Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[OOC] Dimension Veil's

<< < (6/6)

I won't be able to continue participating. Sorry guys. Go ahead and give Lubbies the win.

Yume Tsuki:

omg they all lack belly buttons...They're all spawns!

Yume Tsuki:
Belly buttons are overrated

[2:52:36 PM] Chrys: To everyoen else
[2:52:41 PM] Chrys: Other than the three I just messaged and Blades
[2:53:00 PM] Chrys: Don't post until everyone has arrived at the tournament grounds
[2:53:02 PM] Chrys: ANd then
[2:53:04 PM] Chrys: Once they have
[2:53:16 PM] Chrys: Lubbies and Yuki finish your battle
[2:53:18 PM] Chrys: Then
[2:53:25 PM] Chrys: Let's have Scarlet vs Humen
[2:53:26 PM] Chrys: ER
[2:53:28 PM] Chrys: Scarlet vs Clark
[2:53:32 PM] Chrys: Then Crab vs Lulu
[2:53:47 PM] Chrys: and We'll finish up with a NPC/My character battle


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