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Author Topic: Once Upon A Time  (Read 3749 times)

Offline Kuhns

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Once Upon A Time
« on: February 25, 2010, 06:49:18 AM »
*Once Upon A Time - A Creative Game*

NOTE:If you can't type complete sentences, spell, use proper grammar, act 1/4 mature, and/or follow the rules set below then do everyone a favor and STFO. Thank you.


The About:

-It's a very simple concept. A story will be told in the form of between 1-3 paragraphs (about 5 sentences each) in every post. The story can go any way the next poster wishes, as long as it makes some kind of sense to the previous post. (Character A should not be at a beach in post 3 and then in a forest battling whatever as an old man post 4.)

-The only thing, and this is where the fun comes in, is that at the end of every post there will be 3 random words (selected at the poster's discretion) that the next poster MUST use in their paragraphs. So, for example, I chose the words: flaying, pedantic, and...frog, the next poster has to use those words in their next post (and have them make some kind of sense).

-The three words can't be immature, foul-mouthed, the the names of real people/places, or words that are not recognized in the English language.

-The game rests more on the posters ability to keep a coherent story going (while having fun tripping others up with weird words), and not on characters and the blah-blah-blah that comes with it. If there is already, say 3 'people' in the story then don't disrupt a story by throwing in some random new one. Seriously. The character's behavior will be up to the poster, but they should not really act different in every post. Come on people, if character A is serious and quiet in post 1, don't make them hyperactive and retarded in post 2.

-----I'll start-----

It was a rather hot day in the valley, and the brown haired boy walking the dusty paths couldn't help but sigh in relief as his village came into view over a ridge. The old windmills dotting the area turned slowly, and the boy wiped the sweat off his forehead, aware that the unsettling calmness was a sign of the dust storms to come. The boy looked to the sky and then quickened his pace.

[Words: sullen, stomped, streak]
« Last Edit: February 25, 2010, 06:57:00 AM by Kuhns »