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Author Topic: Wanted: Developers  (Read 59326 times)

Offline Tickles

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Re: Wanted: Developers
« Reply #30 on: February 19, 2015, 07:36:46 PM »
The old codes are still on the Github page from what it looks like. It is possible to go from where they ran into the roadblock. Anyone heard of fiver? it's a good place to find programmers, and they charge five dollars to code. I'm not sure to what extent, but it may be a good start.
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Offline Mr_Dark

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Re: Wanted: Developers
« Reply #31 on: February 20, 2015, 11:52:32 AM »
*sigh*, there's so much crap in this topic.. Here we go:

1. GO is not a "poop" language. To counter believes, the language is pretty good documented and even has a tutorial learning site. Those who claim C++ is a better language then GO clearly have no real programming experience.
2. What Baka said; As a programmer you shouldn't really have to care in which language something is, the language is only a tool. GO is like a mix of C++, java and Python, so if you can write one of the above, you should have no problem writing GO.
3. I uploaded the old cpp source code to github so you all can see how much of a pile of poop it is. It's missing all dependencies, so welcome to dependency hell.
4. The latest C# version (also on Github) was a final attempt on creating something structured in a more common language to attract developers, but that stranded due to lack of motivation and time on my side.
5. From what I read, most of the people in this thread are not really developers except for maybe a single file here and there. Building an engine which can be used for a game like this is not build in a week. Sure it's possible, but then you end up with our first CPP version, some kind of unmaintainable beast. This is the part of the reason we started over this much. Maybe it's my fault for wanting everything to be perfect and being too easy in saying "oh this is poop, lets start over".
6. A kickstarter would never work for a project like this. One word: Nintendo. They'll Cease & Desist you so hard you don't even know what hit you.
7. Fiver seems like a nice site, but for finding people to work on a project like this. You want people who're dedicated and want to spent every single minute of their free time working on the project.

P.S. For those who're wondering. I (still) have a full-time job and working on 2 other businesses on the side, so I don't have time to pick-up another project (PU).
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


Quote from: Frenchfry545
That settles it. I'm starting a new religion. It's called "Misterdarkism".

Offline Mr_Dark

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Re: Wanted: Developers
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2015, 12:05:17 PM »
Since google code is going to stop, I've exported it to github


- First server writting in Go (doesn't compile against latest Go build chain)
- Client written in Go (we stopped developing this and went to Java+GWT)
- Client written in Java
- Mapping server

If you're really interested in continuing this work, you can probably get the Go server and Java client to work. Otherwise use them as inspiration if you're going to start over.
IRC: #pokemon-universe @ Rizon.net


Quote from: Frenchfry545
That settles it. I'm starting a new religion. It's called "Misterdarkism".