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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie  (Read 9445 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« on: February 18, 2014, 07:23:40 AM »
#656 Froakie (Bubble Frog Pokemon) Water Type

Average Weight: 15.4 lbs
Average Height: 1'0"

Intro: Froakie, the amphibious quadruped, greatly resembles a frog. Its most recognizable feature are the two bubbles on its nose and the large white cape of bubbles on its back, and some Froakie have been seen wearing these capes over their heads as a makeshift hood. These pokemon are quick and strong, and are not to be taken lightly because of their typically carefree attitude.

Diet: Froakie do not have a particular diet like many other pokemon, but will rather eat whatever they can find, which often includes a multitude of berries.

Habitat: Froakie typically tend to live in and around lakes and ponds where they can enjoy the sunlight on the land while not being too far from the safety of the water, which is where they are most comfortable, not to mention the best camouflaged.

Biology: Froakie are pure water types, and use their surprisingly strong legs to jump high into the air during combat. The cape of bubbles that begins on its chest and expands to its back are secreted from glands underneath its skin, which is sticky and causes them to stay in place. These bubbles are then used to protect against enemy attacks. Froakie can also shoot powerful streams of bubbles at their opponents, which are very similar to those that make up the cape, to both obscure their vision and deal damage.

Like most water types, Frokie is able to use a variety of ranged moves eminating from its mouth. The water is a potent form of saliva that is made in excess from its capillaries, and like all water types, has conscious control over them. Frokie's saliva has a an adhesive property to it as well, which is near identical to the bubbles from the mucus glands, however its "stickiness" is usually watered down.

As with most water types, Frokie is a powerful swimmer, and can maneuver easily in any body of water easily. Its amphibian nature gives it great mobility in general, but it prefers water as a source of movement. However, upon exiting water after a long swim, the bubbles on its back need to be reapplied, which can take up to an hour. This has been observed in breeding and in the wild to be a natural instinct.

Pokemon League Commission notes: Due to this pokemon's rarity, this pokemon has been categorized as a Class C Pokemon under the Endangered Pokemon Act. Under this classification, this pokemon is to be distributed to new trainers as a potential starting pokemon for its ease in care and high breeding capabilities. Any Froakie found in the wild are allowed to be caught, but in limited quantities. The hunting of this pokemon is strictly prohibited and punishable by a 100,000 goldz fine and 10 - 15 years imprisonment.

Well, there's the first of what I hope to be many pokedex entries. Thoughts? Also, I decided to just copy the League Commission notes from your example of Bulbasaur, Xetroc, as they are both basic starters and I figured I'd go for uniformity, but if you want me to change it, I can.

Whoops, it was late, and I was trying to get this done quickly, and I noticed you said not to do starters as I finished it. I posted it anyway in case you want to use it, but at the very least I can get criticism on what to do on future entries, to make sure I'm following the format correctly. My apologies.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 12:07:10 AM by foodonfloor »
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Offline Tickles

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2014, 03:07:06 PM »
That's ok. Mistakes happen. The only suggestion I have is to shorten the intro and expand the biology section. Think scientific journal. Your goal is to inform. For example, with Froakie, one thing that could have been mentioned is how it gets those bubbles. Is the a special gland. Does it easy a certain diet to get long lasting sticky bubbles, or did its saliva have special properties that allow the bubbles to function the way they do. There are tons of ways to go about that.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2014, 05:58:52 PM »
Ok, I fixed it. Is that better?
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Offline Tickles

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2014, 06:11:49 PM »
Yes and no. It's a good explanation for the bubbles, but take a look at bulbasaur again. I'll post Ivysaurs and Venusaurs as well, but in those you not only explain the unique characteristics, but also reasoning for its typing. For example, here is what I would put for Froakie, using your first paragraph, then expanding from there:

Biology: Froakie are pure water types, and use their surprisingly strong legs to jump high into the air during combat. The cape of bubbles that begins on its chest and expands to its back are secreted from mucus glands underneath its skin, which is sticky and causes them to stay in place. These bubbles are then used to protect against enemy attacks. Froakie can also shoot powerful streams of bubbles at their opponents, which are very similar to those that make up the cape, to both obscure their vision and deal damage.

Like most water types, Frokie is able to use a variety of ranged moves eminating from its mouth. The water is a potent form of saliva that is made in excess from its capillaries, and like all water types, has conscious control over them. Frokie's saliva has a an adhesive property to it as well, which is near identical to the bubbles from the mucus glands, however its "stickiness" is usually watered down.

As with most water types, Frokie is a powerful swimmer, and can maneuver easily in any body of water easily. Its amphibian nature gives it great mobility in general, but it prefers water as a source of movement. However, upon exiting water after a long swim, the bubbles on its back need to be reapplied, which can take up to an hour. This has been observed in breeding and in the wild to be a natural instinct.

See what I did there?
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2014, 10:42:02 PM »
Yeah, I get it now. Should I just edit that in?
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Offline Tickles

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2014, 11:54:54 PM »
It's up to you. I'm not really picky. I finished Venusaur up, and I have to say, I like where it's going.
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #6 on: February 19, 2014, 12:07:50 AM »
Put it in, I think I have a much better idea now on how to put this together.
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Re: [Pokedex Entry] Froakie
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2014, 07:56:03 PM »
this one is actually done, but had been overlooked, I think. Approved as far as I'm concerned.