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Author Topic: [Profiles] Rescue the Princess  (Read 10530 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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[Profiles] Rescue the Princess
« on: August 24, 2014, 06:56:49 PM »

-You may currently only have ONE profile. This is to encourage more player to player interaction. There is the possibility that more profiles can be added later, and if your character dies (by your choice), you may make another.
-The GM may reject any profile at any time and is not required to present a reason as to why.
-Read both the RP and OOCC threads before creating a character for the RP.
-Profiles must be PM'd to the GM. Do not post them here.
-There is currently no limit to the amount of spots available in the RP.


Code: [Select]
[b]Username:[/b](Your PU username)
[b]Race:[/b](You may choose from one of the four races listed in the OOCC. Keep in mind that each race has their own abilities)
[b]Name:[/b] (Your character's name)
[b]Age:[/b] (See OOCC guidelines for your race's average age)
[b]Gender:[/b] (Male or Female)
[b]Personality:[/b] (What is your character like?)
[b]Technique:[/b] (How does your character fight in battle?)
[b]Primary Weapon:[/b] (This is your character's main choice of a weapon and the one that they are most proficient with, see OOCC for recommendations for each race)
[b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] (This is your character's backup weapon. Humans may choose two. See OOCC for recommendations)
[b]Garments:[/b](What does your character wear? See OOCC for recommendations)
[b]Bio:[/b] (What is your character's past? You may also want to include anything about where they are from. Additionally, they will be required to meet with the king to go searching for his daughter.)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Please provide an image for your character.)
« Last Edit: August 24, 2014, 08:18:12 PM by GrizzlyEatsKids »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Rescue the Princess
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2014, 08:48:23 PM »
Username: GrizzlyEatsKids
Name: Firnen
Age: 343
Gender: Male
Personality: Being that he spent most of his life away from others, Firnen is a lone wolf of sorts, preferring in most situations to work alone. He doesn’t sugar coat many things, and will often tell something like he sees it. He’ll show respect to those that show it to him, and fully believes in giving out what one receives. He is rather calm in nature, but can occasionally get very heated when something is involved that he cares about. Although a skilled hunter, he has a soft spot for animals and nature. At the same time, Firnen is also a cunning thief and can be both very deceitful and convincing.
Technique: Firnen prefers to fight from the shadows, using advanced elven techniques to sneak around and pick off his opponents one by one. He is not afraid to jump right into the heart of battle though, and will use his incredible speed and lower-body strength to move swiftly and efficiently in combat.
Primary Weapon: Dual-Wielded Swords
Secondary Weapon: Bow and Arrow
Garments: Clothes are exactly as depicted in appearance picture: A mixture between green cloth and brown leather with very lightweight mail underneath. Cape is also hooded.
Bio: Only an infant when the Civil War began, Firnen, an elven prince, was evacuated from his birthplace of Aelvenwode and brought to the Peacewood Forest, a small area relatively untouched by the war. There he was cared for and raised by a family friend, who met an untimely death due to a mysterious, yet luckily non-contagious disease. Upon burying his foster father, Firnen made his way back to Aelvenwode in order to discover what remained of his original home, but all he could find were ruins. As he grew, he was forced to teach himself that which his faster father had not, and for a while, out of fear, he avoided contact with all other elves that he thought to be roaming the forest. Over time though, he slowly made his way to the human civilization in the Midlands, where when he wasn’t stealing from the mostly corrupted (although occasionally others), he was meeting powerful allies and families. He more frequently stalks the human kingdoms now, but still resides primarily in Aelvenwode, living all on his own. With no real intention yet but to further prove himself, Firnen has decided to answer the call to rescue the missing princess and venture to the high king’s castle .

« Last Edit: August 25, 2014, 01:44:40 PM by GrizzlyEatsKids »
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Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [Profiles] Rescue the Princess
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2014, 02:51:08 AM »
Name: Terryn
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Personality: Terryn believes in a few philosophies: you can’t blame a man for trying, and you must respect him for doing so; what someone doesn’t know won’t hurt them, until you draw blood; do what you must to survive, no-holds-barred, especially when you’re backed into a corner; respect only those who have the power to take yours; and trust no one but those who do not trust you either. As such, he is a very sly person, always saying one thing but meaning another, (a trick he learned from reading elven literature). Somewhere in the family tree above him was a supposed magician, but all that’s left in the family is very well practiced sleight of hand, and while Terryn prefers to stay under the tree of knowledge, he likes using sleight of hand tricks for both entertainment and stealing.
Technique: Terryn isn’t a particularly large person, so he prefers to stay away from direct conflict. He’ll try to pick off his enemies from a distance with his bow, or if he can he’ll stay in the shadows long enough to slit someone’s throat. If he does happen to get caught, his agility and litheness should keep him out of most harm’s reach, but he will stand and fight when needed.
Primary Weapon: Short sword and a kite-shaped buckler
Secondary Weapon: Bow and arrow; small throwing knives
Garments:Light gray and black stained leather over a thin layer of chain armor, basically exactly as the picture details. He also has a hooded scarf over his shoulders for a quick disguise during getaways.
Bio: Terryn was born into a poor family, in a shoddy part of the city of Ash, (which he liked to think the name came from the color of the town, and the mood it set upon the people, settling like ash from a volcanic eruption). He had several older siblings, most of which picked on him, so he taught himself a few tricks to survive. Food was scarce for him and his family, so he had to nab it from whomever or wherever he could, most times little bits from his older brothers, but sometimes he would sneak into the market and steal for his family. His parents talked to him about it once, but they knew that they needed it, so they didn’t question him. And besides stealing, he learned to run, sometimes from his brothers who wanted their food and other things back, but most times from the angry shop owners before he got good at what he did. Eventually he got good enough that the king thought it wise to send soldiers to apprehend him, because just a few days after his nineteenth birthday, he was on his way to the capital, Haven. He managed to get out by tricking the guards a few times, but they stopped him before he got far at all. Now that he’s been in the place for so long, he’s become part of the guard’s little talking group, and now that he’s heard of the king’s mission to rescue his daughter, he thinks he’s found both his way out of prison and his families way out of poverty.

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