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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88610 times)

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #150 on: December 31, 2014, 09:52:29 AM »
Angelo had only just finished his sandwich when guards came and abruptly picked him up.


The guards then explained to him that they were taking him to the tournament grounds. It's time already, I guess time really does go fast when you're having fun. As Angelo entered the tournament stage, he could hear the crowd going crazy with cheers. His face lit up, he felt like the next best thing to a rockstar, this feeling was soon replaced by a deep sensation of butterflies and he suddenly felt sick.

Angelo- Do I have to go out there?

He tried to stall, but the overwhelming sea of guards managed to push him out. As he entered, he realised the crowd weren't focused on him but instead on a jumbo-sized screen. He breathed a sigh of relief. On the screen two people were already battling, the astrals looked very intriguing, one was a fat man with a barrel but the other.. It made him quiver slightly, he shook it off and smiled. It looks kinda awesome! He proceeded to watch the cool looking astral begin to eat the fat man.

Angelo- Oh wow, that's... Interesting... So much for PG 13.

The power immediately cuts out on the screen. Angelo then realised that he would have to go on soon and the butterflies attacked with force. The power turned back on and he read the matchups, Me versus Yooeye? He looked over to his sync station and found someone already there, waiting. He walked over,

Angelo- Are you Yooeye?
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #151 on: December 31, 2014, 02:50:56 PM »
Yui reacted a bit confused.
"Yooeye? What...? Oh! No, you pronounce it like You-e."
She sighed.
"Wait, I think I've seen you before somewhere... Oh right! I passed you on the way to breakfast. I guess some people are comfortable wearing pyjamas...?"
She synced in closing her eyes. The noise of electricity rushing through her ears and the cold feeling once again becoming apparent in her hands. Then she opened her eyes....

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #152 on: January 01, 2015, 04:04:35 AM »
Aaron ditched the group after lunch-stomach ache, apparently. Scarlet said her goodbyes to Rika and she went back to her room, where she took off her sweater, put on her favourite pair of headphones, and flopped onto the bed. With a heavy sigh, she got comfortable in her bed and napped for an hour.


”Can you do me a favour?”

“Depends. What’s in it for me?”

”You owe me one from Hawaii.”

”. . . and what can I do for my darling sister?”

”I need you to install a doorbell on my hotel room, like the one I have at home.”

”Can’t hear someone knocking with your headphones on?”


”Alright, I’ll take down your old one and bring it to you, I just need to-” CRASH ”-oh sh*t. I’ll call back later. Bye sis.”

”Bye.” She hung up the phone and rolled her eyes. Her brother was probably pissing around with his car again. He always has his hands dirty. She remembered him showing up at his own wedding with oil smeared across his nose. She laughed. That was a good day.

There was a knock at the door.

”One second!” Scarlet threw her sweater back on and was straightening it out when she answered it: a guard. She should’ve guessed. ”Alright, I’m coming.” Without another word, she strode beside the burly man down to the arena.


”I’m against him again!?!

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #153 on: January 01, 2015, 04:49:37 AM »
She had only just recovered from all the socialising when Rika heard the knock of her door. The guards, probably. With a quick glance in the mirror to check her appearance, she finished her preparations for the tournament and opened the door for whoever stood outside. The guards - who she guessed would be there anyway - seemed almost eager to inform her that the tournament would be starting and that they had to escort Rika there. Great. Well at least some people are enjoying this, she thought. She forced a smile at the guards and asked them to look after her until she got to the arena.

A mixture of feelings hit Rika like a speeding bullet train. Joy, nervousness, excitement, fear, but most of all, anxiety. She hated going onstage - to do anything for that matter, whether it'd be for a school play, or too explain her analysis on the physical phenomena of the world. Stages were her natural sworn enemy, and it didn't help at all that the tournament would be broadcasting live to God knows how many people. She took deep, slow breaths as she the commentator read out the names of the competitors, hearing some familiar, and other, not so familiar names.

"Rika vs. Aaron", the commentator bellowed " and Newstein vs. Sun Wukong!"

Yikes!... Just her luck to get such a tough opponent in the first match, huh?
It's a good thing that she was able to ask about some of the basics at the table. Her main plan - getting either Aaron or Scarlet to spar with her - was pretty much futile. In fact, she probably had a larger chance of winning the lottery than getting either of them to spar. "Gotta focus.", she muttered to herself. "I can do this... I may be inexperienced, but I've gotta try!" she said, determined now.

Although she said these brave words, she was still shaking. Rika made her way to the sync station, eyes glued to the current match that appeared to have reached it's conclusion - a great, big man who seemed to love beer too much and a...demonic looking creature. "Wha...What the hell is that?", she gasped, obviously scared at what she was witnessing. Rika couldn't believe her eyes as the creature devoured him. She turned away from the screen in horror, trying to block out the horrible images that ingrained themselves into her mind.

The screams and gasps of the audience weren't helping either. It was now clear to her that something had gone seriously wrong. When she got to the syncing station, Rika looked at the machine in awe. The technology was impressive for their time. Thinking about how such a machine works relaxed her a little, even after witnessing something so horrific. She studied the syncing station, waiting for him to arrive.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 05:43:18 AM by LunarOrbiter »

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #154 on: January 01, 2015, 06:01:31 AM »

After having gone for lunch Clark spent the rest of his afternoon preparing strategies for the tournament. It was so frustrating since he only knew a few of the astrals. Guess he’ll just have to prepare for them all this afternoons. ‘This isn't gonna be much of a fun afternoon.' He thought to himself. The time went by, excruciatingly slow at some points, and before he knew it the tournament had come close to beginning. As he left his hotel room he could see one of the guards approaching his door. Perfect timing, come on." The guard seemed a bit taken back at Clark's readiness but took him knotholes since it was the whole point of coming.

Arriving at the stadium, Clark could see the lights from the outside, the place sounded packed and there were still more people coming in. Clark was about to wave off the guard saying he could find his way from here, but a rumble came to his stomach. Clark came to regret skipping breakfast or at the very least wished he had eaten a bigger lunch, and so he turned back to the guard asking for where he could find a concession stand. After being pointed towards the stand Clark went picked out a hotdog when the announcer called the match-ups. He heard his name against Scarlet’s. ‘Now isn’t that funny, I guess all that planning wasn’t a waste after all.' He said to himself in his mind as he exited out to the stadium field.

When Clark walked onto the field he could feel the crowds energy as they shouted, he could feel their eyes on him, the monitors, and everyone. This feeling of importance, of having their attention and them knowing that there was something that set him apart from him that made him more than the average person. This was what Clark relished for, then suddenly the crowd went silent save for the few gasp and screams of shock. Clark looked to the screens he only caught a glimpse, it looked to be some form of beast devouring a man. Before he could fully make it out the screen shut off and the light had all gone out. The crowed seemed stunned, even some of the other competitors were disturbed, it looked like Alexa had lost her lunch. Clark's been in plenty of battles and he's seen some pretty gruesome thing in his astral battles and continued to eat his hotdog unmissed by what happened to the stadium. Whatever that thing was it was strong and represented why Clark entered the tournament, to fight the best and prove he's better. The announcer regains the attention of the crowed telling them of some minor difficulties and that the battles would still continue. It was all Clark needed to hear, he walked up to the sync station, Scarlet was waiting she seemed a bit upset. "Hey you don’t have to look so disappointed, i promise to make the match more interesting than the first one." He said with a cheeky smile on his face.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2015, 06:22:10 AM by Humen »
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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #155 on: January 01, 2015, 12:04:11 PM »
Night had descended upon the park like a blanket, and a cold winter wind swept over the forest, rustling the trees. The only light was offered by the old, rusting street lamps that flickered on and off randomly, and the starry sky shimmered above the forest, unlike in the busy city. The place was simple and unpolished, and it reminded Aaron of his roots, of the small town boy he had been before he had ever dreamed of being a rising astral battler. He always ended up here when things in the city became overwhelming, when he just needed to run until he was too tired to ask himself what-ifs, and tonight was no different. He had swapped his clothes for a faded whte t-shirt, an old pair of elastic shorts, and dusty sneakers and he was freezing. The air bit into his exposed skin and his breath was a foggy cloud in front of him, but he knew he would warm up as soon as he started running. He switched on his Ipod and began to jog, letting himself fall into step with the music and allowing his mind to roam.

He had met tons of new people today, and they had all been battlers in the tournament. He needed to organize things, before his head exploded from an overload of information. 'Okay so... Alexa. She seemed pretty shy, but for her first battle she did real well. Way better than I did, I accidentally shifted into a bird and just squawked and flew around.' He chuckled a bit at the memory. 'Hope she isn't mad at me though, she rushed off before I could explain the voice or the reason she knew what her weapons did, hope someone told her. I'll check to see at the tournament later.' The thought of making someone upset got to him, and he picked up his pace and shook it off. 'I didn't really learn too much about Clark, but I know his astral now. He's a squirmy little bugger, and that super hurt real bad. Once I got him pinned down he couldn't do much, and he wasn't tanky at all. Mighta had a chance at beating them both if I had just dodged that big laser. No point in what-ifs, though.' His music increased in tempo and he matched it, breaking into a full blown sprint. 'Rika seemed real chill, if a bit awkward. Prolly somethin' about bein' a teenager, I sure as hell had my weird moments. She reminded me of Kyran though, always makin' me feel dumb. Grades never were too great, barely eligible for cross country and track...' The thought of Kyran brought their last confrontation to the forefront of his mind, and he immediately steered it in a more pleasant direction. 'Scarlet didn't get mad about me running into her, and she even agreed to battle with me. Sucks I couldn't get her a win, but she didn't seem to care that much...' He would have blushed if his face had not already been beet red. 'That was probably just her astral rubbing off on her though, not anything special. The pegasus, Rainbow Dash... She was unique. She seemed pretty fast from what I saw, and I'm assuming that burst of light must have been her super... Must not have gone well. Can't believe she almost flew into Wukong and I, that was a new one.'

He smiled, but it slowly turned upside down. 'Feel bad about ditching them at lunch, but I have no idea what that was...My stomach hurt so bad, and my mark... It was glowing like a beacon and howling angrily, like an enraged chimp. My whole arm felt like lead... I've never heard of that happening before, and no one seemed to be able to see it but me.' He cast his gaze to the stars, not breaking pace at all. 'It stopped as soon as I got back to my room too, I have no idea what that was...' He was so lost in his own world he didn't notice the road block that had just appeared in front of him, and ran into the brick wall of a man that was the guard hard. He fell on his ass and stared up at the guard momentarily before scrambling to his feet. "Sh*t man, sorry. Is it time for the tournament already?" He was panting for breath, and his hair was plastered to his forehead. The guard nodded and motioned for Aaron to follow before turning and striding away. The young man barely had time to scoop up his headphones, which had hit the sidewalk and shattered, before the guard had disappeared and he was forced to run to catch up to him.

They trudged through the forest without rest, and the guard didn't let up his pace until they had arrived at the arena. He could hear the crowd roaring from outside, and he waved the guard off. He knew the place better than he knew himself, he didn't need an escort. The big man nodded and disappeared, and Aaron hesitated before stepping into the building. This was it, it all began here. There would be no going back after this point, it was do or die. He stepped past the door and the noise inside the enormous arena was overpowering, the screams of fans reverberating until he wanted to cover his ears. An employee spotted him and rushed over to verify his ID, and when they saw he was marked as a competitor they immediately led him to the entrance of the underground room all battlers fought in. In there they were separated from the crowd and could focus, they had their own monitors to view battles, and most importantly they had the high-tech sync stations the hosts provided. The technology blew his mind every time. They were far bigger than the stations in the sparring room, with various monitors that displayed your stats and known abilities, with an actual platform to stand on. He could see his station glowing orange, and noticed most of the other battles had beaten him here. Well then, no time to waste in getting to his station. He stepped up to the platform and quickly signed in.

Immediately a robotic arm brought a monitor down to hover in front of his face, which powered on when it came to a rest. With a roar an emerald dragon descended onto the screen, and the different bars and numbers that represented stats sprung to life. In the center of the exhibit Sun Wukong floated on his Nimbus Cloud, his name in bold, jade-green letters below him. In the bottom right corner was a 3D representation of his astral mark, and in the left were the stats he knew by heart. High strength, average armor, health, and utility, but low speed and abysmal range . He was meant to brawl, not chase and fight from afar. On the right were his abilities, and he reminisced on when half of those slots had been grayed out. He had slaved long and hard to unlock his moves. Art of 72 transformations, Art of Deception, Art of Wind, Art of Extension, Art of Tide, and the earth shattering super, Nimbus Strike. He knew there were more to unlock, there was even a slot that boasted an ability more powerful than his super, but he would have to unlock those in time. He was interrupted from analyzing the screen by the announcer, who boomed out the match-ups across the entire arena. He smiled when he found out he was against Rika, that would be interesting.

Immediately after the announcements the first battle started, Raithen vs Gatillio. He had never heard of either of them, but their astrals looked interesting enough. The first was a man with gravity defying gold and red hair, and a strange device clasped around his wrist. The other was a big man, with a big beard and an even bigger gut. They synced into the forest and the battle began, but from the start he could tell something was wrong. The large man named Gragas had appeared, but Yugio Moto never had. In his place was... No, oh dear God no. Not him, he couldn't be here. Aaron stumbled backwards in panic, back pressed against the support bar around the platform. His eyes were wide and terrified as he observed the fight, but he couldn't take them away from the screen. He knew what would happen before anyone else, the poor drunk man didn't stand a chance... When Zeta transformed he screamed and shut his eyes, astral mark glowing and screeching so loud he felt like his ears were gonna bleed. Not again, he didn't wanna think about it again. Not that battle...

"Come on Kyran, Mom and Dad are worried about you. They say you haven't been out of your room in days." Aaron pounded against his brother's bedroom door incessantly, frowning. "If you don't come out, I'm coming in. I'm not gonna let you rot away in there." There was no response. He sighed, and pulled his pocket knife out of his coat. The lock on the door had been broken since they had shared the room as little kids, and all it took was a jiggle and the door would open. He slid the blade in the lock and turned it until there was a 'click', and then he shoved the door open. His brother laid on his bed and it looked like he hadn't moved for a long time. His clothes were stained and grungy looking, and his hair was greasy and stuck to his forehead. The room smelled like a something rotten had died in there, and it was like a sauna. He grabbed Kyran be the arm and pulled him to his feet, forcing them face to face. He looked worse than had been originally believed, with sallow skin and dark, heavy bags under his eyes. "C'mon, you're gonna shower and then we're going to get you out of here for a while."

The younger brother didn't react, and Aaron stormed over to his closet and grabbed a spare change of clothes. He shoved it into Kyran's hands and pushed him off towards the bathroom. "Go, now." He disappeared into the restroom, and Aaron stayed there until he heard the water come on, then he fell back onto the bed with a sigh. Kyran was so much worse than he had thought, and he only had a vague idea why. He had come to him a few weeks ago crying and telling him about a horrible dream he had been having and the creature within it, and then showed him the mark on his neck. The older man had laughed and explained that it was an astral mark, and that he had nothing to be afraid of. He even offered to battle him, to prove nothing was wrong, but the younger had refused vehemently and not spoken of it again. Aaron shook his and sighed. He knew what he had to do.

Just as he came to a decision Kyran emerged from the bathroom, looking like a completely different person. The grease had left his hair, and a shower and change of clothes had made his skin seem a lot less pasty. He even seemed more awake and out of the fog he had been gripped in. He stopped at the door and crossed his arms, shooting Aaron a glare. "Happy?" The elder nodded. "Yeah, now come with me." He turned towards the door and fished his keys out of his pocket, and the younger hesitated a second before following him. He might as well get this over with. They headed downstairs and Aaron told his parents they were going out, and would be back in a couple hours. Not a word of where they were going, even after they had gotten in the beat up old pick up and started down the street.

"We're going to the chanseyin' sync station, aren't we?"

"Yeah, you have to face your fear. Astral battling isn't a nightmare, it's awesome. I promise nothing bad will happen, I wouldn't let anything hurt you."


The lights flashing off in the arena brought him back to reality, and he gasped for breath. He was sweating again, and he had somehow ended up on the ground. Slowly, he picked himself up, knees wobbling. 'My last words to him... They were a lie, I wasn't able to stop it.' The numbness in his arm had gone away, and the screeching had stopped. The lights slowly flickered back on, and Aaron noticed Rika was at her sync station across from him. He smiled weakly. "Uh... hey there, fancy meeting you here." He hoped she hadn't been there long enough to see his episode, but it had been dark and he had been on the ground, so most likely no one had seen him. He awkwardly attempted to steer the conversation away from himself, in case she had witnessed anything. He noticed a new battle between two people named Yui and Angelo was about to start, and he motioned towards the screen. "So... This is gonna be a good battle, eh?" He just couldn't muster his usual energy, and the question came out half-hearted and weak. If she had known him longer she might have spotted the difference in his attitude, but she hadn't, and surely she wasn't that observative. Then again, she was a genius...

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #156 on: January 03, 2015, 03:39:46 AM »
GM post

It finally began to sink in what Angelo had just witnessed, what he had just seen as a man had been devoured alive. He had to get out. He had to leave, he didn't want to be a part of this anymore. He wanted a legacy before he died, but not like this. Not... Like this. He did something that he normally wouldn't have, due to his honest and carefree nature. He lied. He claimed that he had to go to the bathroom, and it would only be about five minutes at the most, however, as time and time went on, it began to become very clear, that he wasn't coming back. And so, Yui was declared the victor by the announcer, however, he did add in a sarcastic comment about her winning by technicality.

As Angelo made his way through the complex, going deeper and deeper, rather than higher and higher like he was trying to, what looked like a guard found him. The 'guard' told him some spiel about how he was who they expected to be the future champion, and that he was going to show him something that would ensure this, and so, Angelo followed. As he followed, he began to feel...Alive, he began to feel confident in his abilities. He truly believed, that maybe this wouldn't be so bad, maybe he would be able to win the tournament before dying, and make a legacy for himself... However, those dreams would soon be crushed.

As he stepped into what looked like an old cafeteria room, the door shut tight behind him. His screams began to echo out from the room, throughout the complex, laughter of another accompanying it... The guards would not be able to reach him soon enough. As the guard's forced the door open, the sight they were met with, was less than satisfactory. They saw a body, one that they could barely tell was an Astral fighter, lying lifeless, face down upon a broken table. The guards began to examine the body, checking his wounds to see if there was any chance he was alive... But... They came up short, in that department. The first, and most noticeable wound, was there was a large... Hole, as if a blunt object, had literally been shoved through his back, and it went all the way through his chest, blood seeping forth from the wound, with several bones and organs on display to the world. The second injury, was a bit less obvious. He had several indents across his body, as if he had been hit with a blunt object several times. The third, and final, was the oddest of all. His arms were singed, however, his legs and feet, seemed to be coated in frost... A  combination, that made very little sense.

As the guards began to report back to the higher ups, calling them to find out what they should do and who to contact, the answer they got was... Odd, and something they certainly hadn't expected. They were told to clean up the room, and report to report that his illness got to him, causing him to faint when on a large building. Say that his wounds primarily came from what he landed on, and to get creative due to the legs and the arms... And so, the guards, albeit, hesitantly, did just that...

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #157 on: January 03, 2015, 01:37:33 PM »
Yui had been pulled out of her astrals body before anything had happened at all. Looking around slightly confused.
"It looks like Yui has won by a technicality."
"Huh what...? Technicality?"
Mixed feelings went through her mind. One of the first official battles of this year, and it got canceled, she had a feeling of disappointment she didn't want an easy battle. She wondered why Angelo would suddenly back out of the competition, did he get unwell? Did she intimidate him in some kind of way. She slowly turned her back to the sync station, walking back down the stairs trying to figure out what had happened. She noticed guards entering the building busily discussing something. She walked straight towards them.
"Excuse me? What happened to my opponent? It appears he had left and didn't return to the stadium"
The guards looked at each other silently. They all attempted to talk at the same time followed by another silence until one guard stepped forward.
"Well, as it appears Angelo went to have a bathroom break just before the battle."
Yui tilted her head.
"Bathroom break? That doesn't take very long does it?"
"Usually not no, but it appears his illness caught him. He was standing on top of the building when he fainted. Then he plummeted down. He even hit something very hard on his way to the ground."
"... I see."
It were hollow words she would always say when a sentence didn't reach her at all.
"We apologize for the inconvenience. Please have patience for the next battle."

Yui sat down with her back against the wall, staring at the giant monitor, trying to process what was told to her. The more she repeated that sentence in her mind, the less it made sense. The only thing that seemed to make sense was the fact that Angelo went to the bathroom. It makes perfect sense to withdraw to the bathroom in a public place whenever you start feeling unwell. However, the top of the building didn't seem to make much sense. There were signs pretty much everywhere with directions to the bathroom. There is one very close to the stadium for crying out loud.

Then she thought of the other option: He backed out, and used the bathroom as an excuse to get away without having to face embarrassment directly. Why would he have backed out? It doesn't make sense to go all the way up the building. The battle grounds are pretty much on the ground floor so he could've easily left the building via some kind of back door. Spectators would recognize him if he would take the stairs up. Yui opted to ask other battlers if they had seen him going somewhere. She immediately waved the idea away. There must be a reason the guards would tell such a story, probably to keep the astral battlers from getting uneasy. And Yui wasn't the kind of person who would want to make people feel uncomfortable.

In any case, she was stuck at the arena grounds for the time being. She had to focus on the matches that were to come today.

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Re: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #158 on: January 05, 2015, 10:11:31 PM »

Jade had been itching to get into the game store, and look the the wears. However, much to her dismay, the line wasn't just long. It was absurdly long, to get in. Now, one might ask themselves. "Why is this store in particular packed so full?" And the answer, is not only is it opening up today, but they had been taking orders before hand, and most people, including Jade, were able to now pick theirs up.

Jade got to the front of the line, and provided her receipt for the order. Just as the store worker had gone off to get her worker, what she would have described as a 'tragedy' struck. Her collection, or assigned guard showed up. The clock had struck six, and it was time for her to go. She would normally have put up a fight, or objected, but she DID sign those forms, after all. There's probably something about this in there...

She seemed to turn her head down, and turned to walk with the guard who had come to get her, following them to the tournament grounds, where they took her to the First Arena, with all the other participants. As soon as she got there and the match ups were announced, she walked to her station, allowing the guard's to check her bags and whatnot for weapons, however, once she got to her station, she began to scan through the information, trying to find out the most she could about her Astral before the first battle began, looking through her stats. From what she could gather, she had low health and armor ratings, with neutral attack, and neutral speed. However, looking through her abilities, she seemed to have very high utility due to her drones, and would have to remember that.

Then, the first battle started... Oh did the battle start. She watched both sides, watching as the drunken slurs that seemed to give her a headache, rang out against a scratchy, villain-ish voice... The odd thing, however, was that the Astral fighting the 'Gragas'... Wasn't who she had expected. It wasn't the 'Yugi Moto' that had been shown, it was an odd... Monster. Her stomach began to turn, and she became nauseous as she watched the monster eat through the other's flesh, however, as soon as she began to reach her limit at watching, the power seemed to... Go out. She seemed to stand there, frozen at her spot, before the power came back on a few seconds later, the battle having seemingly ended, as the two fighters had been ejected from the sync station.

Now, normally, Jade wouldn't have been worried about a little gore, or even something as graphic as she had just watched... But... Something about that fight got to her, and it was something very simple, but legitimate. She was going to have to fight something like that, and she wasn't sure she wanted too. It wasn't like she could back down now, but she did make a choice. As she stood at her station, she began to flip through her sketchbook, as if trying to distract herself from all that was going on, including the next few Astral battles, as if trying to avert her eye's from any other death's...

Steven hadn't really... Done much, that day. He had been reading some books from his country, when the collection guards had come to get him. They led him to the tournament grounds, and the first arena, where the guard's seemed to check him for weapons, a bit more... Thoroughly, than some of the other's, but they found nothing.

As he got to his station, he began to check out what they had written for his Astral, a bit glad that they had a language setting. When he got to the station, he seemed to eye Discord's profile a bit... Confused, but it might have been due to the fact that the image seemed to flash between three different Astrals, as if glitching. He noted that his speed rating seemed to be rather high, but his strength, Armor, and health, seemed to be rather low.

 One thing that seemed a bit interesting, is as it flashed between the Astrals, only one ability changed, however, they switched too fast to read. Eventually, as it reached his turn to fight, the image seemed to stop, on a man with a TV for a head, wearing a bit of an odd  suit with it. The ability that was changing now stable, he began to read it, smiling at what it did.

"Come back" was the name of the ability, which, was a rather literal title. The ability seemed to give him the ability to snap his fingers, calling the cane back to him, or, if the cane couldn't move, it would literally bring him to the cane. One thing he noticed, however, was this cane seemed a bit different than the one's the other had, as this one resembled one that you would often see in a old play, as it resembled a Shepard's crook...

As he finished reading the stats, he began to watch the battle that was going on at the time, watching as a being was tearing into what he would assume was a drunken man. He felt confused by the fact that the other wasn't the one the display had shown, but yet a creature of darkness, plunging the arena in to darkness at it's will. He felt slightly angered by the deception, but most of all, he became to feel nauseous, as he watched the Drunkard be eaten alive, appalled at  the cruelty of the being... It was then, right before the beast began to feast on the drunkard, that the power went out, forcing an unsync between the two...  When the power came back up, his Astral's picture seemed to switch, to a man in a brown suit, with an old phone for a head. Steven stood at his post, a bit...Confused with the stuff going on, but most of all, he began to wait, ignoring the battles to come. This was a different league than he was used too, and positively more ruthless...

Full Battle Post

At the right most machine, two very peculiar opponents stood, prepared to fight, both of standing at their spot, a but uneasy. On one side of the machine stood "Steven Williams", and on the other side, stood Jade Johnson. They didn't speak before synching, one because they couldn't, and one because they didn't have the courage to. Before long, the announcer bellowed out that the third battle of the night would begin, and it was going to be an interesting one. As soon as the sentence ended, the referee raised both arms, and yelled for them to sync, so they did. Steven touching his mark on his chest, and Jade touching her's on her ankle.

Discord opened his eye's, looking around as his mind began to meld. He noticed he was now in the 'correct' body, and had a bit of a clunky head, since it was a Phone, and moved a bit stiff, as he was now in a fully brown suit. He held his cane tightly, looking around as he walked through the forest.

XNFE slowly opened her eye's, a bit...Disoriented as she looked around. She was...Confused. She was in the same position she had been in from her last memories, sitting on her drones as she awaited her death, waiting for the oxygen to leave... She...Felt out of place, and it only got worse when her mind began to meld with Jade's. The drones seemed to jerk around wildly in response to the mind's melding, which caused her to be knocked off of them, to where she hit the ground in the forest. The three drones began to come down, circling her as she looked around, pondering where she was. She began to walk through the forest, a single purpose in the back of her mind; Part of her, the part she didn't know, was telling her to start moving, quickly. It was telling her to fight her opponent, kill the one here so she could leave... And so, she did just that, she began to break out in to a jog, the drones trailing behind her, until she found her opponent.

Discord noticed his opponent, stopping in place as he began to stare his opponent down and examine them, or more accurately, watching as three drones began to circle him... Or at least, he was staring her down from his perspective. His opponent, however, saw him as an old phone, upon a man's body. The girl began to chuckle, drones surrounding him, she began to speak. "I don't understand why you're here, but I could have at least been given something more than ancient technology to fight..."

That's when she got her wish, and the dice stopped rolling. That's when she got something more. Discord began to whip around at each drone, a minigun constructed out of flames materializing in his hands, firing out fireballs that slammed into two of the drones before pointing at the girl. She had one drone left, and he had two shots left. He quickly fired both shots, at her and the drone, to which the drone, and her, narrowly dodged them, a low powered energy beam firing from the drone into his leg, however, he seemed to shrug it off. The girl rushed him, to which Discord attempted to block the child's claws with his cane, but to his dismay, the cane merely snapped from the force, the claws leaving large indents in his chest, and knocking him back. He began to slowly begin stepping backwards, staggering as he did so, moving one of his hands to cover the wound on his chest, blood seeping around his hands.

 As the being of chaos backed away, the same thing happened over, and over again. The drones would appear after she went to their corpses, he would destroy them in a over the top fashion, and then remember to jump back, as to dodge the claws. Eventually, however, he got a certain roll. A special roll, where all four dice, rolled Sevens. This, was the mark of something special, as the dice turned black, and seemed to multiply, eight dice appearing in Discord's hands now, however, they weren't all that was growing in numbers. Another Discord, appeared. The second Discord seemed to have a TV for a head, and was wearing several different colors, rather than just the brown. The two Discord's even began to converse between themselves, the one with the phone for a head speaking first. "Ah, it's you! Glad it wasn't that wretched mask."

"Indeed,I'm glad it's only you, and not the rubbish one."

"I hear he caused his last user to go mad, I wonder if he'll do the same to ours?"

"I think ours will turn him mad firs-"

The TV was cut off as a low powered blast struck his antenna, static appearing across his screen. Their opponent seemed a bit... annoyed with how the two were acting, before doing she began to do something strange, speaking as she did so. "Tch, there's two of you now? I'm not dealing with this... I want my answers too, so, time to end this.

The drones began to make a soft beeping noise, before surrounding the two at high speeds, and exploding immediately, giving no logical way of escape for the two beings of chaos. ...But, they don't abide by logic very often, because, as the smoke cleared, then, a voice rang out, almost literally, as the TV had taken the phone off of the receiver of the other Discord, and had began talking into it. "Hello, yes, I DID order the wall of stone, glad you delivered on time!" Around the time the sentence, the smoke had completely cleared, showing that there had been a large wall around them, most of it being reduced to rubble.

And then, from the phone itself, another voice rang out, speaking as the original discord's hands began to glow. "Yes, and thank you for delivering the pillar of flames on time too, dear, that cut I was given earlier getting very annoying."

As he finished his statement, a pillar of flames shot down from the sky above his opponent, burning them to ashes, their futile attempt to dodge failing. The two fighters unsynced as the other was reduced to ash, a green sign that said "WINNER" appearing on Steven's side.
As they unsynced, Jade seemed to almost stand there, shifting in place as if uncomfortable. Her mind was trying to explain to herself, everything she had seen... But further more, not even just the contents of the battle. She was trying to comprehend all the memories she gained, all the memories, from her astral, that she now had... The worst part was, however, she seemed... Scared. She was trying to explain to herself, how she had watched herself die, felt the pain and agony of being incinerated, but was standing there. She seemed... Disturbed, as she had felt death, but there were no consequences. She had no harm done to her, but she had felt life drain from her body moments ago...

Steven however, didn't even notice the other's look of horror, but stood there as the Referee came over and raised one of his arms, yelling out that he had won the fight. However, instead of a look of glee, instead of the expected expression, there was somewhat of a monotone look on his face, as if something was off about the entire fight...