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Author Topic: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day  (Read 18127 times)

Offline Tickles

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[RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« on: April 16, 2014, 10:15:02 PM »
Fallout Severed Vegas

War. War never changes.

Twenty years after The Legion was defeated at Hoover Damn by Courier 6, and the NCR was told to leave the Mojave, the two factions have returned to reclaim what they believe is rightfully theirs. Scattered armies began to take hold of territories across the Mojave.

These were just the beginning of the new struggles that faced the untamed west, as the rise of the Enclave meant increasing their influence. Talon Company piggy backed off of them, and seen a vast land with new opportunities for making money. A faction scuffle ensued, territories were won, and enough blood was spilled to paint the desert red. All sides came to an agreement to leave territories as is, and the Mojave Treaty was formed. But tensions would rise once the single most valuable resource, energy, would be wanted by every faction in The Mojave, and a faction war is on the horizon once again.

But war never changes.


Take the role of a citizen of one of the many factions, fight for survival, and win glory for your people. Or take on the role of a Wastelander, living by your own rules, and taking no masters. You do what you must in a near lawless wasteland. That is how things go in this world.

Role play Mechanics

-There is a day/night system. During the day, it will be really hot out. It never rains in the Mojave thanks to the nuclear bombs. During the night, temperatures will drop to freezing levels. It is advised you prepare for this drastic shift in weather wherever you are.

-Trade uses the value of what you have on hand. Caps are hard to keep track of in an RP, so you must find items to trade for more items. Merchant's can be found in every major town.

- You must eat and drink regularly, and get enough sleep. If you do not, your characters health will deteriorate, and their actions may become more sluggish and dangerous. Further refusal to meet these needs may result in death.

-Your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. combined with your skills will determine how events will turn out. The GM is the only one that can make these happen.

-Factions tend to hate each other, but are at a mutual agreement not to attack each other for fear of annihilation. If you kill anyone belonging to a faction, you are automatically hated by that faction until evidence can prove it was not a random occurrence.

Roleplay Rules

-All posts are required to be a full paragraph, or four complete sentences in length. Dialogue does not have to be a complete sentence, but it must make sense. Any post that does not meet this requirement will be requested to edit. Refusal to edit will result in either a mod making the edit, removal of the post, or being kicked from the RP.

-GM events will be given out to players with very little information. This is to leave room for creativity. If the GM says that you wonder upon a locked container near dead bodies, you have a choice to make, and you must meet the post requirement.

-There will be no post that says "I wait for my foes actions." This can drag on an event for far too long. You must make a valid action for your foe to respond. For instance, you get shot at, you take cover, reload your gun, and return fire within a couple posts. You do not take cover, then wait. The GM has all right to skew an encounter to force you to make a valid action.

-You must keep a "Backpack post" in the OOCC. This post will contain all items you find throughout the RP. You must keep this up to date. Copy the link to your post so you can edit it regularly.

JerryEdit: Approved
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 06:04:03 PM by Xetroc »
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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2014, 04:09:36 AM »
It was a hot day in the Mojave, no hotter than any day, but hot enough to make only those that prefer to be shut-ins stay that way. The barren landscape was quiet, save for the few geckos and bloatflies that seemed to enjoy ambushing travelers. At least there was some peace. The faction's haven't been in any conflict for almost six months, and the news travelling across the radio waves was more about local economics, and stories of intrigue. Of course, things are not always as they seem on the outside.


Sal was working in his small shop. He was busy trying to remove a good part from a bus that one of the squads brought in. Took them three days to get it to searchlight, and it was covered in bulletholes. This was the last usable part he could find, and it would prove useful for one of the generators if they happen to break down. Just as he was removing the last screw, his officer approached him.

"Salvador, stop what you're doing. I have a new assignment for you."

Sal let out a sigh, as he was very close to getting what he needed, but he obeyed without question, turning to his commanding officer with a prompt salute.

"Yes sir, what is my assignment, sir?"

"We need you on Vertibird detail again. Blasted recruits somehow broke number seven. That one is already on its last leg, but we can't afford to lose another. Get it running shape asap. Undersood?"

With that, the officer saluted, and left. Sal grabbed his tools, and his hammer, and made way to the hangers. He found the number seven, and things looked normal. He got right to work, examining the interior.


Cilus woke up in his tent near Callville. He was told to stay there until further orders were given. Of course, he was up before the other members of his pitiful squad. Mostly new recruits, but they had the chance to rise the ranks. Not that Cilus didn't, he would just have to prove his worth. He looked around and seen no signs of danger, that is, until is little friend showed up.

"Cilus, why don't you go back to sleep. Take a load off. No one has came here in three days, there's nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine.

"Easy for you to say Gnome. You get to prance around carefree. I have important business to attend to."

"What, sit around all day? Eat your fill of beans and gecko steaks? Aren't you bored? Don't you want to play?"

"I don't want to play any of your stupid games. Now, begone!"

"Fine, fine. You're boring Cilus. Just know that."

The Gnome disappeared behind a rock. Cilus would discover where he went eventually, but he needed to wait for further orders. Something about today was giving him a new sense of importance.
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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2014, 06:20:36 AM »
Silene was repairing her Sniper Rifle. She had disassembled it and was busying trying to set the internal hammer back into place. She had broken it at the shooting range firing the gun too quickly, and it was proving difficult to fix. "Just a little bit more... Ha!" With a twist of her thumb the hammer snacked into place, and she pumped her fist in triumph then began to reassemble the gun. Right as she laid the gun down, fully put together, someone tapped er on the shoulder.

She jumped in surprise, whirling around to find herself face-to-face with the brick wall that was Sergeant Miggory. She jumped up and quickly saluted. "Sorry, sir! I did not see you come in, sir!"

The Sergeant waved off the apology, speaking slowly and deliberately when he responded. "At ease, Private Nicole. You've done nothing wrong, I just came to give you your new assignment." The sniper relaxed and dropped her hand to her side, thankful the Sergeant spoke so slowly. It was hard to read his lips with how tall he was. "You are to travel northeast a ways to Aerotech and take inventroy. Understood?"

Silene nodded.

"Good, Christmas!" She blinked once in confusion, then once in aggravation. He must have meant dismissed, she realized, then blushed in embarrassment and hurried off. She still needed to work on reading lips a bit.... (It would not be until she was at the gates of the camp she would realize she had forgotten her rifle in her haste.)

Warren rose with the sun. He busied himself sparking a fire and preparing the last of the rations for breakfast, a large meal like always to satisfy his mechanical companions gluttonous needs. He was reminded of said companion when the stocky dog brushed up against him, sniffing at the fire and barking eagerly.

"Enjoy it, it's the last of the food. We won't eat again until we reach Novac this evening." The wanderer scratched Modeus neck just behind where his steel jaw fused with flesh, muttering to himself, "Rations would last a lot longer if you didn't eat so much, but at least you aren't picky..." The dog waggled its stump in agreement.

When breakfast was done Warren divvied up the food. He dug out a small trench in the sand, deep enough to reach a bit of solid dirt, and poured nearly a gallon of water into the hole. It would sink into the dirt if left long enough, but Modeus would see to it that the water was gone long before that happened. Then he tossed the dog a large chunk of meat, keeping a chunk for himself along with his small container of water.

They ate in relative silence. When the meal was done Warren sent Modeus off to scout ahead and began cleaning up the camp. He piled the scraps of the meal into the hole he had dug out for water and filled it in, doused the smoldering remnants of the fire, and finally packed up what little supplies he carried. It was still early morning when he finished packing up and set off after his companion, the desert sun beating down on him.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 06:56:02 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2014, 04:15:33 PM »
Wolf sat silently under a small overhang in Goodsprings, her head pounding from the heat. She spotted a radroach scuttling from rock to rock, undesirable but it would have to do. She approached the radroach, her bear trap fist armed, once she was close enough, she slammed her fist down on its back and the bear trap clenched shattering the insect's outer shell and severing the meat inside.


Wolf could only pick out a bite of the meat but the rest was ruined. It was at this time she concluded that venturing into the town was inevitable. She began to travel in the direction of the town but her vision blurred and she clumsily fell to the ground. Panic rose inside her and tears welled in her eyes, no, if she passed out here that would be the end. She slowly got up and found the strength to run but unfortunately she lost her footing and tripped, slamming her head on a large rock... Everything went black.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2014, 11:00:06 PM »

Outside next to a camp fire in Callville John waits idly by. The cries of a beast can be heard approaching and a smile shows on John's as he crouches down. Before him is his faithful companion Bane with a dead mantis carcass in his mouth.

"Good boy."

John pats Bane on the head as a reward for his findings and after tearing off a leg for himself to eat tosses the rest of the of the bug's body into a dog bowl for Bane to eat. As John cooks his mantis leg over the fire Bane feast on his own meal.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2014, 11:46:11 PM by Humen »
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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2014, 04:47:51 PM »
Steven and Joseph

Steven had been leading Sascha into town, they planned to stop in Cottonwood Cove, and had for once, managed to make it on time. Joseph had gone on ahead, and giving Steven the go ahead, meaning no bounty's on them here...Yet. As they walked into town, Joseph started asking questions, something he didn't do much.

"So, what alias do you go by for here? I know Searchlight is Discord, and-" Joseph was cut off quickly, Steven shaking his head.

While Steven was quick to hush him, to even cut him off. Steven talked as he continued to lead the Brahmin through town. "I don't go by one 'ere. I started that thing way after I visited here, and while it ain't home, it's close. I used to come down here to sell things all the time, no way I could start using an alias after that."

Joseph shrugged it off, it was sort of odd to see him go by his real name, but also sort of refreshing.

[SIINTCA, sorry for the short post, being rushed by family members.]
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 04:50:20 PM by GameBoy Advanced »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2014, 05:38:06 PM »
@ Warren

A low growl, and a high pitched howl could be heard nearby. Modeus looked around cautiously. He could sense something nearby. A pack of Coyotes, four to five strong, hungry and desperate, were closing in on the wanderer. Modeus let out a warning bark to his master.

@ Wolf

A nearby farmer noticed a strange formation as he tended to his Bighorners.  He walked slowly, and realized it to be a young girl. He carefully picked her up, and carried her to the doc's house. Upon entering, Sunny Smiles was getting a quick check-up, but promptly moved once the farmer came in.

"I found her out near my fields. She isn't moving.

The doc, new to town, but good in his field, examined her. Still breathing, but labored. He went right to work to save her.

(Lubbies, you can wake at any moment after everyone else posts)

@ Steven and Joseph

A man, hopped up on psycho and buffout, attacked the caravan with a super sledge.


Cilus noticed another legionary nearby. It was John, with his pet bear. Cilus was sure the legion would make it food once it got big enough. He decided to pass the time by talking with John, at least for a moment.

"Ave, true to Ceasar. What are you doing up this early?"

Cilus took note of the yao gua, and felt a little unnerved to be near such a massive beast.
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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2014, 11:26:49 PM »

John was approached  by one of the new recruits, Cilus, asking him what he was doing so early. John didn't really know Cilus to well and was pretty surprised to see him up this early too. He could see Cilus trying to keep some space between him and Bane, it was pretty natural yao gaui weren't a common sight in the wasteland.

"I'm usually up by the crack of dawn. I thought I'd just have Bane go out see what he could find near by."

Saying that the mantis leg he was grilling finished and he decided to help himself to it.

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2014, 12:24:04 AM »
Warren dropped his heavy pack slowly, reaching into his pocket and grabbing his roll of boxing tape. He wrapped each of his hands tightly from knuckle to wrist, then assumed the single stance of Thai. He placed his right leg forward with his right heel lifted slightly off the ground, left leg farther backed and turned partially.

Muscles tense and ears perked, the wanderer waited for his enemies. Two of them appeared a few moments after Modeus' warning, eyes glowing red and frame lean from starvation. Warren could see from their actions he would not be able to just scare them away, they would have to be killed. That is most likely for the best, he told himself, the creatures are starving and unable to support themselves in this environment.

"Ah!" Warren was broken from his pondering as the two creatures lunged, strong hind legs carrying them towards him, aimed at his neck and leg. He retaliated brutally, moving his right leg forward and swinging his elbow in a horizontal blow, twisting his shoulders and hips to achieve full power. The powerful strike smashed into the coyotes neck and set it flying backwards, whimpering feebly and attempting to breath.

The other didn't reach him, caught in mid air by a bulky mass of black fur. They tussled briefly on the ground before Modeus pinned the smaller creature down and sank his jaws into its throat, tearing it out mercilessly. The coyote died quickly and the cyberdog turned to check on his master, steel-and-fur muzzle painted with blood and lips drawn into a snarl.

"Be ready, Modeus. They can travel in packs of up to fifteen."

The two companions remained ready, but only two more coyotes showed up to be quickly dispatched. Warren was the only one to receive any sort of injury, a small and shallow scrape on his shin. Modeus licked the wound gently until the wandered pushed him away and ripped a piece of his shirt off to tie around the small wound.

The two swept the area one last time, then Warren reached into his coat and pulled out a cigarette. From his other he extracted a worn silver lighter and lit up, inhaling deeply and then blowing out a large ring of smoke. From around the butt of his cigarette, he muttered, "It's a  damn shame we had to kill them."

His companion barked in agreement.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2014, 04:16:42 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2014, 10:36:52 PM »
@ Silene

The soldier gets a strange feeling "Your rifle......" On top of that, she gets another sensation to collect an inventory list as soon as she gets to Aeortech.

(Blades, Aerotech houses weapons, ammo, food, and medical supplies. Nothing fancy.)


Before Cilus could respond, his contact appeared.

"You, scouts, by orders of Lanius, you are to go to Vault 34 and bring back information. We want to know if any of the other factions have set up an outpost. Under no circumstance are you to enter the vault. Now get out of my sight before I have you fed to the Mongrels.

"Wait, scouts? I thought this was supposed to be my mission?"

"I know of you, marked one. I'm making sure you don;t mess this up. You, with the bear, keep an eye on him."

The contact left them to get with their mission.

"Damn it all! I am getting sick of being treated like a dog! You, stay out of my way, I'll handle this myself."

Cilus began to head out for the vault. The Gnome appeared again.

So, that was different. Finally decided to become interesting?"

"Not now Gnome!"

The Gnome disappeared once more, with a chuckle.


Salvador had just finished jury-rigging a part for the vertibird. He was rewarded with extra food rations.

"I should see if I can contact Warren... I'll let him come to me. Man travels everywhere."

He returned to his shop to continue what he did first, and that was to locate that part, again, and loosen it without breaking it, hopefully.
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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2014, 01:43:34 AM »

After the had been given Cilus left screaming to himself and giving John a warning. John let out a slight chuckle at how eager Cilus seemed, it was good to see an independent recruit. You had to be one to survive in the Legion army. After all the first priority is to complete the thier mission..."At all cost."

Some distress had came over John's face as he said that, he didn't like the rule but it was just the way the Legion worked. Bane pawed at his leg showing he was done with his meal and John forgot his worries, taking a bite of his mantis leg before trailing behind Cilus to respect his wishes.
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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2014, 05:40:00 AM »
Silene arrived at the Aerotech quickly, nearly sprinting the whole way in embarrassment after forgetting her rifle. She kept a close eye on the refugees as she passed towards the storeroom, hand ghosting towards the stock of her rifle every time they made a sudden move. The soldier couldn't help but notice how haggard and frail the refugees were when she observed them, and she found it odd.

"There should be more than enough food to give them large rations, the camps nearly empty..." She spotted the storeroom and quickened her pace, thoughts clouded with suspicion. She nearly jumped the last three paces, grabbing the doorknob and yanking it open. Her mind went blank.

"That's not possible..." The sniper's eyes were wide as she examined the room. The multiple shelves were empty, and the water casks drained. All the ammunition boxes were gone, and nothing remained of the medical supplies. All that was left in the room were crumbs and mouse droppings.

Silene slammed the door shut and turned on her heels, breaking into a controlled sprint. She wasn't sure how long she ran, but she reached Camp Maccaran without ever stopping, and fell to her knees gasping for breaths at the gates. The guards rushed over to her, weapons drawn.

"What's wrong, soldier?" One demanded, looking past her any signs of an enemy. His lips moved quickly, but she got the gist of it.

She forced herself to her feet and struggled to regulate before she responded. "I was on inventory duty for Aerotech today. I noticed upon arrival that the refugees were starving. It immediately raised suspicion, we give them more than enough food and water. When I reached the storeroom it was empty. I need to relay this information to Sergeant Miggory!"

The soldier who hadn't spoken before nodded. "I'll escort you." He turned and she immediately followed him into the camp, one thing on her mind. Where are all the supplies?

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2014, 12:17:45 AM »

Wolf's eyes slowly opened, she didn't remember what had happened or where she was but her head pained. She was lying in a bed in a foreign house. She panicked when she realised her bear trap fist was missing but she spotted them across the room. She tried to stand but suddenly became dizzy and her limbs became weak and fell over.


She got up again, her muscles weakly holding her up. She hobbled over to the side-table where her bear trap fist was. She grabbed her weapon and slipped it on her hand, her hand sliding through with much room to spare. It was then when she realised she was ravenous. She slowly moved out the room, her hand propped up against the wall for support.

Wolf-Hello, is anyone home?
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2014, 04:06:17 AM »
Joseph and Steven

The man came out of nowhere, narrowly missing Steven with an overhead swing of the hammer. Steven stayed silent as he jumped back from the man, who seemed intent on hitting him, and him specifically. Joseph would use this to his advantage, quickly moving to Sascha and pulling out his Laser pistol, signalling Steven to distract him as he took aim.

The merchant had a smile on his face, looking at the attacking man, speaking with this almost...Smug voice. "Really? A hammer? That's what you attack a man with? And you miss?" He clapped at the man as he ran at the seller of wares, another overhead swing, Steven calmly stepping to the side. "Sir, I do believe a horizontal swing would work better than a vertical one, to be honest." 

This seemed to enrage the man even more, swinging the hammer at him horizontally, to which he ducked. "Not fast enough, Sir." The man instead seemed to get more enraged, before finally kicking at the merchant quickly, Steven was caught by surprise by this, and cringed as the hammer started to fall.

The hammer did indeed fall, but to the ground, but not on Steven. It fell into the ground as the man fell, a smoking hole in the attacking man's face. Steven slowly got up, dusting himself off as he looked at the other, whose pistol seemed to be smoking. "Not a moment too s-Actually it was a few moments too late, as I coulda used it sooner, but still. "

Joseph just kinda shook his head, a sort of smug smile on his face as he spoke. "Sorry, it was either I hit him then, or I hit you too. Take your pick." 

Steven sort of shrugged, before kneeling down to the dead body now at their feet, as he checked the body for supplies or something he could sell.

[SIINTCA, not sure about this post, so, I could use some help here if I didn something wrong. I've been up for a good bit too, so I may not be thinking right.]

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2014, 10:58:30 PM »
@Joseph and Steven

Steven has found a sledgehammer, and a couple empty syringes. There wasn't much else except the clothes on the addicts back, but they were too tattered to be useful.

@ Wolf

The girl got a response from the doctor.

"You shouldn't be walking about right now. You had a concussion, and need rest. I would appreciate it if you would kindly put your weapon away. As you can see, I'm disarmed."

The doc, usually kind in nature, was in unease by his patient's sudden urge to arm herself. He had a shot of med-x and a stimpack ready for her as well.

"This will help ease the pain, after, the mayor would like to speak with you."

He approached slowly to administer the medicine.

@ Silene and Warren

Silene was met by her sergeant, who received the report.

"Thank you for the report soldier. Let me speak with the higher ups."

He left for a few minutes, and returned, armed for a more thorough investigation.

"Go collect the rest of the squad. We're on assignment to investigate further. When you're ready, we're heading back to Aerotech to search for clues. I decided to come with so there are extra hands.

(I trust your judgement blades, so make two NPC's that are considered important to Silene.)

Warren reached Novac. The small town was in shambles, refugees taking refuge where they could. There was not much around except for the T-rex building. The shop was located within.


Cilus was within reach of Vault 34. He looked through focused eyes to see if anything was out of order. There was movement, but he couldn't tell whether it was creature or faction.

"Of all the days to not grab binoculars, it had to be this day."

All he had on him was a machete, which would prove useless if they were indeed of another faction. Most of them were gun-toting morons, but that makes them a dangerous moron. He heard a noise behind him as he was thinking. Must have been that bear.

"I thought I told you to stay out of my way? Why the hell did you decide to follow an elite soldier?"
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