Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day

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Steven and Joseph

Steven had been leading Sascha into town, they planned to stop in Cottonwood Cove, and had for once, managed to make it on time. Joseph had gone on ahead, and giving Steven the go ahead, meaning no bounty's on them here...Yet. As they walked into town, Joseph started asking questions, something he didn't do much.

"So, what alias do you go by for here? I know Searchlight is Discord, and-" Joseph was cut off quickly, Steven shaking his head.

While Steven was quick to hush him, to even cut him off. Steven talked as he continued to lead the Brahmin through town. "I don't go by one 'ere. I started that thing way after I visited here, and while it ain't home, it's close. I used to come down here to sell things all the time, no way I could start using an alias after that."

Joseph shrugged it off, it was sort of odd to see him go by his real name, but also sort of refreshing.

[SIINTCA, sorry for the short post, being rushed by family members.]

@ Warren

A low growl, and a high pitched howl could be heard nearby. Modeus looked around cautiously. He could sense something nearby. A pack of Coyotes, four to five strong, hungry and desperate, were closing in on the wanderer. Modeus let out a warning bark to his master.

@ Wolf

A nearby farmer noticed a strange formation as he tended to his Bighorners.  He walked slowly, and realized it to be a young girl. He carefully picked her up, and carried her to the doc's house. Upon entering, Sunny Smiles was getting a quick check-up, but promptly moved once the farmer came in.

"I found her out near my fields. She isn't moving.

The doc, new to town, but good in his field, examined her. Still breathing, but labored. He went right to work to save her.

(Lubbies, you can wake at any moment after everyone else posts)

@ Steven and Joseph

A man, hopped up on psycho and buffout, attacked the caravan with a super sledge.


Cilus noticed another legionary nearby. It was John, with his pet bear. Cilus was sure the legion would make it food once it got big enough. He decided to pass the time by talking with John, at least for a moment.

"Ave, true to Ceasar. What are you doing up this early?"

Cilus took note of the yao gua, and felt a little unnerved to be near such a massive beast.


John was approached  by one of the new recruits, Cilus, asking him what he was doing so early. John didn't really know Cilus to well and was pretty surprised to see him up this early too. He could see Cilus trying to keep some space between him and Bane, it was pretty natural yao gaui weren't a common sight in the wasteland.

"I'm usually up by the crack of dawn. I thought I'd just have Bane go out see what he could find near by."

Saying that the mantis leg he was grilling finished and he decided to help himself to it.

Warren dropped his heavy pack slowly, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his roll of boxing tape. He wrapped each of his hands tightly from knuckle to wrist, then assumed the single stance of Thai. He placed his right leg forward with his right heel lifted slightly off the ground, left leg farther backed and turned partially.

Muscles tense and ears perked, the wanderer waited for his enemies. Two of them appeared a few moments after Modeus' warning, eyes glowing red and frame lean from starvation. Warren could see from their actions he would not be able to just scare them away, they would have to be killed. That is most likely for the best, he told himself, the creatures are starving and unable to support themselves in this environment.

"Ah!" Warren was broken from his pondering as the two creatures lunged, strong hind legs carrying them towards him, aimed at his neck and leg. He retaliated brutally, moving his right leg forward and swinging his elbow in a horizontal blow, twisting his shoulders and hips to achieve full power. The powerful strike smashed into the coyotes neck and set it flying backwards, whimpering feebly and attempting to breath.

The other didn't reach him, caught in mid air by a bulky mass of black fur. They tussled briefly on the ground before Modeus pinned the smaller creature down and sank his jaws into its throat, tearing it out mercilessly. The coyote died quickly and the cyberdog turned to check on his master, steel-and-fur muzzle painted with blood and lips drawn into a snarl.

"Be ready, Modeus. They can travel in packs of up to fifteen."

The two companions remained ready, but only two more coyotes showed up to be quickly dispatched. Warren was the only one to receive any sort of injury, a small and shallow scrape on his shin. Modeus licked the wound gently until the wandered pushed him away and ripped a piece of his shirt off to tie around the small wound.

The two swept the area one last time, then Warren reached into his coat and pulled out a cigarette. From his other he extracted a worn silver lighter and lit up, inhaling deeply and then blowing out a large ring of smoke. From around the butt of his cigarette, he muttered, "It's a  damn shame we had to kill them."

His companion barked in agreement.

@ Silene

The soldier gets a strange feeling "Your rifle......" On top of that, she gets another sensation to collect an inventory list as soon as she gets to Aeortech.

(Blades, Aerotech houses weapons, ammo, food, and medical supplies. Nothing fancy.)


Before Cilus could respond, his contact appeared.

"You, scouts, by orders of Lanius, you are to go to Vault 34 and bring back information. We want to know if any of the other factions have set up an outpost. Under no circumstance are you to enter the vault. Now get out of my sight before I have you fed to the Mongrels.

"Wait, scouts? I thought this was supposed to be my mission?"

"I know of you, marked one. I'm making sure you don;t mess this up. You, with the bear, keep an eye on him."

The contact left them to get with their mission.

"Damn it all! I am getting sick of being treated like a dog! You, stay out of my way, I'll handle this myself."

Cilus began to head out for the vault. The Gnome appeared again.

So, that was different. Finally decided to become interesting?"

"Not now Gnome!"

The Gnome disappeared once more, with a chuckle.


Salvador had just finished jury-rigging a part for the vertibird. He was rewarded with extra food rations.

"I should see if I can contact Warren... I'll let him come to me. Man travels everywhere."

He returned to his shop to continue what he did first, and that was to locate that part, again, and loosen it without breaking it, hopefully.


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