Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night

<< < (11/13) > >>

The crowd had significantly thinned now, and Daylin had more of a chance to go on the offensive. He paused for a moment to catch his breath, then threw himself forward at two shadows, red-hot adrenaline coursing through his veins. The first one had already been hit once, apparently, because when he smashed it in the face, it dissolved into dust. He turned to face the second one just in time to avoid being stabbed in the back.

The mechanic did not take kindly to nearly being impaled, and he raised his keyblade and pointed one finger to the sky. "Outta the park!" He smashed the front of his weapon into the shadow, lifting it off its feet and sending it hurtling towards John. "Heads up rich boy!"

(Heartless killed at this point: 2. Experience: 70.)

John Anderson

The shadows numbers were thinning, although it hadn't seemed like they had actually done much. John focused his attention to the Virgo he was fighting. He raised his hand prepared to blast another bolt of air at it. As he began to say the word to the spell, he heard the grease guy call out in his direction. When John turned to see what was going on, he saw a shadow flying straight towards him.  With little time to react John held his keyblade is front of him once again saying the word, “Aero", but this time instead of a blast of air firing out, a gust of wind began to surround John. Only a few inches from his face, the shadow was suddenly repelled, launched up into the air. John looked toward the assailant, with a bit of contempt in his eyes. Without thinking about it John looked up toward the shadow as it began to descend overhead of John. He took his keyblade and thrust it toward the shadow, piercing the barrier of wind with surprising ease; he struck it through one of its eyes. The shadow burst into another black cloud, from the impact more white feathers had fallen out as well.

John fell on one of his knees as the wind barrier began to subside, he propped himself up with his keyblade. John began to look around for his Virgo, but it seemed to have disappeared. As John rose, ready to give the jerk who threw the shadow at him an earful, a chill went up his spine. The Virgo reappeared behind John wailing its claws, John jumped to the side in the attempt to make distance from the Virgo, but there wasn't enough time its claws already struck him in the side causing him to lost grip on his keyblade. It wasn't a deep wound, but blood had definitely been drawn, John held his side applying pressure and he stared at the Virgo. The creature of darkness stared back, with its yellow eyes, giving John a mocking grin. At this point John want nothing to do with this blasted dream anymore, he raised his hand to the Virgo who was just fluttering it wings back and forth as it was laughing at John. “Just piss off already!" letting out a mighty shot John gathered all his energy to form another aero, before screaming the out the spell. “Aero!" The blast wasn't as strong as the first time, but when it impacted the Virgo, it had pierced through it dissipating into a black cloud.

A small light flashed around John, and he was filled with a sudden burst of energy, but the feeling faded fast as the pain from John's wound hit him again. Small diamonds, with blue and yellow patches, appeared from thin air and began to circle John before falling into his pocket. John's breathe was ragged after casting the last aero, he slowly walked over to pick up his keyblade. John walked over to regroup with the other, using his keyblade as a cane to support himself. He kept pressure on the wound, when he saw the mechanic he gave a distasteful look. "Hey pal,...let me...know...when the next floor shows." John's voice began to fade as he talked, barely able to finish the sentence John collapsed onto the floor trying his best not to pass out.

(Not sure if we work on a “Level up, Fill up" so if we don’t I’ll change it later.)

The Shadows began to leave just as their numbers started to truly thin out. Once they had completely disappeared, the now likely familiar glass stairway materialized, leading up to the fourth (and final) floor.

Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

"Blizzard!" Zoe shouted after she stood up, trying the other spell that she had learned. A cold blast of ice shot out from her outstretched hand and nailed one of the shadows. It suddenly seemed to slow down as the ice hit it, but Zoe herself began to feel weakened.

Taking over for her sister, and wanting to try the magic out for herself, Kayla pointed her keyblade at the sluggish Shadow and said, "Thunder."

A bright, hot thunderbolt shot out of her keyblade, hitting the heartless and immediately killing it. Once it was gone, she looked up to see that all of the other heartless had disappeared. Unable to fully take in everything that had just happened, the trio moved on towards the stairway.

"I hope this ends soon," Aiden mumbled.

(Apologies for late and rushed post, I'll try to be a little more consistent from now on.)

Jade and Enerxia

Jade watched as the shadow's seemed to lunge at Enerxia, before disappearing from existence entirely. She watched as the bug-like creatures began to melt into the ground, and leave reality, or whatever this was, for what she hoped was good. That was...The strange thing. All she could really do... Was watch. She attempted to step forward, and, she did, but it was almost...Sluggish. As if something she relied on, was missing. She made another step, and another. Not towards the stairs, no. She was walking towards Enerxia, her friend.

As Jade walked towards her friend, Enerxia seemed to change stances, a bit drastically. In a flash her Keyblade seemed to leave, as she moved her hands towards the wound on her chest. She placed her hand on the wound as the blood continued to come forth. There was one thing, that sort of... Jarred her from the whole thing. Not only did it hurt... It wasn't like a normal knife, or any sharp object had cut her. It was like something blunt, something, meant to cause pain, had dug into her skin... She started to walk, clutching her wound as she did so, blood slowly seeping through her clutch as she walked.

Jade finally caught up to her friend, her sluggish walk continuing. It was as if she was having to force herself to move... Enerxia's pace wasn't too fast either, especially as she went up the stairs. They didn't really...Speak, at first. It wasn't that they were mad, or even that they somehow knew the other's thoughts, nothing of the sorts, no reason for either had taken place. It was just that...Not only did they both have nothing to say, but, walking wasn't the easiest thing for either of them. They just slowly trudged up the steps side by side, the only noise coming from either of them, was their breathing and their footsteps.

[Siintca, sorry for the bad quality of post, wrote a post for this five times, and wasn't happy with any of them. This was the only one even close to 'okay'. I also, assume that the affects a lack of are much more drastic than for a keyblade wielder? Where the Keyblade wielder may feel slight discomfort, or just weakened, the mage who depends on mana, would feel those, and possibly more, no? ]

Daylin smashed the final heartless that lunged at him into dust and whirled around, looking for another enemy. When he noticed that they had disappeared, he released and breath he hadn't known he had been holding, and his grip loosened on his keyblade. It had seemed pretty bad for a minute, but he had pulled through it relatively unharmed (with some help, of course) and the next stairway had appeared.

He walked towards the staircase, favoring his right leg heavily, and then noticed John groaning on the floor. He stuck his hand out, glancing at the others that were already up the staircase, and then back at the injured man. "Come on, stop acting like a little girl. We're falling behind." He motioned for the rich boy to take his hand, impatiently tapping his foot. He didn't want to run into trouble when it was just the two of them.

(Experience: 5 Munny: 100 Level up to level 2.)


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