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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Furret for Raljev  (Read 3385 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Furret for Raljev
« on: March 29, 2014, 10:51:20 AM »
Pokemon #162, Furret, Normal type, Long Body pokemon.

Intro: Furret is the evolved version of Sentret. It has greater speed and power than its previous form, and it has overcome most of its fears to become a capable hunter. Furret has a long, streamlined body that extends immediately into its tail. It is impossible to see where the tail starts. Its body is tan- and brown-colored. It has rings starting from the lower half of its body, all the way to the end of the tail. Above the rings are two small three phalanxed paws, that are brown at the end. It also has two tan paws three rings down the waist, with three toes each. Its face and upper body are tan-colored, while the its forehead and the back of its head are brown, with brown ears and tan tips. It has beady, cheerful eyes, a small mouth, and two brown stripes on each side of its face, similar to whiskers.

Habitat: Furret lives in open plains, tall grasslands and meadows. It builds its nest underground.

Diet: In addition to a diet of fruits and berries, Furret is also a skilled predator that hunts rodents such as Rattata.

Biology: Ferret has evolved from a shy squirrel towards a capable and forward hunter. Its increased speed and flexibility allow it to outmaneuver practically all small rodents, while allowing it to escape from everything that is bigger than itself. Furret’s long and slim body allows it to squeeze itself between all but the tightest holes. It is very fast despite its short, small paws.
It also exploits its own body shape and flexiblity by making a burrow with long, slim tunnels. No other pokemon is able to navigate the long, maze-like tunnels without getting lost or stuck in a bend. Any pokemon that is actually small enough to enter will think twice about doing so, because a hungry Furret may be waiting inside.
Inside the burrow, nests of Sentret are usually hiding from the outside world until they are big enough to live on their own. In order to cradle them to sleep, Furret surrounds them with its entire body.
In combat, Furret has the same versatility in elemental moves as Sentret and other normal-type pokemon. In addition to Sentret’s moves, it is also able to learn Strength, which increases its use for any trainer even more.
Although Furret does not look like it, it is a powerful swimmer that is able to pull trainers along that cling to its body.

Pokemon League Commision notes:
Class D: Furret is a pokemon that is quite uncommon in most areas. However, most regions do not reinforce laws that prohibit catching, since Furret’s mazelike burrows are impossible for most pokemon to safely enter, which allows Furret to stay safe from most trainers. This prevents the need for any regulatory interference.

Offline rajlev

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Furret for Raljev
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 03:51:36 PM »
Great! i love it... Thanks...