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Author Topic: [Pokedex Entry] Cubone  (Read 8226 times)

Offline fuzzy3158

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[Pokedex Entry] Cubone
« on: June 30, 2014, 06:01:00 PM »
Pokemon #104, Cubone, Ground type, Lonely pokemon.

Intro: Cubone is a small pokemon that is best known for the skull it carries around on its head and the accompanying bone club. Cubone is a small bipedal, brown pokemon with a cream belly. It has two arms, one of which is always carrying a club. It has a large skull it carries around on its head. There are no records of what its head looks like below the skull. It also has a small tail, and may or may not have two spikes on its head as indicated by the skull.

Habitat: Cubone were originally found in the old Pokemon Tower in Kanto. After the demolition of the old tower, the inhabiting Cubone fled to the nearby Rock tunnel. From there, they migrated and now populate many caves and mountains.

Diet: Cubone’s main diet consists of mushrooms. It evolved this diet due to the mushrooms being the only available source of nutrients in the old Pokemon Tower. After they migrated to the caves, Cubone expanded their diet with cave-mosses and other plants. They will also happily eat berries and typically all other pokemon food, which are easily digestible by all pokemon.

Biology: Cubone is a pokemon that is traumatized by the loss of its mother, whose skull it apparently wears throughout its life. At night, Cubone cry at the moon to mourn the loss of their mother, whom they appear to recognise in the moon. During the full moon, the howls are especially mournful, and the skull resonates with the cries, emanating ominous sounds.
It is speculated that a Cubone is born whenever a Kangaskhan dies and leaves behind its young. After the loss of its mother, the young will begin wearing the mother’s skull, as if to always have a part of his mother with him. This is suspected because young Kangaskhan never leave their mother’s side. Additionally, Cubone are reminiscent of young Kangaskhan. Finally, the fact that all Cubone have lost their mother, and none are ever seen with a parent, strengthens this theory.
In combat, Cubone and their evolution Marowak wield two unique moves, Bone Club and Bonemerang. Especially Bonemerang is a powerful move which is often chosen over Earthquake due to its ability to break a substitute and still deal damage to the opponent.
Some Cubone wear an especially powerful version of their regular club, a thick club. This thick club doubles the attack power of Cubone (and Marowak), and boosts their power well beyond what most other pokemon can achieve.

Pokemon League Commission notes:
Class D: Since the migration out of the Old Pokemon Tower, Cubone have become plentiful enough to not require any protective legislation. Poaching Cubone for their skulls, however, is highly illegal and punishable with a sizable fine and several years to decades in prison.