Pokémon Universe > Pokedex Entries

Special events and or special items!

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Good day pokemon universe community, i just wanted to talk about haveing a few special events for the game when it comes out, but hey its up to the Creators of this great work in progress.  Anyway i wanted to suggest a few events for when le game come out, one of my suggestions is have a special quest that allows you to get earlier access to the exp share, or have a special quest for a Few extra pokeballs or somthing that will help the frist few people go through the very beginning a little bit quicker then normal but not somthing that just allows them to fly through it, just somthing that gives them an extra little boost for being there for the event.  That was a few idea of mine, i would like to see what other people have in mind for this kind of stuff.  Alright well i think i went on long enough i just want hear your guys opinions and what you think about this kind of thing, once again thanks for takeing your time to read this i am sure the game will come together great with everybody doing what they can!

I think this is a good idea. It's always nice to motivate people in the beginning by giving them easy access to good stuff :)

I highly doubt the exp share will be at the early - mid game. It's quite the potent item and should be reserved for later, perhaps mid-late game around the 7-9th-ish gym. Yes, in case you didn't know, there will be 18 gyms in pokemon universe, not only 8. But there for sure will be quests that give rewards such as potions, antidotes and pokeballs to help out beginning players.

Old style Exp Share or new style? Or even the horrendous old-style Exp-All? :p

Gen 6 style exp share is just waay to much. It helps with EV training your entire team at the same time but in PU we have a different EV pt system so that won't matter anyway, and the speed at which you can level pokemon with gen 6 exp share is way to fast. It will most definitely be gen 4-5 style.


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