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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88616 times)

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #120 on: December 24, 2014, 05:00:47 AM »
Clark Matthew

Clark left the sparring room with a pleased smile. Learning about his opponent's astral is indeed an excellent gain before the tournament. Although they also know about Clark's astral now but he shouldn't have to worry too much about that. 'Scarlet's astral's a horse, besides being able to fly there not else to it. Alexa seems more complex but she shouldn't pose that much threat as of current. But Aaron's astral, Wukong was it? He's a bit of a problem resilient with a large skill set but he seems limited in ranged attacks, so at least there's that advantage.' He thought all this to him as he exited the sparring room, his thought were interrupted as he noticed a sudden sense of hunger. Clark hadn't eaten all day and considering its past noon it’s about time he did.
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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #121 on: December 24, 2014, 05:14:20 AM »
Jade Johnson

Jade staggered for a bit as she looked at the other's glowing hand, her ankle's pain increasing with the moment, until she took the other's hand... And then, it happened. A thin, burst of yellow and pink light seemed to flash, and the two human's were knocked to the ground. Now, a normal crowd, would be confused by the entire situation... But, given the location, this seemed to be a normal happening, as none of the other's nearby paid it any mind. They just continued on with their day, ignoring the flash of light. The teenager seemed a bit... Surprised. She slowly got up, her ankle doing a slight glow, however, the pain seemed to have faded away. She slowly began to speak, a bit of a... Confused tone, going out. "H-hey, you....You have any idea what just happened?"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #122 on: December 24, 2014, 05:33:48 AM »
...Great, just when she thought her day couldn't get any worse... suddenly, explosions. Having been sweeped right after feet and not able to recover herself midair in time, she found herself smacked down onto her back, coughing at the cloud of dust she had sent up into the air... not the best remedy for one who had nearly gotten the wind knocked out of their lungs. Still sputtering as she shakily rose to her feet, Alexa checked herself for any signs of injury before heading over to the emeraldette. The roar was gone for now, but-- she could've sworn that it sounded like joyous squealing for a split second as it faded out... "Oy, you ok? I'm not sure what that was, either...but--..." The blonde paused, slowly reaching into her pocket to retrieve her glove.Well, uh-- Did you get a good look at my hand on the way down?" She joked, attempting to lighten the mood despite the pain in her back. There had to be a bruise somewhere along there by now...
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #123 on: December 24, 2014, 09:19:30 AM »
Susanoo was abruptly pulled out of the arena. This came as a shock to Angelo, he woke up breathing heavily. He looked over to Leon who was lying on the floor. Angelo began to panic, a few guards came and pulled him out of the room saying something about technology testing but he knew something was terribly wrong. After the guards had left Angelo just stood there staring at the ground where his new friend had been.  he then looked towards the machine, a big WINNER sign on his screen. That was no win. A few other people were talking in the battle room but he didn't feel like talking. tears welled in his eyes and he quickly ran out. It was lunch time. But Angelo was not hungry.
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #124 on: December 24, 2014, 01:04:52 PM »
Scarlet overcame her shock and stood up again, muttering something under her breath. She saw how Rika looked at Aaron and made a note about it. She wasn’t quite sure how to feel about this black-haired girl yet, but she didn’t think it would turn out well in the end for anyone. ”Thanks,” she said coolly. ”I’m Scarlet, by the way. I was the flying pony who got mauled by a wall of rocks,” and she extended her hand out to her. Even if Scarlet knew how ridiculous that statement sounded, which she did, it didn’t look like she cared. Her expression revealed nothing of her thoughts toward this young girl: talkative, enthusiastic, and possibly her competitor on two fronts instead of one. But not only did she think these two would be fighting for more than the Astral championship, she looked forward to it. Never in her life did Scarlet want to fight, and the urge to win was even stronger.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #125 on: December 24, 2014, 02:12:38 PM »
Aaron nodded. "Thanks, I was the Monkey King. Disapointed I lost, but guess they just played better than us in the end." He glanced over at Scarlet as she approached, intrigued by the change in attitude. "Is that how the crab girl beat you? I just saw a big flash of light, distracted me enough for the little portal guy to get me by surprise." He grinned crookedly. "Got the little bugger though, no chance he could dodge the Nimbus strike once he used all his energy. Did anyone see it? My rod was freakin' enormous!" He hadn't realized just how bad the phrasing was until he had already said it, and he clammed up immediately afterwards.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 02:45:17 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #126 on: December 24, 2014, 08:18:59 PM »
Jade Johnson

Jade seemed a bit... Calm, considering the events that had just transpired. She didn't even know why she felt calm, but something about the atmosphere was a bit nice. She even began to smile a bit at the other's joke, before looking to the other's hand before she could put the glove on, trying to get a better look at the mark... But, she couldn't make heads, nor tails about it, assuming it to be an astral mark of sorts.  She began to answer the other's question, before posing one of her own, a bit of a joking tone to hers. "Yeah, I'm fine. You alright too? Your hand still attached?"  


She began to think a bit, before rummaging through her sketchbook. This person she had just met seemed trustworthy, so why not let them in on the reason she was here? She pulled what seemed to be a poster for a shop, or an ad, with the day's date on it, and the time '3:00 PM', and the words "Grand Opening" on it. She began to speak, posing yet another question to the other. "There's a new game shop opening here soon, I was about to go get some lunch while I waited on it to open. Want to come with?"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #127 on: December 24, 2014, 08:54:13 PM »
Rika nodded her head, "It's a shame but I guess it can't be helped. Better luck next time, maybe?", she replied. Rika watched as the red-haired girl approached them almost feeling an impending sense of doom as she got closer. She extended her hand to meet Scarlet's, shaking it firmly, "It's good to meet you, Scarlet...That's also... a pretty name.", she complimented, trying to ease the tense atmosphere between them, although it appeared to be futile.

Now that she had met these two formally, maybe she could ask one of them to spar with her? Then again, they just finished fighting so they must be exhausted. Not to mention, it was also lunch now so there was no way her request would be granted. Well, there goes that plan. Rika thought to herself. Oh wait...Bingo!. Rika had thought of a foolproof plan! She would just ask them if they wanted to have lunch at the hall where they could socialise more. While there, it'd be the perfect opportunity to ask one of them to be her sparring partner, right?

"Hey do you guys wanna--", she was cut short by Aaron's words. To Rika, this was totally out of context as she was thinking about her own plan rather than listening to Aaron which was probably rude of her. "H-Huh? I-I never saw something like that!", she exclaimed. She then realised that she was blushing a little, so, naturally, she covered her face with her hands.

Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #128 on: December 24, 2014, 08:59:20 PM »
For the first time in near-eternity, most of Alexa's fear seemed to fizzle out into nothingness once she pulled her glove back on, leaving her with just the slightest shiver of social anxiety trembling in her chest. "All five fingers of it!" She couldn't help but burst out into a fit of loud, tomboyish cackling for a couple seconds; the whole hooping, chuckling snortfest  that nearly swept her off her feet again whilst reacting to her own humor. The exact opposite of a silvery giggle, one could say. Though, before she could wipe the tears of laughter away from her eyes, she heard the rustling of the poster. Her gaze snapping over to meet with the colorful graphics and flashy words scattered across the display, she was powerless to stop the squeal of excitement from leaving her lungs. "HOLY COW! A-...A game store... Right here?!" Though, whilst dreaming about getting her hands on a brand new video game title or shiny action figure, the rumble of her stomach was compelling her to grab a bite to eat... in the most un-subtle of ways. "Uh-...I mean-...sure thing!" She slowly brought her grabby little hands away from the poster, shoving them back into her pockets. "Where we headin'?"
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #129 on: December 24, 2014, 09:48:47 PM »
Angelo went straight to his room after the incident and found himself lying on his bed thinking. I'm sure its not that bad, I mean, its not like he's gonna die or anything. I wonder if he'll drop out, I'll have to see if he pitches tonight. Angelo pulled himself together, he wasn't prepared for this but neither was he about to let this get him down. He has preparations to do, places to see, people to meet. But he couldn't help but think, if he were to collapse out there, would they just carry him off and cover it up, saying it was no problem at all? No, he had to think positively, he didn't have time to get down.

Angelo-Cmon Angelo, one battle at a time.

He got out of bed, cleaned his face and walked out. He didn't feel like lunch so he decided that taking a break in the park might be a good idea, but he also wanted to check out the plaza. After a short time and a meeny miney mo session he decided that he really did need a break. So off he went to the park.
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #130 on: December 24, 2014, 11:48:02 PM »
"Thanks," she replied as she returned the firm grip. For a split second, when she looked into Rika's eyes, she let her composure slip for a short second, and her competitive edge revealed itself to her opponent. Her passionate gaze ignited the air between them, her warm smile turned sinister. But then she was back to her expressionless, neutral self. She could almost ref Rika's thoughts, how she connived about keeping her away from-the f*ck did Aaron just say?

There was a brief moment of silence. Scarlet looked at Aaron, who had a hand clapped over his mouth, then Rika, eddo was trying to cover her blush, then back to Aaron. Her quiet composure was breaking up into fits of giggles and she too shrunk back a bit, trying to hide away her smile. Now all three had hands over their mouths, embarrassed, blushing, and trying not to laugh.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #131 on: December 25, 2014, 12:15:40 AM »
Aaron took a moment to regain his composure and fight down his laughter, his face still red as a tomato. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that! I was talking about my super, the one I used to execute Clark! Wukong makes his staff huge and then slams it into the ground, it destroyed an entire section of the forest!" He reenacted the entire ultimate through frenzied hand movements, raising both arms to the sky and slamming them down, his chest puffed out to make him seem larger.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #132 on: December 25, 2014, 03:06:44 AM »
Rika listened to his rather messy explanation. It made sense to her now but she still couldn't help but feel embarrassed. What else was there to feel? Yes, she remembered now what Aaron's, or rather, Wukong's ultimate move was. I can't believe I thought...Agh, just forget it Rika! She still wasn't exactly sure whether to ask them out for lunch but it'd suffice as a subject changer to get rid of this awkward atmosphere. She cleared her throat to speak.

"W-Well, since that's been cleared up, I was gonna ask you two if you wanted to have lunch? With me? I'm sure we can discuss more interesting things there...and get lunch of course.", she giggled.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #133 on: December 25, 2014, 12:35:17 PM »
Aaron nodded, absentmindedly rubbing his growling stomach. "Sure, I haven't eaten since yesterday." He glanced over at Scarlet, then realized Alexa and Clark had disappeared. "Uh... Guess they already went to lunch. You in Scarlet?" He hoped she would say yes, she was fun to have around and talk to. "I still need to explain that astral battling stuff to you anyways!"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 12-5 PM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #134 on: December 26, 2014, 02:18:49 AM »
Yui watched people walking in the restaurant one by one. Though mostly just absentmindedly staring not actually seeing whose coming inside. She was kind of worried about how her astral was doing. The voices she heard during the last battle were somewhat creepy. And she wondered if her astral suffered some kind of schizophrenia hearing voices in her head. She didn't seem like she got a lot of company after all. She didn't notice most of the contents of the sandwich had dropped on the carton that was offered with the sandwich. Taking a bite, realizing she only ate bread. She quickly reassembled the sandwich and took another bite.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.