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Author Topic: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day  (Read 18502 times)

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2014, 01:01:52 AM »

Still keeping a moderate pace behind Cilus ,Vault 34 near insight, till he stopped John couldn't hear what he first said but the recruit turned him screaming at John. The remark about him being an elite soldier put  a smirk on John's face  at how ridiculous Cilus sounded.

"Listen, I'll gladly let you rush on ahead to try and prove yourself, but if something unfortunate were to happen someone should be present to report it and see how well the enemy responds. And as for being an elite soldier I've reported my findings to many high officials over the years I've served in the Legion and I have never seen or even heard of you my comrade."

John smiled so as to not sound to harsh with his words. Besides now wasn't really the time to bicker as John didn't want this mission to drag on longer then it had to.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2014, 10:06:41 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2014, 12:06:23 AM »
"Sir, yes sir!" Silene saluted, then turned and left in the direction of the barracks. Her mind was a jumble of different thoughts; where were the supplies at Aerotech? Someone must have taken them, but who? an enemy faction was the obvious answer, but how could they get that close without the NCR knowing? nothing added up.

She was broken from a reverie when she walked into  someone. She stumbled and nearly fell, but a hand caught her arm and steadied her. She looked up and smiled despite herself. The soldier she had bumped into was nearly a head taller than her, with jaw-length silver hair and cocky smirked plastered on his face. A sword was belted to his waist. "Jake, have you seen Amber? We have a mission."

Jake nodded, grinning the whole time. He brought his hands up and signed, "I'm meeting her in central, we were supposed to have noon patrol. Won't have to worry about that now. What's the mission?"

Silene turned on her heels and marched towards central, signing quickly back, "The Aerotech supplies are missing. Sergeant Miggory is going with us." the taller soldier was stunned for a moment, then he took off after her.

"Missing? What do you mean missing? That's our main source of food, if it were missing we'd have known about it sooner!" He forgot to sign, but Silene could read his lips well enough.

"They're gone, I don't know how. That's what we're going to find out." She looked away from him when she caught sight of a bob of red hair in the crowd. "Rebecca! Over here!" The woman in the crowd glanced up, then hurried over to them. She was shorter than either Jake or Silene, and thin and willow. Her hair was fiery red and shoulder length, and she wore a pair of thick set glasses that made her green eyes doe-like. Pistols were strapped to either side of her waist.

"Yes," she finger spelled 'Silene' in the air, "what do you need?"

Silene quickly informed her of the situation in sign language, glad both of her friends had taken the time to learn it. "Now we need to go, Sergeant Miggory is waiting!" The other two nodded, though Jake popped off a comment about not wanting some old man to slow them down, and they were off to meet the Sergeant.

Warren liked the town of Novac. Some people thought the town depressing, but he disagreed. The giant dinosaur taking a bite out of the thermometer always made him crack a smile. He still had that thin smile on his face as he entered 'Dinky', Modeus trailing behind him with his stump wagging at the thought of food. He barked happily.

"I get it, you're hungry, now shut up." The pair made there way to the merchant selling food and supplies, and Warren looked at his dog. "Should we get a week's worth, or a week and a half? Shouldn't take us that long to get to the next town." The dog barked twice as if to say week and a half, and the wanderer sighed. "I forgot, you always choose what gets you the most food."

he ordered a week and a half worth of supplies (whiched would last a normal person three weeks, but his dog had an endless appetite) and once the merchant had filled his large traveling bag he paid him. "Welp, time to mingle and find something out. Ready, robot?" The cyberdog put on his best smile and bounced on his haunches, and the two left to gather information.


Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2014, 09:23:30 AM »
(Blades -_-... Now I'm gonna have to kill him off...)

Wolf lowered her fist, her eye twitched when he moved towards her. The quick prick of the needle and she could already feel her headache dying down. She quickly moved to the window, her head turned towards the doctor, she quietly said,

Wolf-Th-Thank you.

She went through the window. The doctor said she should go see the mayor but she didn't feel safe in the town. She thought about this for a second and decided she might as well see what this 'mayor' has to say but before that she would go to the merchant, see what he has. She roamed around the town for a while, after a while she found the merchant, she also saw his caravan and she quickly looked away. She approached the merchant.

Wolf-may I see what you have?

Merchant-Of course.

The merchant layed out his wares in front of him, she quickly picked up a snowglobe, her family used to own one very similar to this.

Wolf-Can I have this?

(Wolf doesn't have any money so you can reject her)
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #18 on: May 07, 2014, 07:46:54 AM »
Joseph and Steven

Steven tucked the syringes into the backpack on Sascha, meanwhile Joseph took the sledgehammer. It had almost been mutually agreed between the two that weapons always went to Joseph, it just...Made sense, no matter how much the weapon was worth. Steven spoke, what had just... Happened, hitting him. It didn't have the sarcastic vibe he normally had, it sounded... Sincere. "...You know... You'd think you'd...Get used to it. You know? You'd think... That being responsible for a mans death, even if he tried to kill you, wouldn't bother you after awhile... But it seems I'm wrong."

Joseph nodded, as he put the laser pistol back in the pack's of their pack Brahmin, gripping the hammer with both hands. He answered the other, his voice sounding a bit sullen too. "I...Know what you mean. What's even worse, is when you start to... Not respond to it, and then realize that you should be but aren't. You realize just what you've become calloused to."

The two stood there in silence for just a few minutes, before both silently staring off ahead, and trying not to think about it anymore, as they began to search for their next customer.


Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Fallout: Severed Vegas | Day
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2014, 04:58:46 PM »
@Joseph and Steven

The two couldn't help but overhear a conversation going beside them.

"That was strange, at least that guy was packing some heat. Anywys, back to what I was saying before, apparently, there is this abandoned shack a little north of here. Someone went to explore it and found it empty, but here's the kicker. There is a trap door that has these locks all over it."

"What do you think could be inside?"

"Well, before the war, people would make these bunkers to settle down. Maybe a ot of valuable pre-war tech, or tons of food. No way anyone gotten in there. The guy said the locks were pretty much rusted, and the door is some kind of metal."

"Well, it's someone else's problem now."


"Sure, that will be 2,000 caps. Good eye."

The merchant realized by her clothing that she wouldn't be able to afford it.

"Can you even afford this? Get out of my sight."

"Is that any way to treat our people. We opened the trade for your group here. I can shut it down.

It was the mayor of Goodsprings. She spoke in a harsh tone to the merchant, who apologized, but seemed to still be stingy about the globe. The Mayor bought the globe at a discount and handed it to Wolf.

"You must be the new patient. I'm Sunny, I wanted to speak to you for a bit. Just a formality."


Someone came screaming into town.

"Help, help! Ghouls, feral ones, chasing me!

The man was being tailed by a couple of feral ghouls, and they were closing fast.

(Blades, if you save him, you get a quest. A good one too)


The group reached Aerotech, and Miggory gave them each their tasks. He looked to Silene, and signed to her to check the logs again.

"Be sure to triple chek if you need. I'm going to talk to the guards here."


Cilus simply turned away. He was not in the mood to deal with scum.

Well, if you're going to stay, then let's go in slowly. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves.

He crept up slowly, using the rocks for cover. It wasn't too far off that he stopped and noticed what the movement was. Talon company, and they had crates all around them.
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