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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Sentret for Raljev  (Read 3431 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Sentret for Raljev
« on: March 29, 2014, 10:50:10 AM »
Pokemon #161, Sentret, Normal type, Scout pokemon.

Intro: Sentret is a small pokemon that is known for its speed. It has a small, egg-shaped body with thick stubby arms that end in tiny, three-toed paws. It has two small three-toed feet, although it rather uses its large striped and furry tail. It has two oblong ears on top of its head. Its entire body is brown, its ears and the stripes on its tail are dark-brown and it has a light-brown ring on its tummy. Its eyes and mouth are very small.

Habitat: Sentret is well known to live in open plains, although it also appears in overgrown grasslands and meadows.

Diet: Sentret’s main diet consists from nuts, fruits and berries. It can also consume meat, but it is usually too shy to hunt.

Biology: Sentret is an extremely shy pokemon. It runs at the slightest sound or hint of oncomers. It appears to constantly fear for its life, and is not able to go to sleep alone. In groups, several Sentret always stand watch while the others sleep.
While on guard, Sentret stands on its long  tail. While doing this. it has a wide view of the area and can easily spot other pokemon and humans. When danger is spotted, Sentret uses its powerful voice to warn the others and sound the retreat.
In battle, Sentret is a very versatile pokemon. It has the ability to use a wide range of elemental attacks, such as most normal-type pokemon. It can use fire, water, electric, grass, ice-type attacks and many others. It can also surprise opponents with its speed and lithe movements, sneaking in and Sucker Punching them, or stealing their move with Me First. At a high level, Sentret develops the ability to use its powerful voice for attacking, allowing it to learn the move Hyper Voice.
Although it is hard to catch due to its shy nature, Sentret is a choice pokemon for starting trainers in the Johto region. They are easy to use and know a wide variety of useful HM moves that make it a valueable partner for many trainers. Under guidance of a trainer, many Sentret often learn to overcome their natural fear of practically everything, making it a worthy fighter. If such a trained Sentret is released by the trainer again, they mostly become pack leaders.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D: Sentret is a pokemon that is very capable of managing its own population levels, so no catching restrictions have been implemented.

Offline rajlev

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Sentret for Raljev
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 03:59:50 PM »
Exelent the two entries are complement one another... awesome work fuzzy!