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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Linoone for Cincy  (Read 3048 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Linoone for Cincy
« on: March 29, 2014, 11:00:28 AM »
Pokemon #264, Linoone, Normal type, Rushing pokemon.

Intro: Linoone is the evolved version of Zigzagoon, and is well-known for its urge to collect random items, much like Zigzagoon. Linoone is a slim, oblong pokemon with four feet. It has a light brown fur coat with several dark brown lines along the length of its body. One of these lines ends in a arrow on its forehead, two pass through its eyes and has a three-pronged end, and there are two more along the side of its tail. Linoone has four paws with two sharp, long claws each. Linoone has blue eyes, a black nose, and two tufts of hair on top of its head that give the impression of being ears.

Habitat: Linoone primarily lives in grasslands, although its versatile nature allows it to live in many more areas such as forests, lakesides, mountainous regions, and many more.

Diet: Linoone’s diet is very varied. It hunts rodents and other prey, catches fish in lakes with its claws, and eats berries and fruits. It is a very gluttonous pokemon that craves food most of the time.

Biology: Linoone’s signature movement is running in a straight line at a speed of 60 mph. While it can run extremely fast, it is unable to turn during a run. This makes catching prey quite troublesome. It has to slow down completely before making a turn.
Some Linoone are obsessed with collecting small objects. Wild Linoone create a stash where they place all their items, mostly spherical objects. A trainer that comes across such a stash may find very rare and valuable items, since there’s no telling what Linoone will collect. A trainer accompanied by a Linoone will find the pokemon holding on to items it found at random times between battles. Linoone may find things ranging in value from useless bottlecaps, to golden nuggets and even extremely valuable TM’s such as Earthquake. It is unknown where Linoone finds all these items, as they don’t appear to just be lying around.
As with many normal type pokemon, Linoone has a very wide range of elemental attacks it can use, although less varied than some other pokemon. It can use Ice, Electric, Water and Ghost type moves. It also learns various moves that support its item collecting nature, such as Covet, Switcheroo, Fling, Thief and Trick.
Linoone has expandable cheek pouches. It will use these most of the time to store food, so it can eat whenever it becomes hungry. Since it’s such a glutton, Linoone can often be seen refilling the pouches. It will also use them while running to store items it has found.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D. Even as an evolved pokemon, Linoone are plentiful in most areas, which makes the implementation of catching restrictions unnecessary.