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Author Topic: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation  (Read 12984 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« on: April 11, 2014, 03:02:49 PM »
Part 1: Obtaining access to the ancient ruins!

You start out at a archeologist who blocks the way to ancient ruins. When you speak to him:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, where do you think you’re going? We don’t just let anyone visit these ruins! People with no heart for archeology would only damage these ruins. If you want to show your dedication to archeology, go fill this up *He gives you a pokedex upgrade for individual Unown forms*. If you manage to catch and index all 28 Unown, I’ll acknowledge you as an archeologist and grant you access to these ancient ruins!

Are you kidding me?! All 28 Unown? Forget it…
Answer: Well, you’re not getting in until you do.
Well, I guess I’d better get started…
Answer: Good luck with your efforts!
Near the ancient ruins, the Unown shrine can be found with different levels of Unown, and different rarities of letters. Catching all of them will be quite the arduous task.

Once you have completed the Unown Pokedex:
Hey, very well done kid, this must’ve taken you quite a while huh? When someone puts in this much effort, just to see these ruins, I can’t help but oblige! I hereby grant you access to the ancient ruins!
Be wary of what you find inside. Great tragedy has befallen this civilisation, and you will find human remains inside, as well as traces of the causes of death. You can also find Natu in the patch of grass, which is a good pokemon, if you want to learn more about what happened. Its evolved form even see where the most important events happened.

On the ruins site, there will be 5 small pyramids that are empty inside, and one big pyramid that is inaccessible. When you have Xatu, it will emerge from its pokeball and follow you around inside the ruins site. When you enter the small pyramids, Xatu will walk to the middle and gaze intently. If you talk to Xatu, the following prompts will appear depending on the pyramid:
Xatu is staring into the past. It appears a great tragedy has befallen the people inside this pyramid. The markings on the wall indicate that there once was a great flood...
Xatu is staring into the past. It appears a great tragedy has befallen the people inside this pyramid. The damage to the entrance show it was once blocked by a big boulder, before the pyramid ceiling collapsed...
Xatu is staring into the past. It appears a great tragedy has befallen the people inside this pyramid. The floor of the pyramid appears to have caved in at one time, burying the people inside...
Xatu is staring into the past. It appears a great tragedy has befallen the people inside this pyramid. The inside of the pyramid appear undamaged. Upon closer inspection, the walls appear to be flawless. The people trapped inside had no way of leaving…
Xatu is staring into the past. It appears a great tragedy has befallen the people inside this pyramid. Many thick vines grow in this cave. A sudden burst in growth would leave the people inside trapped...
When you have investigated all the pyramids, the archeologist will talk to you

“I see you’ve investigated all the ruins. I can tell you that these ruins were once populated by a great people. Calamity befell them after an earthquake and a flood, which caused all civilians to lose their lives in several circumstances. Upon losing his people, the King took his own life… It’s a great loss to this world that we no longer have these people. If only there was a way to go back in time to save them…”

If you have completed the quest chain [Celebi, Guardian of the Ancient Forest], you can start the second part of this quest.

The second part of this quest will start when you travel to Celebi’s Shrine in the Ancient Forest. After hearing the story of the Archeologist, Celebi will be waiting for a second adventure with you! If you talk to Celebi, you will get the following message:
“Celebi is looking into your eyes, and you feel like it wants to go to the Ancient Ruins. Have Celebi Teleport you to the Ruins?”
Yes (Quest part 2 will start)
No (Nothing happens)

Part 2 of the Quest: Saving the people!
Celebi will follow you inside the ruins. If you try to leave the Ruins site with Celebi, you will get the following message:

“Celebi only wants to see the ruins. Do you really want to leave the ruins?”
Yes (Celebi will return to Celebi’s Shrine)
No (You turn around and stay inside the ruins site)

If you have Xatu with you, it will also follow you. A small skit between Celebi and Xatu will start, which you cannot understand. They then both follow you around. If you enter a small pyramid, Xatu will do its routine of standing in the middle, but Celebi will talk to you:

“Celebi! Cel Celebi Celebi! Celebi Celebi?”
Yes (You will time-travel with Celebi to the past, at the time of the tragedy)
No (Nothing happens untill you exit and re-enter the small pyramid)

Depending on which small pyramid you entered, different requirements are necessary to progress the quest. The following happens in each of the pyramids. In any case, travelling to the past will cause a timer of 10 minutes to start running. If time passes, you will get the following message:

“Sensing the great calamity about to befall the people in here, Celebi quickly travels you and your pokemon back to safety. You did not succeed at rescue, but you may try again later.”


You end up on a small island with a small crowd of people. Water is running in from the inside of the pyramid. If you try to use Surf, a prompt will appear:
“As you step on [Pokemon using Surf], the crowd of people tries to get onto [Pokemon using Surf]. The following two things can happen:
[Pokemon using Surf] is not big enough (Smaller than Lapras) to hold all the people, and starts sinking. You end up in the water, and start getting dragged down by struggling people. Celebi quickly rescues you and travels back to the present.
[Pokemon using Surf] is more than big enough (At least as big as Lapras) to hold all people. You safely manage to get all people out of the pyramid. You are thanked excessively, and the leader of the people apologizes for his people’s behaviour. You are given [5 Gold Nuggets]. Celebi travels back to the present.
If the second option happened, the Pyramid will be restored and will have people living in there. One of them will sell you berries cheaply, and one will say: “We are descendants of the last people surviving the Great Calamity. We’re struggling to keep our people alive from day to day…” (since you have only saved people from 1 pyramid)

2.   You find yourself inside a semi-collapsed cavern. There is a small cutscene that shows the pyramid rumbling. There are about 20 people inside. The exit is blocked by a huge rock. If you examine it, and you have a pokemon with just Strength or just Rock Smash, the following prompts will appear:
[Pokemon using Strength] uses Strength. The rock is way too big to just move out of the way…
[Pokemon using Rock Smash] uses Rock Smash. The rock is too sturdy. Your pokemon is smashing the rock with all its might, but you seem to be making little progress…
Doing these will not get you and the people out of the cave, and time will run out, forcing Celebi to bring you back to the present.
[Pokemon with Strength and Rock Smash] can use both Rock Smash and Strength. Would you like to try and use both at once?
[Pokemon’s strength is less than 200]: Your pokemon uses both moves, and manages to get the rock out of place a bit. However, since it’s not strong enough, it can’t get through fast enough… The rock crumbles above you… Celebi brings you back to the present.
[Pokemon’s strength is more than 200]: Your pokemon combines both moves, and with an enormous blow, smashes the huge rock out of the way!!! You clear the way for the people inside, who flee quickly. Just after you exit the Pyramid, the entrance collapses completely. The people thank you, and you are given [3 Starf Berry]. Celebi brings you back to the present.
If you managed to save the people in the past, the pyramid will be restored and have people living in it. They will sell fresh water, soda pop, lemonade and moomoo milk. Other people will say: “We are among the descendants of the people surviving the Great Calamity. Although many of our people have perish ages ago, there’s still some of us left. We’re doing decently.” (since you have saved people from 2 pyramids).

3.    You find yourself in a relatively unharmed pyramid with about 30 people in it, with the exit blocked with moving vines, which have poisonous thorns and grow inside. You can try to use Cut at the vines. If you do, the following prompts will appear:
[Pokemon’s speed is < than 200]: [Pokemon using Cut] slashes away at the vines, but for some reason, they grow back immediately. Your pokemon is unable to create an opening… Time runs out, and Celebi brings you back to the present.
[Pokemon’s speed => 200]: Although it takes a bit of effort, [Pokemon using Cut] manages to slash away the vines fast enough to create an opening! You and the people inside the Pyramid manage to escape! After escaping, the people give you [5 Rare Candy]. Celebi brings you back to the present.
If you managed to get the people out, the pyramid will be restored and have people living in it. People in this pyramid will offer services that make your pokemon more friendly. If you talk to bystanders, they will say: “We are ancestors of the people surviving the Calamity (note its no longer the Great Calamity since more than half of the population survived). Ages ago, our people were struck by disaster, but somehow, more than half of us managed to survive. (Since you saved people from 3 pyramids).

4.   You find yourself in a blocked pyramid with loose earth. In here, there will be a lot of people, as with all the other Pyramids. If you talk to some people, they will give you hints such as “The ground is very loose here. I wish we had some way to dig ourselves out…” If you order a pokemon to use Dig, you and all the people inside the pyramid will escape. One of the people will give you a [Relic Staff], which you can sell for a lot of money. Celebi will return you to the present.
If you managed to get the people out before time ran out, the pyramid will be restored and have more people living in it. The people inside will have a Move Tutor amongst them, who will teach your pokemon the elemental punches, as well as other exotic moves.
Bystanders will say: “Our rich culture is a heritage from the people who survived the Calamity. Ages ago, our people were struck by disaster. However, by divine intervention, most of us have were saved and didn’t lose their lives (Since you saved people from 4 pyramids)

5.   You find yourself in a flawless pyramid with no way outside. You honestly haven’t the faintest clue how to get outside. None of your pokemon’s HM’s will be of any use here. If you talk to Celebi, the following prompt will appear depending on how many Pyramids you’ve cleared:
[3 or less Pyramids cleared] Celebi’s doesn’t appear to have a clue what to do. Travel back to the present? (Yes/No, yes will take you back to the present).
[4 Pyramids cleared] Celebi’s eyes are gleaming! Ask Celebi for help? (Yes/no)
No: You don’t ask Celebi for help. Go back to the present instead? (Yes/No)
Yes: Celebi starts to glow! Celebi uses its psychic powers to create an opening in the flawless wall, bringing everyone inside the pyramid to safety! After the escape, the leader of the people will talk to you:
It’s A Miracle! A Great Calamity was about to befall our people, but you managed to save every single person here! Truly you are the Legendary Hero, being at 5 places at once! You are our Savior! Truly we are a Blessed People, for the heavens have sent us a Savior in our time of need! This must mean there’s no end to what we can achieve together! Our King will be wanting to talk to you! Before you can do so, Celebi, worn out from the effort, brings you back to the present.

After saving all people form the 5 Pyramids, upon coming back to the present, The entire ruins site will be empty. All pyramids will be broken and empty. If you go back to the archeologist, he’ll tell you the following story:

“Ages ago, a Great Calamity struck the people of this civilisation. A legendary hero came forth from the heavens, and all of the people were saved. After this event, the King thought his people were blessed by the heavens, and he set out on a conquest for absolute greatness. He invoked the power of Groudon and Kyogre, not knowing he could not control their awesome powers. Their powers got completely out of hand, and wiped out the entire civilisation. The ruins are mostly rubble now, but there is still something from the central Pyramid left. You could go check it out if you wanted to.
If you now go check out the middle Pyramid, Xatu will walk up the steps (only halfway, since the top of the pyramid is inaccessible) and will stare into the past. If you examine him, you will get the following prompt:
Xatu is staring into the past more intently than ever. It appears the greatest calamity happened here. Would you like to travel to the past? (Yes/No) If you say yes, the final part of this Quest will start.

Part 3: The Foolish King and his Illusions of Grandeur!

When you travel back to the past, you will stand on the steps of the Great Pyramid. It is now about one year later from the previous calamity, and you can walk around the city and talk to people. They will talk to you about the King’s great plans and their future conquest. They will also recognise you as the legendary hero, and thank you for your efforts and give you nuggets and berries randomly.
If you climb up the steps of the Pyramid, a cutscene will start.
King: “Ah! If it isn’t the Legendary Hero! After you vanished last year after saving all of us, you hadn’t given us the chance to properly thank you! You should definitely take a walk around and see what my people have for you!”
Yeah, I’ll go do just that! (You can continue to walk around the city)
That’s not why I’m here…(Conversation continues)
“Ah! In that case, you must’ve heard about my great conquest! Yes, yes, indeed. Did you know that our people have been the guardians of the Legendary Pokemon of Land and Sea? We are! For years, we have guarded the legendary Blue Orb and the Red Orb, worshipping them in the hope of keeping them safe. My ancestors were always scared of the power of the Orbs, saying we should not use them, since Calamity will surely befall us if we do! Even though we did not use them for hundreds of years, Calamity still struck our people. And look at us now! What happened? Our people are as strong as ever! We survived the Calamity with zero casualties! Surely we are a people blessed by the Heavens! I have since then, dreamed of spreading our greatness to other lands, granting them with our blessing! With the power of the Legendary Pokemon, we can do just that! You, the Legendary Hero of the Heavens, are you with us?”
You’re out of your mind! I’m here to stop you! (go to the battle conversation)
That sounds pretty good actually, let’s do this! (go to the other conversation)

Other conversation:
“Haha! I knew you would help us in our quest! Now watch, as I summon the great legendary pokemon!” The King walks up to the Red and the Blue orb,

Battle conversation:
“What did you just call me? I will show you the power of our people. I will surpass the Legendary Hero, and become the Legendary King instead!
Celebi is raring to go! Would you like to use Celebi for this battle? (Yes/No) (If you choose Yes, you can use Celebi for this battle.)
King’s Pokemon:
Groudon lvl 80
Impish nature
Ability: Drought

Kyogre lvl 80
Calm nature
Ability: Drizzle
Water Spout
Ice Beam
Calm Mind
Water Pulse/Thunder (Dunno how difficult you want to make this battle :p)

Your Celebi:
Ability: Natural Cure
Solar Beam (LOL Heavy damage on Groudon because Drought)
Leech Seed

If you lose the battle, Celebi will simply travel you back to the present, and nothing will have changed in the Ancient Ruins.
If you win the battle, Groudon and Kyogre will be gone, and the King will black out. If you investigate the King, it will say:
Although the King has lost the battle, he still appears to be dreaming of greatness and conquering distant lands…
It doesn’t appear you can stop the King from dreaming right now…
Would you like to have [Pokemon with Dream Eater] use Dream Eater? (Yes/No) If you choose Yes, go to Ending 1:
Would you like to send out Darkrai? (Yes/No) Yes: Go to Ending 2.
If you are unable to stop the King’s Dreams, you will simply return to the present, feeling accomplished. Upon your return, you will notice that nothing has changed since your last trip to the past. You can simply take a trip back to the past and try again. If you talk to the archeologist, he will explain:
“Years ago, this ancient civilisation was destroyed by the ambition of the foolish King, who dreamed of reaching absolute supremacy by using the power of the Legendary Pokemon. The Legendary Hero was unable to stop the King’s foolish dreams. After his first defeat, the King simply tried again and again… I wonder if there was any way to stop the King’s dreams…”

Ending 1: After [Pokemon with Dream Eater] eats the King’s dreams, the King’s dreams vanish from his mind. His illusions of grandeur, and his ambition also disappear. The screen whites out, and after fade-in, you see the King wake up. He talks to you: “It appears you truly are the Legendary Hero… Somehow, I don’t feel like going on a great conquest anymore… It has become clear to me that protecting my people and our great civilisation is the most important thing for me and my bloodline. My ancestors were right about the legendary pokemon… I still feel we are a blessed people, but only because we had you to save us and show us the proper way.”
The King orders his servants to make a portrait of you and your pokemon. “This way, we’ll remember you and your heroics forever! Since you are truly the Legendary Hero, I shall grant you access to the Red Orb and the Blue Orb, you will surely use the power of the Legendary pokemon better than I ever could.” Celebi brings you back to the present, and flies off into the horizon. You know that Celebi will come to your aid should you ever need him.

Ending 2 (Only accessible if you happen to be doing a quest that requires you to use Darkrai at that time): After sending out Darkrai, the King’s calm and ambitious grimace disappears, and a scared look draws upon his face. The longer you watch, the more agonised the King gets. He starts sleeping restlessly, yelling out “No… No… NOOOO!!!” The King jumps up and appears to be wide awake. Tears are running down his cheeks, and he cries: “Forgive me! Please, forgive me… I had no idea what my ambitions would do to my people. For the past year, I have had dreams of hope and glory, showing me what I could accomplish… But this last dream… It was the worst nightmare I’ve ever had! It showed me the ruins of my country, the dead bodies of my people, the end of my bloodline! I now realize that I have been a fool! The powers of the Legendary Pokemon are far greater than what I may hope to control… Legendary Hero, I thank you for stopping me before it was too late. My ancestors were right about the legendary pokemon… I still feel we are a blessed people, but only because we had you to save us and show us the proper way.”
The King orders his servants to make a statue of you and your pokemon. “This way, we’ll remember you and your heroics forever! Since you are truly the Legendary Hero, I shall grant you access to the Red Orb and the Blue Orb, you will surely use the power of the Legendary pokemon better than I ever could.” Celebi brings you back to the present, and flies off into the horizon. You know that Celebi will come to your aid should you ever need him.

After returning to the present, the entire town will be restored. All pyramids will have many people inside, and many shops will be present allowing you to buy all sorts of exotic goods and exclusive services. All previously restored pyramids and their dwellers will be there, as well as another one that offers to reset the stat points/EV’s/Whatever of one of your pokemon per day.
You can now go up to the top of the Great Pyramid. There, the Blue and Red Orb will be enshrined, unlocking future quests that require Kyogre and Groudon.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 09:21:11 AM by fuzzy3158 »

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Re: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2014, 12:55:45 AM »
I like it, it kind of reminds me of the ruins in HeartGold and SoulSilver (not sure if they were in the original gold and silver, as I have not played that far into the game). I think the stat requirements are a tad high, but it might not be a problem since this is obviously intended for high level pokemon. I guess it depends on how the game's stat system will work.

Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2014, 01:10:51 AM »
I like it, it kind of reminds me of the ruins in HeartGold and SoulSilver (not sure if they were in the original gold and silver, as I have not played that far into the game). I think the stat requirements are a tad high, but it might not be a problem since this is obviously intended for high level pokemon. I guess it depends on how the game's stat system will work.

Yeah, this is definitely inspired by the Ruins of Alph for a part. I think the difficulty of this quest is not that high, lvl 60 Tyranitar can easily have 200 Strength ;) But yeah, like you say, that definitely depends on the game's stat system. I don't really know anything about how that works, so I just thought up something and went with it.
What I'm hoping for mostly, is that I nailed the use of Legendary pokemon in this quest.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2014, 01:15:04 AM »
I really like the story, and like Toast said the only thing I see wrong is the requirements but those can be tweaked. Really nice  :D

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« Reply #4 on: April 12, 2014, 01:39:40 AM »
When you mention "power" do you mean only physical strength(attack) or do you mean physical and special(Special attack)

If this is meant for higher level Pokemon then I see no problem with the attack requirement of 200. Many physical  Pokemon reach this attack stat around level 60-70.

Just for future refrense the stats Pokemon have are:
Hit Points
Special attack
Special defense
Team Attack Coverage Calculator
Damage Calculator
"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."

Offline fuzzy3158

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Re: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2014, 09:24:40 AM »
When you mention "power" do you mean only physical strength(attack) or do you mean physical and special(Special attack)

If this is meant for higher level Pokemon then I see no problem with the attack requirement of 200. Many physical  Pokemon reach this attack stat around level 60-70.

Just for future refrense the stats Pokemon have are:
Hit Points
Special attack
Special defense

Yeah that should definitely be Attack. I honestly have no idea how I got that wrong, I've been playing pokemon since the very beginning with Red and Blue, and done my fair share of IV-breeding, EV-grinding and what not. Not to sound like an ass, but I KNOW what the 6 pokemon stats are :p I gues I kinda lost track of details after writing this much... Well, no worries about that. I'm glad you like the rest :)

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Re: [Quest] The revival of an Ancient Civilisation
« Reply #6 on: April 12, 2014, 03:59:23 PM »
Indeed I did like it. I think it will make a great chain quest and I can't wait to do it. I'm sure you know, I just added it for future reference for other people as well. :)

Cool, I have been playing since red and blue as well and have been a competitive player since gen 2 since gen 1 didn't really have a competitive side to it all too much. It was mostly "get alakazam or mewtwo and win" xD
Team Attack Coverage Calculator
Damage Calculator
"Gimmicks only get you so far in a fight without the skill set to back them up."