Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[Profiles] Kingdom Hearts Universe

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--- Quote from: Humen on June 18, 2014, 06:59:08 AM ---Keyblade Wielder
Username: Humen
Name: John Anderson
Age: 21
Personality: The Easy-going type John tends to a more relaxed approach to serious situations, trying his best to avoid them entirely if possible. This can make him come off as an irresponsible slacker pretty accurate actually.
Battle Technique: John fight taking a defensive approach, with a high amount of endurance and durability he prefers to incorporate his Aero spells to out last his opponent and strike once an opening is revealed.
Hometown: Bradford, England
Bio: John comes from a wealthy family, naturally he grew up entitled and stuck up like every other rich kid. This had worried his father who planned for John to one day take over the family business. So he sent John away to go live with his comparatively less fortunate aunt and uncle. Where he learned more wholesome values and ego was brought back down to earth.

John's father had recently called him back home as he has come of age and his father wishes him to begin learning the trade. Although John knew he couldn't avoid this his father had been planning this since he was born. John asked his father for a break after he finished his last semester. Begrudgingly his father allowed him to go where he wanted for only a few months. John chose to spend his vacation in California trying to get as far away from home as he could.
Miscellaneous: John is an active smoker, usually keeping a pack of cigarettes and matches in the inner pocket of his jacket.
Keyblade Name: Redemption
Keyblade Appearance:

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--- Quote from: NexosYourGayBestFriend96 on June 22, 2014, 01:50:19 AM ---Keyblade Wielder
Username: NexosYourGayBestFreind96
Name: Sean
Age: 18
Personality: A slight spazz, generally nice to people unless provoked.
Battle Technique: Unpracticed with swordplay, but makes use of his Ti-Kwan-Doe blue belt for a unique fighting style.
Hometown: Trenton, FL
Bio: Born in Atlanta, this talented young artist dreams to be a top-class animator. Unfortunately, he currently works minimum wage online for an animation company in New York, but he figures hes lucky to have a job at all, and especially lucky to have an online job. He currently lives off noodles in the house his grandmother inherited to him.
Miscellaneous: Tends to sketch on walls when stressed if out of paper, and always has an iPod and headphones ready for boredom and inspiration.
Keyblade Name: Artist's Passion
Keyblade Appearance:

No magic, and I fixed the images. Sorry for scaling errors.

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