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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88632 times)

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #60 on: December 22, 2014, 10:35:25 PM »
Angelo looked at the console and back at Leon.

Angelo-Ready as I'll ever be, I guess.

He looked back down at the controls, not really knowing what he was doing. He mashed a few buttons until a big 'READY?' sign appeared. He took a deep breath touched his mirror shaped astral mark with one hand and pressed yes with the other. He felt his body lose its weight and almost start drifting away into a void, he felt his mind almost connecting with another and in less than a second Susanoo opened his eyes to find himself deep within a forest.

Susanoo-Most intriguing.

He drew his staff from his back and vaulted to the treetops. Hopefully he could get a better view of the arena and maybe a sighting of his opponent.
Grafics Cat <3

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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #61 on: December 22, 2014, 10:38:51 PM »
Rainbow, surprisingly enough, relaxed. "Really," she said, expressionless. "You're making it that easy for me? I mean come on, the last thing you should do is tell your opponent you biggest weakness. Now come on, let's go," she said, hunched over again and now smiling. "If we're going to have a duel, then let's duel!" She trod the ground, flared her nostrils, and stared her opponent down with flaming, passionate eyes.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #62 on: December 22, 2014, 10:47:43 PM »
Leon hit the ready button and everything instantly faded around him. Nomad opened his eyes to a sprawling forest. He looked down to his hands and flexed his huge fingers. It had a little while since he had entered an arena. This one was completely new to him. He decided to trudge forward, making his way into the forest.
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #63 on: December 22, 2014, 10:48:36 PM »
At this, the white-pupiled astral roared into laughter, another puff of flame shooting out from her gauntlets, as though taunting Rainbow Dash. "If it's a duel you're looking for, then why don'cha come and get me already, you big blue buffoon? I'm waitin' for ya, and I haven't got all day!" The blonde called from across the clearing, intently eyeing the glowing plumes of smoke in the distance before returning her gaze to the pony. "What's the matter, ya scared of the big ol' flaming hands of death?" She gave her gauntlets a little shake to emphasize her point, the soot-stained metal rattling. "You ain't ready to... feel the burn?" Now, if she could just buy a little more time...
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #64 on: December 22, 2014, 10:56:20 PM »
Rainbow smiled and, with a dash, she was off, flying away and out of sight. The only sounds left were the hissing and clanging of the crab's metallic body.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 11:01:19 PM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #65 on: December 22, 2014, 11:04:53 PM »
Susanoo felt mild vibrations which shook the trees and rustled the leaves. Loud stomping noises reverberated throughout the arena. Susanoo knew that whatever could make these noises had to be very large. He traveled through the branches of the trees towards the noises, staying as silent as possible. The noises grew louder and louder and then he saw it. a large hulking monster covered in thick plating with green flesh lay hidden underneath. Susanoo halted a couple trees away, masking himself in a shroud of leaves. He thought a surprise attack was his best bet at doing any substantial damage. Susanoo whispered to himself.

Susanoo-Large hulking body mass, mediocre speed, strength assumed to be substantial, avoid physical contact.

Grafics Cat <3

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #66 on: December 22, 2014, 11:05:14 PM »
Well-- dang. There went her smug grin. With the roar growing ever louder, she shook her head as the buzzing returned. Though, it-- seemed to move about her head like a fly, slowly fading ou-- That was it--!! Those little dangly antennae were there to sense the location of the enemy! Taking a few cautious steps forward, she began to run in the direction of the buzzing, halting the jets of flames from her claws for now. Concealed within the bushes, the twin drones split up and ran ahead of Alexa, attempting to track down the source of Rainbow Dash. However, unlike their first ambush, they made no beeps, the only clues to their whereabouts being the clicking of their spindly little legs across the forest floor. To say the least-- it was only now that Alexa became truly aware of her newfound strength, bounding around the trees as she followed the buzz in her head. Though, once it became too loud to handle, she halted, scooting behind a tree truck as her golden orbs scanned about for any signs of the pegasus.
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #67 on: December 22, 2014, 11:09:55 PM »
Gatillo began to grow bored of the fight, seeing as the fighters began to slow down, and he even noticed that they had began repeating tactics, and he had already pinned down how most of them worked. He left the area and began to stare at his map, trying to decide where to go to meet some battlers.

He eventually decided to go to the park owned by the Hotel, as it seemed to cater to Astral battlers, as it say it would be a good place to meet a few of your competition, and it even had a few machines stationed around the Park.

When he got there, he saw a girl sitting at the base of a tree, reading her map. He went over near her, and began to speak, hoping that the girl was actually a Astral battler."Hello! I'm trying to get some practice in before the battle's tonight, I don't suppose you would help me in this by fighting me at one of the stations in the park nearby?"

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #68 on: December 22, 2014, 11:18:26 PM »
Yui looked up from her map. Thinking about his proposal. Getting some practice wouldn't hurt before the tournament.
"Sure. I could use some practice too."
She smiled. She stood up and walked to one of the stations nearby. She prepared herself for syncing in. A mix of excitement and a little bit of worry she felt rushing through her as she waited for her opponent before syncing in.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #69 on: December 22, 2014, 11:20:02 PM »
Nomad stopped in his tracks and sniffed the air. There was a light, cool breeze, that drifted slowly towards him. He caught the stench of another creature: his opponent. He could sense that his opponent was only a few trees away. He caught sight of his opponent, a rather wimpy looking figure. Mustering up all the strength that he could, Nomad swung hard at a the tree, which cracked as his fist came into contact with it.
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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #70 on: December 22, 2014, 11:23:50 PM »
 "I only have one shot," she said to herself. She could barely make out where her opponent was from her cloud perch several kilometers away. Acting on instinct and instinct alone, she put on a pair of aviator goggles, took one last deep breath, and jumped off the cloud. After a brief moment, she spread her wings and flew towards her, gaining speed, moving faster than she could have thought possible. She felt like her face was about to be torn off, but she kept going. She could see the mech now, and a mach cone formed around her.

And then she did the impossible: she performed the Sonic Rainboom.

The explosion shook the earth. Its shockwave could be felt - and seen - for miles. Behind her as she traveled lay a rainbow trail, and she was on a collision course with her target: the mech who shot her friend.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #71 on: December 22, 2014, 11:33:47 PM »
Gatillo smiled, walking over to the Sync Station. He began to punch some information into it, selecting the Champion's Forest as the arena. He decided to set a force sync timer, as they didn't have a referee to tell them when to officially sync. As he shifted his position to the other side of the station, closing his eye's as he began to get ready to sync as the timer began to get closer and closer to zero.

When he opened his eye's, his mind had began to meld with his Astral's, his mind beginning to get fuzzier with the second.He saw the forest from a much higher height than he was used to, and he was in a much larger body too. Under his right arm he held a barrel, and began to look around, before taking a sip from said barrel.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #72 on: December 22, 2014, 11:34:16 PM »
The creature seemed to notice him even though he had made sure not to be seen. It must have a keen sense of smell and also not half as dumb as he'd originally thought. It punched the tree with such force than the trunk snapped like a twig. So much for surprise, he thought. Susanoo quickly vaulted off the tree and brought his staff down on the creatures head but simply bounced off its armor. the vibrations caused through his hands made him temporarily spasm causing him to drop his staff. The staff was too close to the monster to risk retrieval. He scanned his opponents body once more and quickly noticed gaps in his armour. Unfortunately he cant utilize them without his staff, neither can he return to the treetops. He decided to turn tail and run in hopes of losing him and doubling back to fetch his weapon.
Grafics Cat <3

'If a stranger offers you drugs, say thank you because drugs are expensive.' - a wise man

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #73 on: December 22, 2014, 11:37:48 PM »
Wukong dispelled the clone immediately and somersaulted over Yugo's head, nimbly landing in front of him. "I don't like to hurt children, you can just give up now and we can do it the easy way." He shifted one leg out and bent his front knee, keeping his back foot slightly turned and his leg completely straight. His back was straight and he leaned forward slightly, poised to strike. His staff was pointed down towards his opponent, both hands no more then a fist length apart. "Or the hard way!"
« Last Edit: December 22, 2014, 11:43:38 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #74 on: December 22, 2014, 11:48:48 PM »
Yui closed her violet eyes as the timer counted down. When she started syncing she heard the crackling sound of lighting and she felt a sudden drop in temperature. When she opened her eyes she was in a forest. Looking at her hands they were pure black claws it looked like some kind of substance that just grew on her hands. She shook her head. This was no time for admiration. She spread her wings making a leap for the branches above her with one flap of her wings, slowly creeping along the branches looking around for her opponent. She then proceeded to lay low on the branch and await her opponent to pass by.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.