Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night

<< < (12/13) > >>

John Anderson

John's face was planted in the ground, the bleeding had stopped...for the most part. Though the pain was still there, he could feel it as begun to pick himself up. Someone had offered their hand to help John get up, after giving a rather rude comment, without thinking about it he took it and hoisted himself back on his feet. "Yeah, yeah. I hear you." When he saw who it was and got to his feet, he quickly took his hand back. John wasn't very fond of the mechanic, but sadly it seemed they were the only ones who didn't know someone they could talk with. John had calmed himself as his breathing became less ragged."Let’s just get this all over and done with." he let out along with a heavy sigh. There was still of grimace of pain on John's face, but he chose to ignore it as he scaled up the steps.


Sean kept swinging at the creature for a moment before it disappeared, as did the shadows surrounding everyone. He sighed, noticing the stairs that appeared before them hopefully leading to the last part, or better yet the exit. He checked himself for any broken bones, but his worst injuries consist of cuts and one or two bruises where that strange shadow tackled him. He felt like that creature was toying with him, like it held back knowing he was weak. He shrugged it off, that can be debated later. For now, it was time to move on to the next floor.

Just like it had done every single time before, the stairway disappeared. Then, once again, the disembodied voice spoke.

You eight have now taken the first steps necessary in defeating the darkness. It only gets more difficult from here, but for now, you shall return home. These are know as save points.
Several green pools of light suddenly appeared on the ground.

By standing on these, you will wake up in your world, but will only remember this one as if it were a hazy dream. You will return here soon, though, for your journey has just begun.
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

"Oh great, look, this floor is just like the others, except it's red," Aiden complained. Just as he said this, the voice spoke again.

"Looks like you spoke too soon," Kayla told him. Aiden didn't bother to respond, for he was just ready to leave. Out of the three of them, not a single one hesitated to follow the voices instructions of sorts. They were all ready to return home. Each of them stepped onto one of the green portals, and closed their eyes, wishing to wake up.

Aiden slowly opened his eyes, but quickly closed them as the sunlight peeked through the shades of his room and hit him in the face. What a weird dream he had just had....

He looked over at his alarm clock. It was 6:23 A.M. He had his job interview in just a little over an hour! He had to hurry and get dressed so that he could catch the subway, or he would be late. Aiden rolled over onto to his stomach, but had to stop as he tried to push himself up, pain shooting up through his left arm.

"What the hell?" There was a large gash on his upper left arm, covered in dried, sticky blood. His mind briefly flashed back to his dream, where he faintly remembered getting cut in the same exact place. Could that dream have been... real?

Daylin sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes,groggily staring at the clock. Sirens began to blare in his head when he realized what time it was, and he flew off the couch. "Shiit!" He was late for work! Grabbing his jacket and wrestling it onto his shoulders, he flew through the front door, keys in hand. His boss was gonna kill him!

He nearly tore the driver side door off his truck he pulled it open, hastily shoving the key into the ignition and squealing at of the parking lot at highly illegal speeds. Even with him swerving through traffic like a maniac (and giving several old people a few choice words about going so slow), he was nearly twenty minutes late. He tried to slip into the shop unseen, but a hand caught his shoulder on his way into the backroom.

"Boy, you're late!"

"I know, I overslept, I'm sorr-"

"You get in a fight with someone kid?"

Daylin was confused for a moment, then he realized what his boss was talking about. His shoulder was stained with blood, the fabric torn and the cut already slightly scabbed over. His knee was less noticeable, but definitely the more painful of the two. He couldn't think for a minute. What... Had that... This was some Freddy Krueger shiit right here.


"Oh, uh, no I fell down the stairs at my apartment."

His boss looked at him suspiciously, then shook his head. "Get that cleaned up then get to work, Vick needs a hand with that Mustang's engine." Daylin nodded, then rushed off to get his shoulder cleaned and get to work. He couldn't afford to think about that stupid dream right now, he needed this job.

John Anderson

John shot up from his bed in a cold sweat, he looked side to side seeing he was back in his room. John flopped back down on his bed, feeling was exhausted and breathing ragged. John cringed in pain as he felt his side, there were claw marks on his side, when he flipped the sheets off himself to see the bed, there was a pool of blood around. John hurriedly got out bed running tot he bathroom. He found some gauze and bandages, and wrapped it around his  side. He splashed some cool water on his face, before dropping back into his bed reflecting on what must have been a dream.


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