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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Magikarp  (Read 3100 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Magikarp
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:11:20 PM »
Pokemon #129, Magikarp, water type, Fish Pokemon.

Intro: Magikarp is a ubiquitous fish pokemon that is mostly known for its absolute lack of any skills whatsoever. Magikarp is mostly red, with yellow, crown-shaped pelvic and dorsal fins. It has two yellow whiskers on its face, and its gaze is typically set to infinity.
Magikarp's sole redeeming feature is its ability to evolve into Gyarados.

Habitat: Magikarp's presence is ubiquitous in all bodies of water. Any trainer with an old rod will undoubtebly encounter one anywhere, be it in salt or sweet water.

Diet: Magikarp eats mostly algea. It may sometimes snack upon the worm at the end of a fishing hook.

Biology: Evolution has left Magikarp as a pokemon that is utterly useless. Magikarp has a tremendous splashing ability that allows it to scale waterfalls and even mountains, but due to its inferior swimming ability, it tends to end up downstream again, unable to swim against the current. In the course of battle, any regular Magikarp will not do anything but splash around. After rigorous training, a Magikarp will learn the ability to use the move tackle, but it is typically unable to KO any opponent with it, due to its lack of power, defence and endurance.
Magikarp’s reproduction is the fastest of all pokemon. A Magikarp egg also hatches the quickest. This has allowed trainers to quickly and efficiently breed Magikarp in order to have the strongest Gyarados.
Magikarp as a prey may splash out of the water several feet, which allows predators such as Pidgeot to simply pick them out of the air. However, since Magikarp are made mostly of bones and scales, they are inedible for most pokemon, and often dropped and released again.
Magikarp is a very hardy pokemon with a terrific immune system, that allows it to live in virtually any body of water. This, in combination with their breeding rates and status as an inedible prey, has led to their omnipresence.
There have been reports of Magikarp that grew huge and were able to inflict some damage on opponents thanks to their increased physical power. These cases are very rare.
Although Magikarp are usually docile, constant pummeling and physical abuse may force it into evolution, leaving the abuser with an enraged Gyarados to deal with.
Magikarp is able to learn the move Flail at level 30. Although Magikarp's own power is too low to be of any significant use, Magikarp enthousiasts have been able to boost Magikarp's power to tremendous levels with certain battle techniques. In combination with Flail's incredible power when the user is at 1 HP, this power has wiped out entire parties. The opponents of the Magikarp were left flabberghasted and doubting their own eyes. In some cases, the shame of a Magikarp sweep will urge trainers to rethink their trainer career. Magikarp that were able to accomplish such a feat are usually dubbed Kriticarp.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D: Magikarp is ubiquitous, and even unplanned disasters that made other pokemon populations dwindle, such as pollution, have yet to have an effect on the Magikarp population.