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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88622 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2014, 08:18:19 AM »
Leon had been lying in the bed of his hotel room, watching the National Sports Network as there had been constant coverage of the upcoming tourney. He had been up since five in the morning, which was rather late for him, seeing as he rarely got much sleep anymore. There was suddenly a knock at the door, and so he quickly hopped out of the bed, and already fully clothed, made his way over to the door. He opened it to a guard, who looked eager to read the letter he held in his hand. Once the man was finished speaking, Leon nodded to him and said a quick, "Thank you."

Just as the guard left, Leon's stomach growled angrily. After closing the door to his second-floor room, he quickly made his way down the stairs. Upon arriving at the dining hall, Leon filled his plate with an colossal stack of food. It seemed that all but one table was full, where a boy who seemed to be just slightly younger than him was sitting. He made his way over to the table and sat across from the boy.

"Hello," he said warmly before digging into the eggs that sat at the top of his mountainous plate of food. It was a wonder how he didn't have a weight problem.
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2014, 11:06:42 AM »
Yui had her plate loaded with some bacon and eggs. She smeared peanut butter on a freshly toasted toast and put a slice of cheese on it. The chefs behind the counter looked at each other when they saw her putting that combination together. She then sat down at a table. The peanut butter already started melting and oozing from underneath the slice of cheese. She started with the toast first.
She proclaimed. She took a look at the map that was placed on the table. On it were spots marked that were recommended. She skimmed through it and then decided she would go to the park after breakfast.

Outside it was still quiet. Apparently nobody has gone to the park yet. She sat down at the base of a tree. Closing her eyes to clear her mind. The whole journey to here had made her bounce all over the place in excitement... In her mind that is. At least, that's how she remembers it.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2014, 11:16:18 AM »
Aaron nodded. "Alright, lets go!" He grabbed her arm and broke into a sprint, pulling the much smaller woman along with him. "I can't wait to battle!" He was like a kid in a candy store when battling was mentioned, and this time was no exception. He practically glowed with energy.

They burst into the sparring room, flying right beside the guards and another astral battler. "We're here!" He finally let go of her, throwing his arms wide to display the room. "I came here a lot when I first got here, but I only ever found the guards. They don't put up much of a fight though, so this should be much more interesting!"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2014, 06:22:00 PM »
Clark Matthews

Clark let out a heavy sigh, clearly disappointed in the so called "fight" the guards gave him. "You guys know you’re not actually helping anyone of the competitors if you don’t put an actual effort into the fights." After offering his opinion he readied himself to leave when two people came bursting into the sparring room with one spouting some nonsense.

Honestly some of these guys are getting a little too excited, but some people can’t help themselves he supposed. "Sorry to burst your bubble man, but me and these guys are the only other people in here." He said pointing to the guards standing across from him. "But hey if your looking for a fight I’d be happy oblige." He gave a bit of a twisted smile and extended his hand out in manner that could be considered friendly. “Name’s Clark by the way."
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 11:03:50 PM by Humen »
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2014, 08:43:58 PM »
Angelo was just about to dig in when a guy who appeared to be slightly older than himself sat down across from him with a mountain of food piled high on his plate. Angelo was slightly confused.


Angelo's confusion turned to excitement, he finally gets to meet his competition, you only make a first impression once. He grins in a way a kid would look at candy.

Angelo-Hey, I'm Ange..

The guy had already started to destroy his plate of food.


Angelo shrugged it off and also started to work on his fat stack of pancakes, the syrup dribbling through their eyeholes. He tried using a knife and fork but decided to use his hands. He took a large bite and thought it best to start conversation.

Angelo-Sooo *munch* you're in the tourny too right? *munch* *munch*
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2014, 09:17:26 PM »
Scarlet giggled a bit. She liked this Aaron guy, he seemed to have a lot of energy in him, despite how early it was. Then she wondered if he knew where the coffee was, she would've liked a cup of it an hour ago. "I've only done a few battles before now, just to get a feel for it," she said while looking around the room at all the machines. They still fascinated her with how they work. Then she saw a strong man with long hair in front of him, and he was extending his hand out to her and Aaron. "Umm... yeah. Okay. I'm Scarlet,"  and she shook his hand, her grip neither loose or firm.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 10:14:52 PM by Lunartic »

Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2014, 10:19:09 PM »
After wandering about aimlessly on the ground floor for what felt like an eternity, Alexa finally stumbled upon... a door! Hallelujah! This had to be the location of the breakfast buffet! Though, upon swinging the door open and striding in, little did she know.. she was actually in the sparring room.... in her PJs. She glanced to and fro, wondering where all the fresh plates of food were. To her dismay, the delicious morning meal was nowhere to be found. There were, however, a few people... and plenty of guards.

"Ah-... excuse me!" The blonde called out to the group of people, waving a gloved hand. "Did I arrive too early for the breakfast?" With a huff, she took a few more steps forth, a melodious humming and bright amber glow emitting from beneath the fabric of her glove as she made a slow, shaky approach towards the group. Unfortunately for her, she had absolutely no clue that these people were going to be who she would have to go up against once the tournament time arrived. "Ah, I suppose that's that... Hey, uh-- any of you mind tellin' me what an...As..tro thing is?" The closer she got to the battlers, the more obvious the light and sound became, until she pulled her hand up her sleeve in a futile attempt to muffle the noise. "The guards have been muttering back and forth about it all day, but.. I.... I have absolutely no clue what they're chatting about... could you-- u-uh... l-l-lend me a hand, here?" What was she doing? this was completely the opposite of what she had planned! That, and why did her hand feel like it was on fire? God, nothing made sense!
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline LunarOrbiter

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2014, 10:52:53 PM »
After walking around for the best part of a half-hour, Rika - eventually - found the dining hall. Her face lit up, smelling the food that had acted as her guide for her nose. The last hurdle of this marathon was now in sight. She regretted not listening to what the guard had to say, or rather, not concentrating enough. In her defence, it was early in the morning and Rika is, as you can tell, is not a morning person. Exhausted from the trek, Rika walked through the dining hall to search for refreshments. Up until now, she hadn't really saw or spoke to anyone but if she was going to do that now, here would be the perfect place...right?

Searching far and wide was in vain. There didn't seem to be a single soul in the hall. A barely audible sigh escaped her system as she wondered what she'd do now with her spare time. Was she late because of how lost she had gotten? That must be it, right?

"Stupid...", she mumbled to herself, hastily picking a quick meal and some orange juice to go with it. With this in hand, she decided to hurry to the gym where, most likely, everyone else was...but where exactly was the gym?

"...Should check this map~", Rika said, spotting one next to the exit. Fortunately, now that she was more awakened, Rika was able to concentrate better so going to the gym shouldn't take her long. She started to head over to meet up with anyone else who was there.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #23 on: December 21, 2014, 11:20:58 PM »
Aaron smiled and shook the man's hand. "I'm Aaron Stillen, nice to meet ya! I'd be glad for a battle, but I already promised Scarlet I'd battle her..." He scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and gave him an apologetic look. "If we could find another person we could all bat-" He was cut off as a short blonde rushed up and stuttered at an apology, muttering something about breakfast. He opened his mouth in an attempt to tell her this was the sparring room, but she cut him off again with a rant about 'astros'.

"Uh, okay... This is gonna take a minute to explain, so gimme a second." He looked at both Scarlet and Clark for help, and when none was offered, launched into an explanation. "First off, you're in the sparring room, not the breakfast buffet. Secondly astral battling is a sport around here, and everyone you find will have an astral, which is a being from a different universe you can merge with to fight. They're all different; some are big and really strong, some are fast, some can fly and shoot." He rubbed a hand against the the back of his neck nervously. "I know I'm doing pretty bad at explaining, uh... I know, we'll show you! We can have a battle, you and Clark vs Scarlet and me! That all right with all of you?"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2014, 11:36:36 PM »
Oh... Astrals! She got it now! ...well, uh- no, she didn't, really. Although it was certainly a shame that she didn't show up at the place she intended to be, and she wasn't a real big fan of sports, the way the wording was pieced together had her convinced that this whole area was some high-tech video game arena! Sweet! "Ah-ha... so it's just like Pokemon, then? A'ight... I'm certain I can handle a round of that..." she mumbled, a crooked grin making its way onto her face. "Sure thing! I suppose I can handle a wee lil' game or two before breakfast with you guys, you seem to know plenty more about this whole Astral thing then I do!" As if worried that the ground itself would explode beneath her feet, she took a wary step forward, reaching a trembling hand out for a shake. "Hey, uh-- the name's Alexa! I'm sorta new to this whole thing, so...uh-- thank you for helping me out of the basics of all this..."

Before receiving the handshake, she suddenly paused, taking a moment to remove her glove... something she had never dared do in front of anybody before. "Now, uh-- I hope this doesn't weird you out, but..." The golden, runic symbol of a four-legged cracked triangle with pointed arms was now in view on the back of her hand, shimmering and flickering wildly like a golden flame trying to escape from beneath her skin. "Since you appear to be a pretty smart guy, can you-- explain this thing for me and just how the heck it got here?" The glow intensified as it was held up to Aaron's face, the sound of a roaring flame mixed with an otherworldly hum ringing out from the mysterious runic seal.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 11:40:04 PM by GoldForge »
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline LunarOrbiter

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #25 on: December 21, 2014, 11:37:53 PM »
The gym was much further than she originally estimated. Is this place a maze or something? Rika thought. Lacking the energy to walk much more, she sat down at a lounge to think of her next move. "I'll just get a little bit of rest here...Ugh, I wish I'd exercised more before I came to this - I'll be a sitting duck if I can't even move!", she complained with a hopeless tone. While moping about at the lounge, she noticed the flickering of a TV screen above her. She squinted her eyes a little to see...was it the other contestants? And they seemed to be in the gym hall. Is this a live feed? With this in mind, she curiously watched as to what was going to happen next.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #26 on: December 21, 2014, 11:43:18 PM »
Scarlet shrugged. "Sure. I wouldn't mind, so long as I get to practice." She tossed her head back to get the hair out of her eyes. Then she rolled up her sleeves, revealing the tattoo on her arm. The rose was beginning to glow faintly, but it seemed to get brighter as time went on. Her heart began to race, but her expression remained calm. She hadn't been connected to the machines yet, but she wasn't going to reveal that any time soon.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2014, 12:06:22 AM »
Aaron shook her hand without hesitation, giving her a disarming grin that stretched from ear to ear. "I'm Aaron Stillen, glad to meet you. The mark on your hand is your astral symbol." He pulled up his right sleeve to reveal his own, a large cloud which weakly glowed orange. "I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it just appeared after you started having weird dreams? That's the way we all get them. We use them to sync into the arena."

He turned toward the sync station, a tall antennae-like structure. There were computers on each side of it, used to sync in. "That all your questions? If so, we can get this show on the road. I'm ready to fight." He hesitated. "I'll show you how to use it Alexa, the rest of you are good, right?"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2014, 12:09:46 AM »
Clark Matthews

Clark put his hand on his chin thinking over the offer. This girl seemed pretty clueless on astral battling in general, really doing a credit to blondes. A match against her would just turn into a pointless stomp with 2 against 1, but Clark took note of the way Scarlet looked at the machines. If she's not that experienced then this battle might not be so one sided after all. He thought to himself and then finally spoke. " You know normally teaming up with someone who doesn't even know what an astral is would seem like a pretty bad handicap." A bit of a smug smile showed on his face. “But I think we can handle it. this is just for practice after all." He turned and began walking towards the machines. He stopped for a moment turning his head back. “Well let’s hook up and get started, it'll all make sense once we begin."
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2014, 12:17:47 AM »
Dreams... dreams... suddenly, it all came back to her. Dear god, the dreams... The cave, the forge, the drones... the girl with the soul-piercing eyes... the burning at the back of her ha-- "A-...a-a-astral symbol.. g-got'cha!" She suddenly snapped back to reality with an awkward chuckle, scratching the back of her head shortly after stowing away the glove in her hoodie pocket. "Yeah, I got the dreams, all right...Dreams of fire..." With one last glance towards the general direction of the door, she began to follow Aaron over to the tower.

'Sure haven't seen a console like this one before... why is it so... huge...?' She couldn't help but find herself thinking, narrowing her eyes up at the massive device. A strange addition to an otherwise normal everyday hotel. "I...guess that answers everything. Hey, sure-- you said this was a game, right? I-I've seen plenty of games in my time, I'm sure I'll catch on right away!" She put on a confident mask to conceal her timidness, "...Except for... whatever this thing is. . .A little help on how to work this thing would be nice..."
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."