Pokémon Universe > Pokedex Entries
Pokedex entries: Fuzzy takes requests!
Igglybuff or Cleffa, obviously the strongest pokes of the current meta.
--- Quote from: rajlev on March 28, 2014, 07:00:02 PM ---lol, it's Normal Time! naaaa, only 4 normal request... do not exaggerate... but if you want you can do my request later...although 3 of the normal pokemon request are the Ratata/raticate of their gen...
--- End quote ---
It's fine really. If I don't feel like doing the queue, I'll just do entries of pokemon I feel like. But yeah, all the normal types were a bit surprising.
I've added Tyranitar to the queue because I felt like it ;)
all requests from beyond the first generation are on hold for the time being. I've hit a little low in my motivation and I want to keep writing, but stuff like Cinccino gives me major writer's block. Full priority goes to Gen I and none-specified exceptioins which I make on a whim.
Production will probably be slow.
I would like to ask people for help, actually. I'm quite adept at writing the habitats, diet and biology of most pokemon, but the description is annoying. So if someone makes a set-up for any pokemon by writing the description, I'll gladly fill in the rest.
bump to prevent locking
Tom the Bomb:
Can you do Aerodactyl? Prehistoric pokemon can be interesting :)
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