished beige fur and a black accent on the rim of it's ears. A red gem adorns the forehead, complementing the typical whiskers on Persian's face. Persian's lean muscles also allow it to walk soundlessly, and in some individuals allows Persian to be protecter from paralysis (Limber ability).*

Diet: The wild Persian keeps a typically feline diet of birds, rodents and fish. Persian kept as pets are known to have a higher standard for food, often demanding high quality cat-food, exotic birds and fish and only the most exquisite pieces of meat.

Habitat: Persian is rarely spotted outside of towns and cities. Persians have been known to lead packs of Meowth in deserted cities. However, one has a better chance of finding them being kept as pets in wealthy households.

Biology: Persian appears to be exceptionally well suited as a pet for richer individuals, Giovanni being the most well-known example. When being kept as a pet, one might even go as far as saying that Persian expects a certain social standard from its owner. Persian is known for its fickle personality, sometimes clawing and mauling its owner for little to no reason.
In contrast, Persian being kept as a pokemon for battle are much better at adapting to their owner's living standards.
The gem on Persian's forehead appears to be an evolved version of meowth's gold coin and symbolizes a higher standard of wealth. Persian is able to use the gem for moves such as hypnosis and power gem.
Where Persian was previously used in battle mostly for their speed, power and ability to use a plethora of elemental attacks, they have long since been surpassed strictly in those categories by pokemon as Porygon-Z and Tauros. Modern Persians are used for a combination of speed and trickery, such as interrupting attacks such as knock-off, fake-out, U-turn, hypnosis and taunt, in which some Persian are particularly skilled thanks to their ability Technician. Persian is typically unequalled in this category thanks to its tremendous speed.

Pokemon League Commission notes:

Class B- Rarely found in the wild on its own, Persian tends to have an alpha role in packs of Meowth. To keep peace in these populations, catching the leading Persian is not recommended. The catching of any other lonesome Persian is not restricted in any way, assuming the trainer is lucky enough to even encounter one.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 04:11:52 PM by Xetroc »

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Persian
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2014, 11:22:45 PM »
Yeah, change that part completely. Copyright can be really tricky to get around. There are lots of ways to talk about Persian, it just takes a little ingenuity. Also, note that we did balance every fully evolved pokemon up to gen V, so Persian has no problems using lumber and technician, but it does rely on trickery still. Off topic, trying to make a more direct Persian build,but that's a different story.
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Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Persian
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2014, 06:32:26 PM »
you balanced them all? wow that must've been quite a job. I'll start the editing. Will not refer to bulbapedia for pokemon descriptions from now on. Will also change absol and Qwilfish retroactively.

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Persian
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2014, 04:11:30 PM »
After considerable review, this entry has been accepted. Another good job fuzzy.
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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Persian
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2014, 01:26:09 AM »
you balanced them all? wow that must've been quite a job. I'll start the editing. Will not refer to bulbapedia for pokemon descriptions from now on. Will also change absol and Qwilfish retroactively.

Yup, and we are working on balancing gen 6 as well. You guys should check us out on our balance server sometime.
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