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Author Topic: [OOCC] Rescue the Princess  (Read 8481 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[OOCC] Rescue the Princess
« on: August 24, 2014, 06:41:40 PM »
GM- GrizzlyEatsKids
SubGM- None, but one will be appointed if required. I am open to suggestions to better the RP from all members.

RP Thread: http://www.pokemon-universe.com/index.php?topic=5074.msg133183#msg133183


Once brimming with beings of different races, the land of Sapience is far less inhabited than it is now.

-Race Locations: The human kingdoms and towns are located throughout the Midlands. What little remains of the elves are scattered throughout the different forests. The dwarven mines and fortresses are mostly found in the mountains to the east. The orc strongholds are located in the Wastelands.

-Haven: The capitol of the human kingdom and where the High King's castle is located. It it situated right in the center of the Midlands.

-The Forest of Spirits: A mysterious forest that has been avoided by all people since before the war. It is unknown as to exactly why, but everyone is afraid to enter. Many rumors surround this place.

-The City of Brass: At one time before the war it was being built as an enormous city where all of the races could live together and interact. It contains technology of a seemingly far more advanced time. The Civil War forced the construction of the city to come to halt, but it was just now recently finished. It is now inhabited by mostly the extremely rich and is treated as a paradise.

*More locations will be added as needed with the progression of the RP.


-The Humans: The humans have an average lifespan of about 80-90 years, and have an average height of about 5'4", but this number may vary greatly, and their body types are inconsistent from person to person. Humans also wear a wide variety of clothes. They can adapt fairly easily, and while they are competent in most fields, they are truly masters at none. This causes most of their stats to be around average, but they are not to be overlooked. As an added bonus, they can be rather proficient in three different weapons, where as other races are limited to two. They can also handle wearing more and heavier armor than most races, but they are not limited to only that. Their kingdoms and villages are located throughout the Midlands, and they once held the Stone of Time. The current high king is human.

-The Elves: The elves have an average lifespan of about 800-900 years, but they will often die of disease or other causes before reaching this ludicrous age. They also have an average height of about 7 feet, and are slender and nimble creatures, and while often graceful and delicate, can turn fierce and dangerous in an instance. They prefer colorful clothes, usually with a green-and-gray cloak that blends well with the colors of the forest. They are rather in touch with nature, and what they lack in pure strength they make up for in speed, stealth, and intelligence. Additionally, they have far more advanced senses than any other race, and they can also communicate with animals. Some more practiced elves can even attempt to sense the feelings of those around them. They tend to drift towards using longswords, daggers, longbows, and staves in battle. They are the most endangered of the four majors races, and are scattered about the many forests of the land. They once held the Stone of Life.

-The Dwarves: Most dwarves can live up to 200-250 years, but it is not terribly uncommon to see a dwarf live up to 300. They have an average height of 4'4", and are rather round and bulky. Their speed is actually rather average, and their strength makes up for their size. Their defensive abilities in combat are rather lacking, but they are able to carry heavier armor than any other race, and are also able to work forges and craft many different objects and materials. They are more susceptible to diseases than other races, but the effects of those diseases are rarely as severe. Their clothes often mainly consist of just armor. They favor heavier weapons such as hammers and axes. They live primarily in the mountain ranges to the east, and once held the Stone of Space.

-The Orcs: The orcs have an average lifespan of just 50-60 years, but would rather die in battle than die of old age. They have an average height of 7'8", and are big, muscular creatures. Their main stress and priority in life is honor, and any orc who disobeys that may be cast out or punished. Orcs are simple creatures, and while they wear very little clothes and armor, their skin is tough and does not bruise or cut quite as easily as other races, but this certainly does not make them invincible. They are, however, immune to all diseases. They are the least intelligent of the major races and are slow in combat, but they have great strength and surprisingly good defense. They prefer bigger, heavier weapons such as maces and clubs, but will branch out to use shorter swords and axes. They live in strongholds that are rather far apart from one another in the Wastelands, and once held the Stone of Death.


Magic is a lost, forgotten art, and while at one time prevalent, is now practically nonexistent. Each of the four major races has its own abilities, though. As outlined in the previous section, they are:

-Humans: Can be proficient in up to three different weapons of almost any type. Can wear more and heavier armor than most races (save for the dwarves, who although can't wear quite as much armor as humans, can actually handle more weight).

-Elves:  Have far more advanced senses than any other race, and they can also communicate with animals. Some more practiced elves can even attempt to sense the feelings of those around them.

-Dwarves: Can carry heavier armor than any other race and are able to use any forge and craft a variety of items.

-Orcs: Have stronger skin than any other race and are immune to diseases.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 12:36:35 AM by GrizzlyEatsKids »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [OOCC] Rescue the Princess
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2014, 12:30:05 AM »
Hey everyone, so we haven't had an RP due well on these forums in quite a while,  (for a number of reasons)so I've decided to try something that I can't recall having seen on here since I've joined: an old school medieval RP. I believe there may have been one in the past, but I think it is due time for another. This RP will be catered to new and experienced RPers, so don't be afraid to join if you haven't RP'd before! At the same time, I don't intend on holding experienced RP'ers back. I would love to get the RP started somewhere between this Thurdsday-Saturday. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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Offline ArmandCool

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Re: [OOCC] Rescue the Princess
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2014, 11:09:24 AM »
Sounds cool, never actually played something like it before, and I would love to try it out.

About Role-Plays, my character can be whatever I want and do what I want as long as it meets the requirements and respects rules?

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [OOCC] Rescue the Princess
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2014, 01:39:20 PM »
Yep, pretty much. If you go the the profiles section here:http://www.pokemon-universe.com/index.php/topic,5076.msg133186/topicseen.html#new there's a template that you are required to use. You can just copy and paste it into something like Microsoft Word and when you've filled it out just PM it to me.
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