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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88633 times)

Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #45 on: December 22, 2014, 05:07:30 AM »
The armored girl suddenly perked up and held a finger up to her lips with a glare, as though gently requesting that Yugo stay silent. "Shh..." After a few moments, Alexa closed her eyes... when they opened once more, they seemed... rather glassy, as though she were staring out for miles. The concentric rings within her irises pulsing and flickering with a bright light. The drone whistled softly again, another pulse of an image rushing into her head... much clearer this time around. That grin on her face didn't seem like she was planning anything pleasant, for sure. The atennae upon her head flicked once more as she got into what seemed to be an attack stance, a metal finger still pressed to her lips... golden orbs slid shut again... Both competitors in the same place... how convenient. "...There." She whispered, a fang visible through her crooked grin.

Off in the forest, the first drone whistled softly once more. There was a near silent click... and then a rustle... with a loud 'PEEP PEEP' of alarm, the drone sprung forth from the bushes, gatling guns revving as it would soon unleash fire in the general direction of Sun Wukong and Rainbow Dash in a matter of seconds. "Incendiary ammo... they won't even see it coming..."
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 07:48:42 PM by GoldForge »
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #46 on: December 22, 2014, 05:16:48 AM »
Rainbow nearly grazed Wukong and she flew by him while he was still mid-air. She tumbled down to earth but managed to land on her hooves. She shook out her mane and said ”I need to work on that,” under her breath. When Wukong spoke, she did not hear Aaron; she could barely hear herself, only one instinctual thought: fight. She crouched as well, wings spread and poised to take flight. She flared her nostrils and smiled menacingly. She could take him on easily, just fly really fast so he can’t hit you with that giant stick. But then he relaxed. He spoke. Aaron. Scarlet. Astral. These words held meaning to her.

This was her friend.

She returned to a natural standing position and smiled. ”Yeah, I got that feeling too. Nice astral, by the-” He hushed her. Her ears perked. A soft beeping noise. She nodded. He towered in front of her as if to protect her, but she knew she wouldn’t need it. Using her size to her advantage, she hid behind the Monkey King, ready to fly over him and into whatever lies ahead.

Then the beeping started.

”Yaaahhh!!!” she screamed and flew up and over him, flying head-first into the drone. Without hesitation, she grabbed the drone and tossed it at Wukong, hoping he was quick enough to swat it from the sky.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #47 on: December 22, 2014, 05:33:14 AM »

Alexa began pointing back over to the enemy. She seemed to be doing something but as to what it was he didn’t know. Yugo used his sixth sense once more looking over to their adversaries once more. They were messing around with some type of machine, Yugo could tell as the silhouette was black with no form of Wakfu around it at all. It might not be a stretch to assume it's Alexa's robot given her astrals appearance. But this means that they were on the offensive and this was no time to let up the assault.

With his eyes still shut he maneuvered himself in-between the trees, he saw one of them had flown up to the robot...knowing one of them can fly is good info. Once he determined a fair shot into between the trees he spread his hands out creating two portals before bringing them together. When the portals lined up a blast of energy shot forward from where they were facing blasting through the tree, tearing through the branches, towards the flying target and the drone.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 08:04:19 AM by Humen »
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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #48 on: December 22, 2014, 06:07:41 AM »
Wukong was surprised, but he had been trained as a warrior, and his reflex showed it. He brought his staff up and smashed the turret, giving it the chance to only fire once. The wild shot grazed and hit the tree behind him, exploding on impact and showering fire in every direction. The majority it missed the battler, igniting all the landscape around it when it went off. He paid it no heed, attention solely on the blast of energy headed for Rainbow Dash. "Watch out!"

He threw his pole in an attempt to block the laser, ignoring the pain flaring up from his injured shoulder. The staff flew true and the bolt of energy hit it head on and knocked it away, sending both it and the laser straight for the pony. The Buddhist eyes widened in horror. What had he done...
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 06:10:17 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #49 on: December 22, 2014, 06:24:36 AM »
After seeing the smaller astral wisk off into the distance, she hissed under her breath in irritation...before the slightest twinge of loneliness struck her heart. Agh, nevermind that! She lost contact with one of her drones, meaning that her plan would most likely shoot straight down the gutter...that is-- unless she took a more stealthy approach this time around... Ah! Yes! That was it...she still had her second drone! 'Be...quiet...' She 'threw' her words out to the second robot as it swiftly crawled through the shrubbery, heading over to track down Wukong. This time around, however, her drone made no beeps...

She had to admit, the feedback imagery she was currently receiving from her drones was a little on the crappy quality side, but she just rolled with it, figuring that a blurry image was better than nothing. Indeed, due to the image being nothing but a shadow, she had no idea that a little crackling flame was beginning to kindle, as though it was ready to avenge the death of the drone...eventually.
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #50 on: December 22, 2014, 06:28:46 AM »
”Huh? Yikes!” She hardly saw it coming. She tried to dodge both projectiles, and the staff thankfully missed, but the bolt of energy did not. It barely hit her flank, knocking her back and careening into the ground with a loud ”Oomf!” After a few moments, she slowly but surely rose back to her hooves. She shook out her tail and winced slightly, then smiled. ”Hehe, I’ve taken worse.” She rubbed her flank. ”Ow . . . you'll live,” she told herself and rose back into the air. She flew over to Wukong and hovered beside him, rubbing the back of her neck. "Hehe, sorry about tossing a drone at you. I just kinda . . . you know . . . did what my brain told me to, y'know?" She looked at his shoulder. "Guess I deserved that ball thing, whatever it was that hit me. But hey, if I can take a hit, so can you," she said confidently, jabbing him in his good arm.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 06:31:58 AM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #51 on: December 22, 2014, 07:44:24 AM »
Angelo smiled devilishly,

Angelo-Sure that'd be great.

He finished the rest of his food with such speed he'd put a professional to shame. He stood up quickly then realised once again he was still dressed in his pyjamas.

Angelo-Is it okay if I meet you there, I kinda need to change.

Before he could get an answer he moved quickly to the elevator. He pushed the up button, then he felt a pain in his chest, he put his hand against the elevator door to steady himself. His breathing grew heavy and he was about to collapse. A few more seconds of this passed by and the feeling dispersed. He looked around to see if anyone noticed, no one did.


The elevator doors opened and inside he went.
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #52 on: December 22, 2014, 07:51:22 AM »
Wukong nodded and summoned his staff to his hand, face blank as a slate. "No more talking, it's time to fight. They gave themselves away when they shot you." He pointed in the direction the blast had come from. "Follow me. Stay high so they don't see you." His staff was shrunken and put away, and he shifted into a bald eagle and took off into the sky without a word. He spanned the distance between them in no time, silently landing in the thick foliage of a tree near them.

He could easily make out which astral was Alexa's, they looked similar. She was taller than the young boy beside her, dressed in dark clothing that left nothing to the imagination. It slashed with her bright, waist length blond hair and luminescent gold eyes. She didn't appear to be that strong, but he had learned looks could be deceiving. One of them had created the turret with exploding shots, and she looked far more capable of doing it than the boy. If so she was much more dangerous to him, he couldn't stand fire.

In stark contrast, the boy beside her was dressed extremely bright colors. He wore a strange hat that nearly dragged against the ground, and had no weapon in sight. The battler guessed he would be the one that had fired the energy bolt, since he seemed to have no other method of defending himself. Of course, Clark was an experienced battler, and he wouldn't go down without a fight. Scarlet hadn't been battling that long, and would be at an extreme disadvantage. That left him to take on Clark, and hope Scarlet could hold her own against whatever the other astral had in store. He already knew what to do, he just hoped his partner would pick up on it...

He decided to delay no further, silently shifting back to himself and plucking a hair, which fell to the ground and morphed into a clone identical to him. The clone charged both astrals, shrieking furiously to draw their attention. He knew it could not seriously injure them, but he was already moving to circle around them using the foliage as cover. It didn't take him long to do so, and he lengthened his staff to the size of a totem, then jumped out of his cover and brought it down at both of them.

« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 08:01:22 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #53 on: December 22, 2014, 08:26:10 PM »
She nodded and flew after him, easily keeping pace, and landing as quietly and carefully as she could in the trees. From there she could see a strange, colourful boy and an equally strange . . . thing. She didn’t even know how to describe it. Some half-mechanical humanoid with antennae and long blond hair. She may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but Rainbow could figure out that this was the one who sent that little drone at them, which meant the other created the energy blast. She shuddered at the memory; she was fighting the mech.

Wukong plucked off a hair and sent a clone at the two as he looked around. She slinked back into the brush and circled the other way instead. She wetted her lips and crouched, wings spread, poised to jump into the fray. When Wukong leaped, Rainbow followed suit, pouncing onto her target with a solid punch aimed at her jaw.

Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #54 on: December 22, 2014, 08:45:10 PM »
No, no! This was not part of the plan at all! Then again-- was there really any plan to begin with? Within no time at all after the boy had fired the massive laser, she heard a rustling far off in the distance... and then.. felt a buzzing in her head, as though an electric toothbrush was scrubbing at her brain from inside her head. "Wh-...What is this--?!" Alexa growled under her breath, hands clutching at her antennae and holding them down. Well, that seemed to negate the effects of that weird, pinpoint of a weird vibration... It was sorta the same feeling she got whenever the silhouettes the drones recorded pulsed into the back of her head, but.. annoyingly continuous. With a groan of infuriation, she stepped back... the buzz was getting stronger, eventually feeling like it was directly in front of her...

...Then came the screeching. Just when she thought the 'nails on a chalkboard' moment couldn't get any worse. Her gaze swiftly panned skywards. Through the thick mist, she just barely managed to make out the shape of... a stick? The buzzing grew louder, as though screaming at her to get out of the way-- which she promptly did. Not knowing which way to go, she simply ran in a direction away from the pole, then swinging away from a blue hoof in the nick of time, disappearing into the fog through the thick path of folliage. Twigs snapped, leaves rustled, a soft orange glow began to build in intensity on the horizon... The backs of her hands burned like her mark did back at the terminal, for reasons she did not know why. Screeching to a halt to catch her breath, she plunked herself down by a boulder. Waiting for her exhaustion to subside, she winced and covered her face with a shaky hand as a bolt of orange energy zipped between branches, crawling back into her shell. The voice in her head returned... 's c r a p  m e t a l.' Just then, things began to make marginally more sense. Remembering the jerky movements of her hands performing actions on their own from the beginning of the match, she pressed in a button on her left shoulderplate, her shell creaking open to reveal... a part set for a new drone...?

She closed her eyes, feeling a very faint 'thump' at the back of her head that assured her that her second drone was still on the field... This may make things interesting. Nonetheless, she got to work on making a new drone to replace the destroyed one. To what may look like a complex piece of work, it somehow all felt like a four-piece puzzle to her. Giving her finished work a tap with her foot, it popped open, giving a friendly little whistle before skittering off to hide amongst the bushes. Ahh, she'd never get tired of that silvery little sound. "Now, what else can I build..." She lightly scritched at her chin with an orange-tipped metal glove, before-- 'claws.' "Wh--" 'c l a w s.' "What d--" 'D o t h e c l a w t h i n g' "What claw thi--" 'H U R R Y!' She felt dizzy in the midst of arguing with the weird little voice in her head, as though her soul was about to float out of her body. Getting ahold of herself once more, she swung her arms out. "WHAT CLAW THING?!" She roared, swinging her arms out to the side.. then, suddenly... the loud groaning of metal plates rung in her ears. Coursing up her arms, a raging torrent of fire shot out from her hands, crawling up her limbs ember by ember. Each finger became a menacing claw, and shadowy metal bloomed forth from the blaze. Before she knew it, one could say that she had gotten herself a pretty sweet set of giant honkin' gauntlets. "...Dude..." 'd u d e.' Taking a moment to marvel over the monstrous metal masterpiece as she looked down at her palms, she soon realized the threat at hand... a-- did she just almost get attacked by a flying blue horse? Was that the same one that fell from the sky like a bloody idiot? A new spark of confidence kindling in her heart, she sat down and waited...
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #55 on: December 22, 2014, 09:22:13 PM »

Yugo made a triumphant gesture after see his blast land its mark, at least the assumed it did since the silhouette fell. But there was no time to stand around and cheer, the silhouettes had already recuperated and heading in their direction and becoming clearer. One looked to be the size of a man but he has a tail? And the other looked like a small flying horse...well that’s just plain silly. At a time like this normally he'd begin movement but if he stops focusing on his senses then the range he can see will diminish and he'll lose sight of them. He'll have to wait and react depending on what they do.

Suddenly the man shaped one split into two, there doesn’t seem to be a difference between the two, cloning is so unfair. The clone or maybe the real one began to circle around them along with the horse while, the clone perhaps, remained still. Alexa hasn't seemed to realize they're being surrounded. Suddenly the one that had remained in its original position leapt forward from the bushes, it was a monkey, well that figures. At the same time the other two leapt out towards Alexa and Yugo. Yugo's eyes shot open, there wasn't enough time to react and save both of them, she'll have to handle herself for a bit.

Yugo after making his decision, quickly lifted his arms leaving one portal open in his hands facing the monkey attacking his back and throwing the other at the monkey charging from the front of him, allowing him to let the prime ape through and come out the other side . It shouldn't matter which ones real as long as one of them is hurt. Not looking back he began to move forward creating some distance between them preparing to open up another set of portals.
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #56 on: December 22, 2014, 09:22:39 PM »
Angelo quickly exited the elevator and entered his hotel room. A few minutes later he came out dressed in a loose tie and blazer with a white shirt underneath that was missing the top button. The collar was up and his shirt was untucked from his dark navy jeans. He jumped to the elevator trying to put on his flip flops. Once again he entered the elevator and pressed the button leading down to the sparring room. His mind was aflight with all kinds of thoughts such as what astral Leon uses or how he fights but he knew right off the bat that Leon was much more experienced than he was.

A couple seconds passed and the elevator reached its destination. He walked out into the sparring room only to notice that there were quite a few people already here. Angelo went over to one of the machines and waited for Leon to arrive.
Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #57 on: December 22, 2014, 10:00:48 PM »
It was settled then: Rainbow was taking the mech. Her hoof had barely missed it's mark, but her ears perked behind her where sounds of rustled bushes and clanking metal came. She flapped her wings, dispersing most of the mist that lay between herself and her target.

And now the bush was on fire? Smoke pillared into the sky some 5, maybe 10 metres away. This was just bizarre, but now Rainbow knew one of the mech's weapons. Without hesitation, she leaped into the air, flew over the flaming shrubbery, and landed behind the mech, this time going up on her forelegs and kicking her in the back.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 10:03:35 PM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #58 on: December 22, 2014, 10:18:19 PM »
Leon finished his food and headed over to the sparring room. He was rather interested to see what his opponent's astral would be. He sure hoped that Angelo would pose more of a challenge than everyone he had fought in The Brotherhood. Upon arriving at the sparring room, he could see that several people were already battling. He walked over to the sync station that Angelo was waiting at and began to ounch in some settings. He selected the Championship Forest as their stage and looked over at Angelo.

"You ready?" he asked Angelo.
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #59 on: December 22, 2014, 10:24:05 PM »
Just barely catching a whiff of smoke from the treeline, Alexa narrowed her eyes, lowering her hands so that the massive metal knuckles touched the ground. Though, surprisingly, despite their great size, they didn't seem to carry any sort of significant weight, though she could still feel a little extra 'pull' to her movements. "Wait, who--?" She just barely began to ponder over the thought of the orange glow among the mist before a whoosh reached her ears from overhead. Figuring that it was just the boy due to the lack of a warning buzz resonating inside of her head, she let out a sigh of relief.

However, the hum soon roared in her head... and then came a sharp pain with the clanking of metal. Stumbling forward with a grunt of pain, she was thankful for the thick shell on her back for taking the blunt of the hit. By goodness, that still really freakin' hurt, though! Turning around on a heel after the kick, she took a few steps back, swinging her arms down as she got into a battle-ready stance. However, this time, instead of the usual firey swing, the five circular vents on each of her broad metal forearm shafts puffed out a burst of flame, giving her a little bit of an intimidating flair, she supposed. To be honest, Alexa nearly spooked herself. "Well, you found me!" She shrugged, a smug grin plastered upon her face. "What're you gonna go, flap your little tiny wings and take a torpedo dive at me while I'm wide open in the middle of this clearing?"
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."