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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88686 times)

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2014, 12:25:00 AM »
”Yup.” She was lying through her teeth. Her only experience with these machines was watching a few other fighters hook up to it, and now she was going to as well. What am I doing, she thought as she approached it nervously. On the outside, she was calm, like she knew exactly what she was doing. But inside, she was a wreck. You could poke her with a needle and all her tense emotions would explode into a fit of anxiety. But she remained calm.f anxiety. But she remained calm.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2014, 12:49:34 AM »
Aaron pressed a button on the side of the tower, and immediately all fours screen came to life. "These get us in-tune with our astrals and into the arenas. All you gotta do is press a couple buttons and..." He smashed a few buttons on the screen and it faded to black, then another screen came up with a large red button that said 'Ready' in bold letters. "Now when we're ready to begin you'll hit that button, press your hand against your astral mark, and just let the pulling feeling on your mind take you. Get it, got it? Good."

He stepped away from and took his place on the left side, quickly preparing his station. When the ready button appeared he rolled up his sleeve and pressed his left hand onto his mark, which was now glowing a bright orange. His right hand hovered over the ready button, and already he could feel the tug on his mind to away into Wukong's conscious. "Ready whenever you all are."

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Offline Humen

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #32 on: December 22, 2014, 01:03:17 AM »
Clark Matthews

Clark was ready at the sync station his screen ready, he looked over to Rika once Aaron had finished explaining."I'll watch your back if i can just try not to get caught to soon." After giving a bit of a reassuring smile he pressed the ready button and a glow on his shoulder where he had a scorpion tattoo began to glow, but not the whole thing only a small portion with a light blue glowing in the shape of a small chick. Clark was already warmed up after battling the guards and was ready to go again. "Oh and Scarlet don't worry it should be easy to sync after having Aaron explain it like he did." He said smiling as his consciousness slipped into that of his astral.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 01:05:31 AM by Humen »
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #33 on: December 22, 2014, 01:04:38 AM »
Leon caught himself with a slight grin on his face as the man introduced himself. He momentarily stopped stuffing food down his face to speak.

"Pleased to meet you, Angelo. I'm Leon."

His new friend began to dive into his own food as he asked if Leon was a competitor.

"Yep, I am," he said proudly. He assumed that Angelo was one as well.

"Hey," he said after chowing down on breakfast sausages and bacon, "what do you say we run through a practice match or two after we finish eating?"
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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #34 on: December 22, 2014, 01:06:55 AM »
Scarlet would’ve liked to peer over Aaron’s shoulder to see what he was doing, but she had to settle for watching from under his arm. She half-memorized the button sequence and figured out the rest of it at the console. It took her a bit longer than Aaron to prepare herself, but eventually she was ready as well. ”Let’s do this,” she said, trying to sound confident but it came out with a half-squeak in her voice. Her fingers quivered over her tattoo. This was a make-or-break moment. It was time to prove to everyone - to herself - that she was not going to fail.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #35 on: December 22, 2014, 02:02:26 AM »
Gazing on the landscape that stretched out before her she looked around for any suspicious activity. It seemed like the coast was clear for now so she sat down on the ground. The sun was shining brightly. But she still felt a sort of chill in the air. Looking at her hand.
Damn this...
Sitting in the sun was the only thing that kept her sane, so she sat in it as much as she could. Even though she couldn't feel the warmth of it anymore.

Yui opened her eyes feeling rather disoriented. She looked around confused, then realized she had fallen asleep while clearing her mind. She shook her head and then sighed. She stretched her arms and legs as wondered how long she nodded off. She took out her map and gazed upon the highlighted points of interest once more.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8-11 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #36 on: December 22, 2014, 02:09:05 AM »
Gatillo slowly rose from his bed, he glanced over at the clock, which read 8:50, meaning breakfast was almost over. "Hmm... According to the letter, I was supposed to get a wake up call at 8:00 Am, guess I slept through it... Good thing I studied the last two tournaments, I guess... It's almost 9, so I should go grab the breakfast before they get rid of it... I also have roughly 10 hours until the guards will come to collect me... Eh, lets go eat." He got dressed in a blank T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, and began to slowly walk down to the buffet. There was very little food left, but he prepared a plate with what was left, and began eating.

As he did so, the clock rolled over to 9:00 AM, meaning he had just made it in time, as the staff began to come out and clean off the buffet area. He began to read some of the signs that had been set up in the mean time. Two of them were maps of the area, however, one of them, caught his eye. It talked about an area nearby where the fighters could explore and learn more about Astral battling it self, but didn't state the location, stating that it would be revealed after the first set of battles. "I'll have to keep my eye's open for that, that's what I'm here for anyways. I need to check out the local library and book stores in the plaza too, I need to see if they have anything on that one topic..."

As he finished his meal, he slowly rose from his seat, looking around. He began to check the area, taking a map of the hotel as he walked past the check in area. He began to think to himself, a small smile on his face as he began walking. "I'd bet that there are some fighters in the sparring room. I may have missed the original crowd, but I'm at least going to find a few here. I'd like to at least get to see some of the competition, and hopefully, learn something more about their Astral's themselves." He began to slowly make his way to the the room, where he saw that several fighters had began fighting, or at least began to synch, a screen above the Synch machine showing a top down view of the arena in one corner, and flashing through scenes of the other fighters, switching perspectives randomly. "Bingo. I was right."
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 02:10:59 AM by Desbear »

Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #37 on: December 22, 2014, 02:09:53 AM »
She had to admit, she was incredibly reluctant on stepping up to the screen, amber orbs eyeing the ready button as though it were the trigger to blowing up the world. Why did she always think everything would burst into an inferno of death? The world may never know. "pulling...on my...mind...?" she looked over to Aaron, repeating the phrase under her breath. To her, the first thing that came to mind was the gruesome hand of a zombie clawing at her cranium. With a slight shudder and a shaking of her head to rid herself of the thought, only now did she realize how paranoid she had become about the thousands of possible things that could happen in this very moment. Every inch of her body was quivering like a leaf in the wind. She didn't know what to expect, she didn't know what to do except for what she was told...

So, she decided that she might as well roll with it, what could possibly go wrong? Fear warping into the surge of excitement of starting anew in her life, her hand swooped forth to slam the ready button down. Drawing a deep breath in to clear her mind, she released it slowly, amber orbs sliding shut as she placed her palm over the seal. The crackling rage of a fiery blaze roared in her ears, a sound only heard by herself. She felt what seemed to be a surge of otherworldly energy rush through her body, leaving her feeling weightless like the drop of a rollercoaster. The roar grew louder, louder, the world felt like it was burning all around her, but yet-- it brought a sudden feeling of calm despite the deafening blare and heat that sounded like it was ready to consume her very being. With one last breath floating out of her mouth, her body went numb... and the sound was gone as though it was never there in the first place.

Eyes snapping open out of shock, she gazed about to find a familiar dreamscene unfolded all around her, blooming into existence out of the endless white void... yet, this time... there was no sound that reached her ears. The flowing of magma, the drones whizzing past her head, metal clashing together... the girl. Despite the piercing gaze of the golden-haired figure, she found herself walking closer... step by step, she walked, her body moving on its own. Eventually, she was a mere few feet away, her feet freezing in place upon the ground. The armored figure said nothing, rising up to her feet. With the silent groan of the metal that encased her arms, she reached out a massive clawed hand. Instinctively, Alexa found herself reaching out her own, her gaze snapping over to the glowing astral mark branded into the back on her hand... and then over to the symbol marked in gold upon the girl's jacket... they matched. 'You...?' Alexa barely managed to mouth a soundless word as her palm pressed against the gauntlet. Just like that, an electric twinge shot through her body as everything bloomed back into white once more, the roaring of flame ringing in her ears before everything went black.

She awoke with her back against a tree, the chirping melody of birdsong overhead being her only company. Shakily dragging herself to her feet, she realized that the ground was... a little bit further from her than she had expected. Everything around her was certainly much too advanced to be virtual reality as she looked down at her palms, which were now clad in neon orange gloves... She took a moment to pinch her arm, both to check to see if she was still alive and that she wasn't dreaming. Feeling the sting of pain, she hissed inwards... "Agh--" She suddenly halted... that voice didn't belong to her at all... "Wh-..wh--" No, no... Swiftly dashing over to the nearest lake, she gaze down at her reflection in the water... "...No...it...i-i-it...!!" She suddenly clutched at the sides of her head,only to meet with a pair of horns among her golden locks... Rubbing at her eyes frantically, she checked again... still, no matter how many times she checked, the girl from the flames was there...no...impossible...SHE was now the girl from the flames... "But it was just a stupid dream!!" She bellowed at the top of her lungs. Out of pure frustration, she stomped a metal boot down upon the ground, yelping when the ground itself split beneath it, a wave of rocks shooting up its wake. "Wh-...what do I do... what do I do?!" She shook her had violently.

Then, suddenly, without even thinking, she found her arm moving on its own, pressing in a switch on her shoulderplate. A small hiss of steam floated away from the vents of her blackplate armor as it slid open, a couple hunks of scrap metal rolling out. She felt-- oddly irritated at herself for some reason as she swiftly began to go to work, piecing the plates together as though it was a little kindergarten craft she had repeated for her entire life. Ok, sure, she had joined a robot club once, but she couldn't help but marvel the sight of the finished product... two freakin' balls. Brilliant... just what she needed in the midst of the forest. Frustration now forming into rage, she gave one of them a hard kick. With a series of whirrs, the ball split open to reveal what seemed to be the holy offspring of a spider and a set of gatling guns, releasing a short whistle before it trotted off into the forest. "...Okay...THAT was awesome..." She couldn't help but smirk a little as the bot disappeared into the trees. Moving over to the next sphere, she gave that one a little tap with her foot, giggling excitedly as it too popped open, making a beeline in the other direction. Wait-...Oh, god.. that had to be the girliest laugh she had ever done...eugh. Gross. Shrugging her shoulders a little, she found her other hand swooping up to press a button on her other shoulderplate, her shell clunking shut and now releasing a thick cloud of steam from the vents... However, after her memories rushed back to her... her eyes widened. "W-...Wait... battle...battle...Where the heck are my weapons?!" The Astral suddenly squeaked. Great, those two drones were probably her only method of protection and she just rolled them out into the forest like a bloody idiot. What other weapons did she have? Well, perhaps she could stomp her feet and do that fancy rock thing again... oh, yeah, perfect. With a sigh, she made her way over to a thicket of trees, rubbing at her temples as the cloud of mist surrounded her like a thick sheet. Maybe, with any luck, she'd find an axe, o-- scrap metal-- or a swor-- s c r a p  m e t a l-- or maybe a pair of twin pisto-- S  C   R  A  P  M E  T  A  L. Ugh! Great, now she had a crazy voice in her head... just where was she going to find metal in a freakin' forest?! Nothing made sense today...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 02:24:40 AM by GoldForge »
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #38 on: December 22, 2014, 03:07:21 AM »
She watched as her colleagues slipped away into the unconscious to bind with their astrals. Aaron spoke of dreams, visions of a silhouette, a flash of colour, a rainbow. The sense of flight, freedom, breaking free from everything that has held her back for so many years. Scarlet heard stories of the Astrals, who and what they are. She had no doubt in her mind who her Astral was.

The big red button stared at her menacingly. Her tattoo glowed and felt like it was burning. Wind whistled past her ears and blew back her hair. She could take this feeling no longer. She pressed the button, clapped her hand over her thorny rose and closed her eyes.

Falling. Face down. Falling through the air. Nothing to catch her, nothing to stop her. Her heart was beating out of her chest and she tried to scream but the air rushed back into her lungs. Laughter. From a voice that was not her own came laughter, beautiful and carefree. She opened her eyes.

She wasn’t falling anymore. She wasn’t even moving, just standing. Not naturally, however; she was on all fours with her back horizontal. She wanted to stand upright, but that didn’t feel right either. She looked down at her haaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!! These were not hands! These . . . she sat down on her haunches and stared at her hooves. Bright blue hooves. She turned her head to look behind her; yes, she was definitely a sky-blue horse. With a rainbow-coloured tail too, and a mark on her flank.

She stood again, precariously this time, and swayed back and forth, back and forth, side to side. Getting her balance, she put one hand - no, hoof - forward, then a back one, then a front one, and so on, slowly lurching onward. Soon she was walking, then running, faster and faster, as fast as her powerful legs would carry her. There was an odd feeling in her back, and itch. She tensed the muscles and felt a light *woomf* before biting the dirt and tumbling over and over, landing upside down with her tail up a tree.

”What the-” She clamped a hoof over her mouth. This was not her voice. ”I sound . . . like this?” she asked herself. ”Sounds familiar.” But she had no time to wonder about her voice, she needed to know what brought her to a halt. Looking up at herself, she saw two blue protrusions from her back - wings. She couldn’t help but smile. ”Awwww yeah,” she proclaimed and clumsily rolled to her hooves. She got a better look at them and their beautiful cyan feathers. She flapped them once. Twice. Over and over until she was hovering. She couldn’t contain her laughter. It was as if she was born for this, made to fly. Acting on instinct alone she soared higher, faster, flying through the crisp forest air and perching on a cloud.

She fell onto her back and laughed. ”This is the best day of my life!” she yelled. Nothing in the entire world could stop her from enjoying this.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #39 on: December 22, 2014, 03:40:52 AM »
Aaron hit the ready button and let the pull take him, the familiar exhilarating feel of syncing overtaking him. The feeling of unbelievable power and anger, the betrayal from the gods, the confidence he held as he defeated them all. The despair as he was imprisoned, and the peace of journeying to the West. He was the Monkey King, the Great Sage equal of Heaven. He was undefeatable.

Son Wukong awoke high above the arena in the sky, sitting cross legged on his nimbus cloud in a meditative form. The wall of clouds all around him obstructed his view and left his fur damp and plastered to his skin. That would simply not do. His eyes, glowing jade green orbs with no pupils, slowly opened and he stood. He reached into his ear and plucked out something the size of a pin, then brought his arm back to his side.

The small object started to grow as he held it until it was a full sized staff slightly taller than the monkey king. The shaft was made of a polished wood, and at both ends there was a heavy jade green dragon head made of marble. He gripped around the middle and whirled it around him, dispelling the wall of clouds. That was much better, now the world could see the handsome Monkey King. Which reminded him, he was here to show off his skill and... Oh yeah, he was here to demonstrate astral battling!

The Great Sage leaped off the nimbus cloud, hurtling toward the ground at great speeds. The Ruyi Jingu Bang grew in length and width as he fell, and when he was satisfied it was large enough, threw it like a spear at the ground. It broke the surface of the dirt, landing upright like a totem pole. The Monkey King landed atop it with ease, balancing on one leg, tail paralyzed midair. Then, with an enormous grin, he bowed. "I am the Great Sage equal of heaven, Sun Wukong the monkey king. Face me if you dare!" His voice boomed across the quiet forest like thunder, rattling the leaves on the nearest trees. His position was no secret to anyone if they wanted to find him.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 07:57:52 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #40 on: December 22, 2014, 03:56:31 AM »

Once again after opening his eyes Clark finds himself in the body of the young Yugo. Going from a tall 23 year old to a short 12 year old was always annoying to Clark, especially one that wears such a big ridiculous looking hat. He was with in the forest arena one which he are very familiar with. He couldn’t see Aaron or Scarlet's astrals, the only one around was a girl with long blonde hair and strange looking hand. She was expunging steam and little robots from looks of it, definitely one of the weirder kinds of astrals.

Yugo decided to test her awareness and begun moving his hands in a circular motion, then two small blue portals emerged. He tossed one up into a tree above the girl leaving the other one in front of him and stepped through. He appeared on top of the tree above Alexa's astral as the portals closed behind him. "Hey looks like you sync'd in just but you might not want to stay still for too long, we don’t know where the others are after all." He yelled down to her wondering if she even realized who he was.
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #41 on: December 22, 2014, 04:15:38 AM »
"YAHH!" Alexa stiffened at at the unfamiliar voice, sharply turning on a heel to look up at the tiny astral standing atop the tree. Moments later, her 'cat on a hot tin roof' look subsided, being replaced with a pout of disapproval as she crossed her arms. "Great, this is the part where I die now, isn't it?" She raised a hand up partway to lower her forehead into her palm. "Look, give me a break, kid..." she muttered as the vents on her shell closed. She found it hard enough to see already, so she might as well not fog this up any further. With a flick of her antennae, she moved her gaze up to the portal boy once more. "I can't find where my weapons have spawned, I just threw away possibly my only defenses into the forest, and I can't stop thinkin' 'bout bloody scrap metal!"

"As far as I know, my only attacks are that I stomp my foot on the ground and it shoots rocks at people! What am I supposed to do with that?!" The blonde growled, swinging her arms out to the sides. though, as she did so, a trail of fire shot forth from her arms along their path of movement, then shooting forth like a short-ranged projectile and scorching the ground below her feet. "ok, so I split the ground, build robots, and do a fire thing... great...and I don't even know where the others a--"

Off in the distance, the first drone patrolled through the forest. It halted, tilting its body until it faced skywards, emitting a whistle.

A few moment of silence later, a blurry image pulsed into Alexa's mind, urging her to... look upwards... "...There..." She thoughtfully muttered as she pointed a hand skywards. Though, it moved about, as if unsure of the exact direction of the pulse. "But-- how the heck--?"
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2014, 04:20:36 AM »
Scarlet - err - Rainbow watched as the Monkey King descended from his perch in the clouds with amazement. She scrambled to the edge of the cloud and perked her ears as he let out his cry. There was no mistaking who this ape was. ”Aaron!” she yelled, despite knowing he was too far to hear her. ”Wait a minute,” she said with surprise, ”I have wings.” Confidently, she leaped off her perch and soared downward, circling around him to slow her descent. But in the midst of her excitement she forgot one crucial detail: landing.

”Look out belloowwww!!!! she cried as she spiralled toward Sun Wukong.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2014, 04:46:29 AM »
Wukong latched one hand onto his staff and somersaulted backwards, defying gravity as he ripped the totem-sized weapon from the ground and carried it with him. He landed in a crouch his staff, now back to its normal size, held behind him with one hand. "I need no warning, I could hear you clumsy flying from a mile away." He stood at ease, tail swishing leisurely behind him. A small horse did not scare the monkey king, he could take her out like a fly.

He was preparing to do so when an image of a small pale human with a red mane flashed into his mind, and the memories came rushing back to him. He stood up, shrinking his staff back down and hiding it back in his ear. "I'm sorry Scarlet, you know what astral battle does to people... I thought I really was Wukong for a second there." He offered her a smile and held up his hands in a peace offering, then froze. "Shh... Do you hear that?" It wasn't often, but every little bit there was a soft beep.

The sage tensed and drew his staff, standing protectively in front of the much smaller pony, ready to fight.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 05:01:31 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #44 on: December 22, 2014, 04:54:16 AM »

Well it seems like she isn’t to keen on noticing people He thought after seeing her look of surprise. From the way she talked it sounded like she thought Yugo was the enemy. “Listen hey im not gonna hurt you. It's me Clark...well sort of. Anyway you’re not gonna find any scrap metal here. this is pretty much all forest." Clark didn't really want to have to help the newbie since she's a competitor, but the hero in Yugo that gives him the desire to help people knows no limits. Yugo leapt from the tree branch he was standing on towards Alexa. Then out of nowhere she shot fire out of her hands, she was only a few inches from hitting Yugo.

The loud voice came running through the forest. The words were a bit hard to make out but it's most likely Scarlet and Aaron. Alexa was pointing towards the sky as if she had seen something but whatever is there Yugo can’t see through the trees. “Yugo come on now, get up. And be careful with that fire you might set the whole forest on fire." Yugo took a few step in were Alexa was pointing but still couldn't see anything. So instead he closed his eyes and concentrated after, after a few seconds he could see a large light blue silhouette. The exact shape couldn't be made out but it could only be the enemy.

Yugo turned back to Alexa offering his hand to help her up." Scarlet and Aaron are somewhere over. Good job in pointing out there position though i don’t know how you did. Good intuition I guess. well come on we don't want to get caught off guard by them." He gave a soft chuckle, still holding his hand out. But from that silhouette Yugo saw he can only imagine what kind of horrendous creature one of them must be.
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.