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Author Topic: [RP][Day one, Tournament.] Dimension Veil's  (Read 88631 times)

Offline GrizzlyEatsKids

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2014, 11:49:30 PM »
Nomad let out a deep chuckle as his opponent bounced off of his head.


The small guy began to run away from him suddenly, but noticeably without his weapon.


Nomad scooped up the half tree that he had cracked just a moment before, and, lifting it over his head with both hands, threw it at the man as he scurried away.
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Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2014, 11:54:18 PM »
Her antennae flicked from side to side as a new sound reached her ears... the roar of a... jet engine? Quickly coming out from behind the tree, her thoughts began to race... What should she do what could she do? In a matter of seconds, she would be reduced to nothing more than a fine mist! Frozen in fear, she began to quiver and quake, as though her very blood ran cold... her very life-- no, every experience she had ever had in the arena flashed before her eyes in that very moment, and now it was all going to end... was she really just a little, useless brat after all this time.. and nothing more...?

Wait... the very first thing she did once she arrived in the arena... she still had a chance...!

With every once of strength she could muster, she slammed her massive fists upon the ground. The earth split along in a straight line, a series of massive rocks shooting up from the cracks in varying heights from largest to smallest. If everything went as expected and the pony could only travel in a straight line due to her incredible speed, this was it! her moment of genius! As fast as her legs could carry her, Alexa diverolled out of the way, springing up and beginning to run off into the forest once more. Without a doubt, travelling at the speed of light would most certainly cause a lot of damage to her opponent upon impact! Certainly, she may be able to punch through one rock with all that strength, so using one as a shield wouldn't be wise.. but could she punch through 16 more of them?

The astral grinned as she ran, ran, ran further into the forest, leaving the scene behind. She knew deep down inside, even if the pegasus managed to survive the impact by some wicked miracle of black magic... something waited for her at ground level. Deep within the bushes, the gun barrels of two drones began to whir...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 12:12:21 AM by GoldForge »
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #77 on: December 23, 2014, 12:10:42 AM »
A tree hurtled towards susanoo at breakneck speed but he knew it'd break more than just his neck. He slid to the ground and watched as the tree skimmed over him. He continued to slide until he hit the trunk of a tree. Susanoo realised then that one wrong step and it could end at any moment. He scrambled back onto his feet and began to run in a wide circle around the monster. Attempting to lead it away from his staff so he may arrive back where he dropped it.
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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #78 on: December 23, 2014, 12:34:23 AM »
This was it. Nothing could stop her now. Soon this mechanical menace would be nothing but splatter on the-HOLY FREAKIN' ROCKS!! The earth opened and shot a wall of rock from nowhere, directly in Rainbow's path. There was no time to stop, only hope she survived.

CRASH!! went the blue pegasus, rock and dirt flying every which way as she came to a grinding halt. She sat there, motionless and in pain. Everything hurt. Finally, the blue, brown, and red pony pushed herself off this horrifying mound. "AAAAHHHHH!!!" she screamed. There was no doubt that her wings were broken, and she unfortunately landed on them. She couldn't do anything but lay on her back, writhing in agony, praying it would end.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #79 on: December 23, 2014, 12:43:38 AM »
Gragas chuckled. His opponent hadn't showed themselves, which was giving him plenty of time to drink. And that's what he did. He began to walk through the forest, drinking straight from his barrel, the little feather on his hat twitching in the wind as he walked. He began to call out, as if trying to taunt his opponent, his tone being drunken and slurred... (No seriously it is slurred and drunken, I'm not THAT bad at spelling.) "Oi, whoever ya are... ya might want to git fazter legz. Yer too slow! Old graggy is gonna be outta drink before you git here..."
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 12:53:15 AM by Desbear »

Offline Humen

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #80 on: December 23, 2014, 12:44:07 AM »
The clone was useless, it disappeared before even going through the portal and now this monkey or whatever it is was sitting her making threats. This is clearly Aaron's astral from how he handles himself, it would’ve been easier to take out the pony first but this guy wont just let Yugo walk away. Yugo made a slight chuckle at the monkey’s silly pose and how serious he looked. “Heh, as if I’d just surrender." Yugo jumped back throwing the two portals he was about to use back at the monkey before moving around with his portals into a nearby tree above.

Then all of a sudden even through the treetops and rainbow burst could be seen. And it clearly couldn't be good, there was no time to waste on Aaron if, Yugo didn’t move then Alexa wouldn't make it. As much as Clark insisted not rush this match in Yugo mind, he couldn’t just trade blow with this guys while his teammate was in danger. Yugo ignored Clark’s warnings and turned to the monkey screaming t him. "Sorry sir but i can’t waste any more time on you." Blue energy began traveling towards Yugo and as he cast out his hands in a similar manner as he did when he shot his first blast, the portals he created were massive. He moved his arms letting the two giant portals crash into each other a giant blast of energy hurdled towards Aaron's astral.
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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #81 on: December 23, 2014, 12:56:03 AM »
Akumu's ears twitched when she heard footsteps. Then she heard a loud voice. She tried to make up what he was saying but most of it was lost in some kind of slurred tone. She looked at her opponent. Drinking something that had a strong smell of alcohol. Her eyes narrowed.
Drinking alcohol during a fight. What is he thinking?
Her ears lowered. As she carefully watched her opponent walk by. Voices in her mind called, they had all kinds of gory ideas. She shook her head. Charging her legs and claws with lighting. Dashing right for the drunk.
"Leave that drink for when you actually win!"
She growled in a menacing voice, going in for a jab with her charged claw.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #82 on: December 23, 2014, 01:05:17 AM »
Wukong raised his staff in attempt to block, but it didn't stop the blast. It ripped him off his feet, his staff flying wildly through the air as it was violently wrenched from his grip. He hit the tree behind him with enough force to splinter the trunk into a million pieces, and his armor from the waist up had been completely shredded.  The Monkey King had been severely injured, but he was far from down.

The injured astral slowly rose to his feet, his breathing labored. "Let no one say Son Wukong did not offer you mercy, kid." The Ruyi Jinyu Bang was back in his hand instantly, and the clouds above seemed to split as the fluffy golden nimbus cloud descended. The Sage leaped onto it without another word, and he hurtled toward the sky. His staff was already growing, far taller Wukong now, and by the time his ascent stopped it dwarfed very tree in the arena. "Never challenge the great sage, equal of heaven again!" The cloud dipped for the ground at unimaginable speed, and the stone monkey swung his enormous weapon straight at Yugo with enough force to tear the ground asunder.

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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #83 on: December 23, 2014, 01:08:05 AM »
Gragas didn't have time to react to the jab, he turned just fast enough for his stomach to take the blow, electricity coursing over him for a second or two, causing him to cringe. He did however shrug it offer rather quickly, though, swinging his free arm towards his opponent. The drunken man began to reply to his opponent, who seemed to be making fun of his tactics."Oi, I've already won though!"
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 01:26:37 AM by Desbear »

Offline GoldForge

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #84 on: December 23, 2014, 01:15:57 AM »
"Oy." A familiar voice called from the bushes. The crackling roar of the flames grew louder, louder.  The flames were rapidly approaching behind her as she emerged from the trees, an eerily calm smile plastered across her features... her face illuminated by the amber glow. With a series of beeps, the twin drones hopped out from the bushes. One skittered up to stand at Alexa's left side, while the other took the right. "Some fancy flyin' there, slick." Now just standing a few feet away from the battered and beaten pony, she chuckled softly as the branches whipped around violently in the breeze, burning hunks of wood toppling over and popping, releasing flurries of embers into the air, swirling around her like a luminous bizzard. Yet still, despite the blaze, she stood still. "Not too shabby for our first fight either, I'd say." Slowly, she raised a massive metal claw, but-- she did not swing it down and swiftly end the pony's life.

Instead, she kneeled down, gently brushing a single finger over the horse's blood-soaked mane, as though attempting to calm them down. A rather unsual, yet kind move for someone to perform on somebody they were supposed to pretend was their sworn enemy for the next few minutes. "In fact, I'd say you've done a swell job, and it was a pleasure getting the chance to meet'cha... perhaps we'll see eachother at the tournament sometime..." Bowing her head respectively, she slid shut her golden orbs as she raised herself to her feet, backing up to stand between the twin spider drones once more. With the flames at her heels, now, she raised her hand to perform a little salute, with a smile as warm as the Blackforge Rift itself. "Stay gold, friend." was all she said before snapping her fingers.

With a whistle, the drones opened fire.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 01:19:43 AM by GoldForge »
"when she awoke, her world was on fire."

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2014, 01:26:18 AM »
Akumu ducked, one of her top horns got hit by the fist and broke off.
Damn. If he hits me with that I'm done for.
She backed off considering her options. He was rather sluggish in movement, but his reaction was quite fast for a drunk. A cold feeling crept over her arms.
I guess I just gotta be faster and keep moving...
She snorted angrily and then dashed in for another flurry of attacks moving around quickly attempting to get behind him.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2014, 01:46:33 AM »
The drunkard began to laugh as they kept attacking him, turning to face his opponent. He attempted to keep vision on his opponent, even though his vision was wavering. He soon had an idea, his drunken mind slowly thinking the idea through as he soaked hits. He arched his shoulder down a bit in front of him, and began to rush towards his opponent, as if trying to slam into them.

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2014, 01:54:38 AM »
Rainbow stopped squirming when she saw her. She may be immobile and on the verge of death, but she was determined to go out with dignity. She spat out a mouthful of blood and gritted her teeth, staring into those big orange eyes. And she burned holes into them when that giant claw was raised. Her quiet defiance was her last bit of pride in her defeat and she was going down with it.

But the end did not come. Her hand came close to her face and she snapped at it like a wild animal. But the hostility was not returned. This mech - this girl - acted kindly to Rainbow, and she felt it was sincere. Her expression softened, and under the blood and the dirt was a mare like her, looking for another friend in the world. All her feelings toward her, the great bloodlust, undying rage, everything she felt before was gone. She smiled as warmly, knowing she would die at the hands of an opponent worthy of her victory.

She closed her eyes.

Scarlet awoke in the gym, somewhat confused and disoriented. She tried to walk but found it awkward and difficult. The sudden urge to get on all fours overwhelmed her, but she soon found that this was not only less desirable but also quite embarrassing. Thankfully very few paid much attention since she was not the only one. She saw one boy specifically try to flap his arms like a bird, much to the amusement of his friends.

She looked back at the machine and immediately felt an adrenaline rush just thinking about it. On the screen showed Wukong battling the energy dude, with her own opponent ready to join in. This was not a dream. This is real. "That," she said, pointing at the machine, "was really f*cking cool."

Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #88 on: December 23, 2014, 02:03:08 AM »
Akumu was caught by surprise and was knocked back by the big belly falling backwards. She hastily bounced off the ground with her tail to remain straight up.
It was frustrating how her attacks did little damage. Voices whispered once again.
"Shut up..."
She mumbled to herself just out of earshot. She wasn't really sure how she was gonna deal with this. Full out offense seemed like the only option. She channeled all the energy she had left in her crystals and became entirely cloaked into lightning. The air charged with static, making crackling noises. She then proceeded at lightning speed in an attempt to get to her opponents back hoping to strike with all the strength she could muster.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP][Day one, 8 AM.] Dimension Veil's
« Reply #89 on: December 23, 2014, 02:53:09 AM »

Launching his blast Yugo gave a triumphant smirk hoping down from the tree to see if his ally was alright. Then a familiar noise hit his ears the same one that he heard at the start of the match. When he turned to see where it came from all went black, it was all up to Alexa now...oh god this isn’t gonna last long.

Clark Matthews

When his eyes finally opened he was back in the sparring room. He had a bit of a migraine but that’s to be expected considering what happened. A moment such as this Clark's glad the actual matches are just one on one fighting with a partner makes Yugo take to many chances.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 03:32:53 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.