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Author Topic: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night  (Read 43840 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth|Night
« on: June 14, 2014, 09:31:53 PM »

Several years into the future, Earth is enjoying a time of peace. Many countries are living together in harmony, and there is little conflict, something thought to be almost unimaginable. It does not last long though, for when creatures made of darkness invade the Earth, tensions rise around the planet. Matters aren’t improved by the sudden ability of a select few people to be able to wield giant key-like objects and use what appears to be magic.

When these people go to sleep, their mind is transported to another universe, one with many worlds that seemed to be based off of Disney movies, of all things. These people, also in a period of peace, speak of a time when the beings of darkness, known as the Heartless, warred with them, and that the key to stopping the invasion on Earth lies in something mysterious known as Kingdom Hearts.

You must travel back and forth between universes in an attempt to uncover the secret behind the heartless. It will be up to you to use your new abilities to either save, destroy, or rule planet Earth.

*This is not connected to any previous Kingdom Hearts RP
*While the Walt Disney Company exists on this Earth, the Kingdom Hearts video games do not
*At the start of the RP, the heartless have not yet invaded Earth, and so you do not travel to any other worlds when sleeping, and you have not yet discovered your ability to use magic or wield a keyblade. Earth is still rather normal.


An ongoing summary of the RP's events will be placed here.


1. All posts must be at least 3 sentences long and have good grammar. Typos are ok.

2. Posts must have something to do with the actual RP.

3. You may not control another character without their express permission for ANY reason.

4. No god modding. You are NOT all powerful.

5. While flaming in character is allowed, there are certain restrictions. Flaming cannot be discriminatory towards any real-world race, religion, philosophy, gender, or sexual preference, and that they are characters attacking each other, not members insulting other members. Put another way: all flaming must be done in character

6. Profanity is allowed, although PU does have profanity filters. For the purposes of the RP, feel free to work around them, but do not use profane language in unnecessary excess.

7. Rules may be added to or modified by the GM at any time.

TEXEdit Approved
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 05:50:47 PM by foodonfloor »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2014, 01:29:30 AM »

As each RPer's characters fall asleep, they wake up in a mysterious place known as the Station of Awakening.

Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

Aiden was lying sprawled out on the brand new couch in the living room of his apartment, which he and his best friends had just moved into earlier that week. His eyes were fixed on the television, and he hadn't even noticed when the twins stood up.

We're both going to bed. Don't stay up too late, you have that big job interview tomorrow morning.

It was Kayla. She looked fairly tall as she stood over Aiden, but in actuality she was several inches shorter than he was.

Alright, I won't. Thanks Mom.

Kayla glared at Aiden, and he couldn't help but give a slight grin. The freedom from being under the control of parents was one of the multiple reasons why they had decided to move across the city.

When Kayla responded, her voice was riddled with sarcasm. Ha ha, very funny. Goodnight, punk.


Kayla brushed her gorgeous blond hair to the side as she walked out of the room.

See you in the morning, Aiden.

Zoe was so soft-spoken that Aiden could hear her just well enough to know what she was saying.

Night, Zoe.

Zoe left the room even more quietly than the words that had left her mouth. Deciding to take Kayla's advice, he decided to go to bed after only a short while. He got up off the sofa and headed over to his room, which was directly across the hall from the one that the girls shared. After closing his door, he climbed into his bed and drifted off to sleep.

Aiden's eye's slowly drifted open. Everything around him was black, save for a faint, illuminating light above. It was enough for him to see, though. He felt weightless, in fact, he was weightless. Much to his confusion, Aiden was floating. Upon turning his head, his eyes connected with that of Zoe. They were filled with worry, and he wanted to tell her that she shouldn't be afraid, that they were okay, but he couldn't do that. He tell her that when he wasn't sure what was going on himself. He then looked over to his right. There, also floating in the air, was Kayla. She looked at him, but didn't speak. He tried to turn over, to see what was beneath him, but it seemed as if he didn't have full control his body, as he couldn't turn it over. It was apparent, though, that the three of them were slowly descending.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 04:18:00 AM by foodonfloor »
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2014, 02:27:07 AM »
Daylin groaned as he entered his apartment, stripping his jacket and throwing it onto the couch. "I'm really not getting paid enough for this shiit." The transmission had gone out on one of the trucks he had worked on, and the owner had brought it back demanding a refund. His boss had jumped his ass over it, even though he was sure the transmission had been working fine before the customer left. He needed a vacation.

He walked over to the sink and turned the faucet on. The water came out in jerky bursts and was tinted red. He swore loudly, then kicked the counter. "I told them the god damn pipes were rusted. Can't believe I pay four hundred a month for this hellhole." He scrubbed the grease off his hands the best he could, wiped them on his shirt, and made himself a ham sandwich.

Sandwich in hand he returned to the front room, flopping down on he couch and finishing the sandwich in two bites. He dozed off soon after, the days events taking their toll on him.

The mechanic eyes opened on their own, and he blinked a few times to to rub the sleep away. The room around him was black as night, a single light above him giving him some vision. He noticed three other people, one guy and two chicks. They all looked a bit like prats to him. "I knew I shouldn't have eaten that old ham. Shiit gives me weird dreams."

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2014, 03:53:34 AM »
John Anderson

Out on the balcony of his hotel room John was silently watching the coastline while enjoying a smoke. His usual smiling face was replaced with a father expressionless one as he looked out at the sea. "I've been here a few weeks now maybe it’s time I head back. Back home, where everything’s going to change, no more goofin off life’s gonna get alot more serious when I get back. And soon enough I’ll have to look after the entire business. Ah, dam it!"

John banged his hands against the railing letting the smoke in his lungs pour out with his shout. A sullen expression grew on his face as he thought about his future. John took another puff from his cigarette before letting out a tired yawn. "Well no point in stressing over it this late at night. I'm sure I’ll be able to kick it back here for a few more days before I head back." Saying that he headed into his room shutting the door to the balcony behind him and stepped into to his bed.

When John opened his eyes again he was surrounded by darkness and overtaken by a frigid chill. The only thing he could see is the frosted breath infront of his face." Wha- What the hell is this. Why is it so freakin' cold in here I coulda sworn I closed the door."
« Last Edit: June 20, 2014, 08:29:43 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2014, 05:44:27 AM »

Enerxia yawned a bit, staring at the clock. She was sitting in a swivel chair in her room, watching as seconds, and minutes ticked by. It was an average day. She hadn't really done anything important that day, and it was nearing time for her to go to bed. She had already changed into her sleep-ware, being just some gray pajama's. She slowly got up, slowly making her way to her bed, and falling over in it. She seemed to doze off.

As she opened her eye's, she was in what seemed like total darkness. She attempted to look down, but couldn't move. She seemed to be in an upright position, almost as if she had been sitting on something. It was the last position she had been in before having instantly gone to sleep...Sitting in her chair. She saw four others, all of which struck her as odd. She felt like she was moving, downward, but couldn't tell. There was no air rushing as if she was falling. Gravity didn't feel as if it was pressing down on her. Yet, she was moving towards a ground...Somewhere.


Jade was sitting in an office chair in her room, typing away at some things on her computer. She slowly pushed away from her desk, and slowly leaned the seat on the chair back. Before long, she had leaned the chair back far enough, and placed her feet on her desk, resting for a bit. She had been writing a few chapters for a writing project she had with a few people, and so far it had been going well. She almost dozed off just sitting there, before going back to the computer. She had typed about four more words, before everything went black. She had seemed to fall asleep with her head on the keyboard.

Jade slowly opened her eye's. She was staring at what she presumed was the sky, as it was pitch black. She seemed to be laying on her back, with her feet as if they were propped up on something, and her hands behind her head...It was the last position she had held for a long sum of time, before falling asleep at her computer. She couldn't see anyone, but she could hear four...No, five people, at least, she thought there were five. She Began to think to herself, as she started to notice some things about her position, and surroundings. "I could have sworn I've had my hood down since I got back home... Just what's going on here...?  And why can't I move...? Something is...Off. Very off..."


Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2014, 10:35:19 PM »
Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

As their bodies approached the ground below, Zoe, Aiden, and Kayla were all slowly rotated by an unseen force. As their feet slowly came in contact with the ground, the three of them all glanced at what another. There was a lot to take in between the intricate floor and the bodies that were descending from above, much as they just had.

"Any idea where we are?" Aiden asked, his voice echoing slightly.

Kayla simply shrugged. No... I don't.

Zoe didn't respond at all, but rather just stared at the stained glass-like floor beneath them.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2014, 02:45:24 AM »
The moment Daylin's feet connected with the ground he stretched, muscles stiff due from the binding (or whatever had been controlling him, this was a weird ass dream). More people had appeared since he had started dreaming, two teenage girls in pajamas and a man complaining about how cold it was. "Damn it, even in my dreams all people do is whine about something." He looked down after that, and laughed loudly.

They were standing on a glass floor. A damn glass floor. It had been pretty up more than normal glass (what did people call it, stained?) and had a swirl pattern with the image of some boy taking up most of the floor. The kid had comically large shoes and anime-style hair, and he wore the most flamboyant red shorts.  His eyes were closed as if he was sleeping, and if you looked closer there was distorted faces in the smaller glass bubbles.

The mechanic began stomping down on the glass hard, the heel of his boot repeatedly pounding into the floor. If he fell to his death he would wake up, and this dream was boring already.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 02:58:22 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2014, 03:24:11 AM »

Aiden was scratching his head. This surely didn't feel like a dream, something was just...off about it. Albeit, it was rather impossible that he'd suddenly be floating in a black sky in the middle of nowhere, and the design on the floor was rather comical. He closed his eyes, maybe he could force himself to wake up? He tried to see if he could pull himself out of this slumber, but when he opened his eyes, Aiden found himself still standing on the blue-tinted floor. This time, though, there was a dirty-looking boy stomping his foot on the ground. Aiden stepped forward towards the guy, and then said, Hey, your foot fall asleep or something? What gives?
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2014, 03:34:14 AM »
John Anderson

After what seemed like forever John finally felt his feet firmly planted on some surface. He was starting to get used to the cold and his eyes finally adjusted to the only light eliminating the area." What the hell? This isn't my room; I must be dreaming or something." When John started to look around he saw all the children around him. Then suddenly his eyes widened as he came to a realization." I know what going on! This is some kind of revelation dream where my innocence clashes with my fear responsibility personified through five separate types of children. Four of which are girls...not sure how I feel about that." John placed his hand on his chin with a bewildered look on his face as he saw the last person who looked closest to his age. “And my fear of responsibility is some dirty biker...huh, go figure."

John already aware of how dreams like this go approached his adult representative, who apparently had some time of issue with glass because after muttering to him about it proceeded to try the glass floor below their feet, placed his hands on his should and with a cheeky smile asked. "Hey pal, instead of smashing my dreamscape would you mind just telling me whatever lesson I’m supposed to be learning so I can go somewhere more...creative? And why are the kids in their pajamas, seems alittle creepy for one of my dreams? Or would you care to share stereo typical cool guy?"
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 03:38:12 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2014, 05:17:47 AM »
Daylin halted his stomping as the two strangers interrupted him, turning to look at them both. "No, my foot's not asleep. I'm trying to break the damn glass so I can wake up. I don't wanna deal with this tonight." Of course the minute he tried to do something as simple as wake up, even his own imaginary people started jumping him. Fan-freakin'-tastic.

He glanced down at the floor, and stomped his boot into the ground one last time for good measure. He still failed to leave so much as a scratch. Attempting to reign in his temper he turned towards the two guys once again, inhaled deeply, and then spoke as calmly as he possibly good. "Look. I had a hard day at work, and all I want is  a decent night's sleep before I have to wake up again at six in the morning. Please let me out of this stupid dream so we can all go back t doing whatever we normally do." He felt so retarded talking to himself, but if that's what was called for...

Daylin: 35/100

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2014, 05:36:48 AM »
Jade and Enerxia

As Enerxia began to touch down, she managed to extend her legs as to not fall over, as the position she had been in was that of sitting in a chair. She began to look around, wondering a few things. "This has to be a dream, right? But then...Why did the other people assume it was a dream, then? Don't dreams normally try and keep themselves hidden...?"

Jade however, when she touched the ground, merely continued to lie down, before rolling over and placing her arms bellow her head, as if to cushion it. She didn't really move, just sort of attempted to go back to sleep. That's how it works sometimes, right? Go to sleep in the dream, wake up in reality...?"

The more Enerxia thought about it, and how this couldn't have been dream, not with...Some of the evidence, she went over to the one person she recognized. She started to prod at Jade, poking the other as if to get their attention. The girl in the hoodie only looked at the other, before speaking. "Enerxia. Stop poking me....Wait...If this is a dream...Begone from me, and leave me to my sleep."

Enerxia continued to poke the other, harder and harder, until it started to cause pain. But, that was it exactly. Pain. You can't feel pain in your dreams, and if you can, you might want to get that checked on. Jade slowly began to get up from her position, before looking at the other and speaking yet again. "...I assume you found yourself here after going to sleep?"

Enerxia nodded, thinking to herself a bit before responding. She motioned towards some of the others, before speaking. "I suggest we go ask some of the others, maybe they'll know...? Or maybe even they did it...? I don't know."

Jade just sort of nodded, before walking towards the others. She thought about approaching the one who had previously been stomping on the ground, but it had seemed someone else was already talking to him...Or at least, harassing him. She went to the other group, the group of two girls and one guy. Jade sort of pushed Enerxia ahead, as if asking for her to do the talking here, and so, she did. "I...Don't suppose any of you know why we're here... Do you...?"

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2014, 05:40:13 AM »
John Anderson

A bit lost as to what was going on John began to think again placing his hand back on his chin." Now hold on a second. What do you mean "your" dream? This is my dream pal and I’m tryin to figure whatever stupid lesson I’m supposed to learn to wake up. But if none of you can offer any useful information then I'm outta here." With that gone waved his hand off to the two people walking over to the edge of the platform. But when he reached the edge there were no other platforms below them or above, only an abyss of darkness. A rather embarrassed expression came on his face as he turned around back to the group." Or maybe I'll just stay here and brainstorm with my imagination. So fellas, any ideas on how to wake-up?"
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2014, 06:38:35 AM »
Kayla and Zoe

Two girls walked up to the twins, and one of them, the one with the blond hair, spoke to them. "I...Don't suppose any of you know why we're here... Do you...?" she said.

Zoe, while keeping her gaze fixed on the floor, was the one to actually respond first. "Um, no, we don't." Her words were short and mumbled, quickly spoken as if the conversation were a race.

Meanwhile, Kayla had reached over to her own arm and gave herself a slight pinch. Ouch, that actually kind of hurt... she thought. That's it, it hurt, there's no way that this was a dream. It was a simple check, the kind you saw in movies all of the time, but it was apparently legitimate. She looked at the two girls who had just walked up to them. "This doesn't feel like a dream to either of you, does it? She asked. It seemed as if it could indeed be a figment of her imagination, but it was rare for a person to be aware that they were dreaming. She remembered a lesson from school, in which if she was aware that she was dreaming, then she should be able to change some element that was present. She tried to change the scenery around her, picturing rocky mountains and beautiful valleys, but nothing changed. There was no way that this was a dream, yet it seemed so...unrealistic.


The disembodied voice of a man suddenly echoed around the chamber.

Fate has chosen seven new guardians to protect the light. The universe has not yet experienced its darkest hour. Dire times will soon be upon us.

A colorful glass stairway suddenly appeared  out of thin air, leading to a new platform, a second floor, that had not been there before.

Aiden, Kayla, and Zoe

Whether this was a dream or not, Aiden half expected the people here to be a bit more friendly. He simply shrugged the man's comments off, and was walking toward the twins when a voice sounded. It seemed rather foreboding, but rather than stop in his tracks, he rejoined the girls, who were now talking to two others.
0 Aiden 0/100
0 Kayla 0/100
0 Zoe 0/100

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2014, 07:01:27 AM »
Daylin jumped slightly at the voice, then settled when it faded. He stared at the glass staircase and the platform above them that had miraculously appeared. He saw the two older women talking to the girls, and was surprised at the twins friends reaction. He shrugged it off like nothing had happened, which was definitely not the case. These figments were strange, and he decided he needed to see a psychiatrist soon (after all, he had fifteen year old children in pajamas running around in his dreams).

"Did no one else notice the damn stairs that just appeared outta nowhere?" The mechanic tones was slightly more aggressive than he had intended, and louder too. "Staircases aren't suppose to do that." Most people knew that, but he felt he had to state it for these individuals. That, and the fact that the steps to the stairs were not connected, and seemed to be segments of glass floating in the air.

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] Kingdom Hearts Universe|Earth/Station of Awakening|Night
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2014, 07:22:41 AM »
John Anderson

A voice coming somewhere in the darkness started talking about dream nonsense and suddenly new glass stairs appeared leading upward to another platform. The only other person dressed as if they weren't ready to sleep had pointed out what everyone must have noticed. “It’s a dream, pal. I can't imagine stairs appearing outta nowhere being anything other than the norm here. Although I am still curious why you would think this is your dream." John patted the filthy man on the shoulder once more before giving a shrug of his and shaking his head as if he had given up trying to figure him out. As he made his way over to the stairs and began to ascend them he looked back down and shouted out." I don’t know, or really care for that matter, if any of you dream kid are gonna me follow up but, I don’t see much of anything happening down there!" Then John continued his way back up the stairs to the next platform.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.