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Favorite Web Browser

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My favorite browser would have to be Safari.
Even though I'm a PC, it's still insanely fast, never crashes (at least for me).
The tabs react, I rarely ever lag (unlike when I use FireFox).
I just lurv it. : ).
Though! Recently I've been using this browser called Flock.
It's pretty much an alternative to FireFox. Built on the same code, except Flock is built
around social networking. So it's a lot easier to sign into your accounts and such.
And, it's faster than FireFox. : ).
Insane right?! : D.

Safari all day. because that's what macs are build for usually.  ;D

i dont realy care. as long as im on.

I use Firefox Minefield (latest; not released yet). Though there's an issue needing fixing hence I use Chromium for now. But Firefox is really great with all the extensibility and flexibility.

Here's how my Firefox setup looks:

--- Quote from: Jerry on January 16, 2010, 03:02:27 PM ---I tried Chrome, not too bad either, but I'm sticking to Firefox for the simple fact that it has not been released for Linux yet. My XP just crashed and required formatting too often...

--- End quote ---

A beta exists for Linux, or you can use Chromium which is what Chrome is based on.


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