Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's

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Aaron rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled nervously. He averted his attention to his music long enough to mute it, then he went back to the girl in front of him. "Your hair looks weird, is it natural?" He paused for a moment, then smacked himself in the forehead. "Sorry, didn't mean to say that out loud. I should have at least introduced myself first, I'm Aaron. I came here for the tournament, and was headed towards the sparring room when I ran into you."

She rolled her eyes and laughed softly. "Yes, that's why my name is Scarlet," she said half-sarcastically. "And it's alright. I was on my way to the sparring room too." She brushed her hair behind her ear. "I think I can guess what your astral is," she said while looking at his shirt.

Aaron nodded. "Yeah, that should be pretty easy. The Monkey King's gotta represent!" An idea suddenly hit him. "If we're both headed to the sparring room, why don't you tag along with me?" He stared at her expectantly, his face subconsciously taking something akin to a puppy dog pout. It was quite a scene, since he towered over her.

She couldn't say no to that face. "Alright," she said with a shrug. "I'd rather fight with a fellow opponent than a guard. Go easy on me, okay?" she said while starting to walk again. She almost had to crane her neck just to see his face.

Angelo, though slightly embarrassed by his outfit continued to serve himself breakfast. A girl with black hair brushed past him but he was so focused by the many choices of food that he didn't even notice. after a few long minutes he decided upon the pancakes with smiley faces cut into them. The chef looked at him skeptically and walked over.

Chef-Sir, you do know this is the section for children.

Angelo had already coated his pancakes in a fine layer of maple syrup. Angelo looked up from his dish straight up to the chef.


The chef looked almost shocked but decided to leave Angelo with his devices. Angelo turned to find a seat. His eyes scanned the room, there were more people than he expected this early, all the tables seemed full up except one.. Angelo sat down at the last remaining table alone.


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