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Author Topic: [RP] The Second World  (Read 65097 times)

Offline WhistfulSoul

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[RP] The Second World
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:25:24 PM »
   Unbeknownst to man, there is another world very similarly developed to the one they live on, one that exists on another plane of reality. The same plants and ecosystems, animals and beasts, and beings all inhabit this world. The difference between the two is magic; The World of Magic is special in that something within its core allows those tested by trials to govern the unseen and cast spells of wonder. This difference actually allows many small differences between the two worlds to emerge; where many people in the World of Man work every day to eat, many in the World of Magic grow crops in one day that last weeks.

   This World of Magic and the World of Man are destined to collide through means that must be stopped. A deity from the World of Magic has chosen heroes of innocence from the World of Man and transplanted their consciousness’s into its own in an attempt to save both planets from destruction. These few heroes will lead a quest through both worlds to save them. This quest begins as a regular day; it is not until night falls and our heroes fall subject to weariness that the real adventure begins.

   Your character is one of these heroes. During the day, you are your regular self, doing regular things in the World of Man. Once you fall asleep, however, you are transported to the World of Magic, and you must continue your quest to save both worlds. Remember, you are crafting the legend of your hero as the story progresses. Each character will evolve from the normal person they begin as to a true hero, (or villain), to both worlds as time progresses. Do not rush this process. Do not attempt to make it seem like your hero was chosen for any more reason than was already given. You will have plenty of time to develop your character, so don’t pour too much into your character all at one time.

- No God-modding. You may be a hero, but you are not a god. Don’t do anything that’s overpowered, and don’t do anything to or using someone else’s character unless they give you permission. Be fair in your acts.
- Unless your character is uneducated or you want them to seem that way, then please use proper spelling and grammar.
- All posts should be at least a paragraph (five plus sentences) but none should be more than four, excluding GM/Story posts. If you need or want to, at least ask first. Sometimes too much is just too much.
- Most discussion will take place on a Skype chat. On the same topic, some nights will be used as a Progress Night, where everyone will get on Skype and advance the story. An OOC will still be made to list chat logs of these nights, and progress will be posted the next day in the main RP thread in the form of a GM/Story Post. (Possibly)

JerryEDIT: Approved

   Character Colors
Tyrren: Black
Jake: Teal
Daylin: Green
Neicha: Purple
Duriel: Brown
Jacob: Sky Blue
Floressa: Violet

? ? ? ? ?: Navy
« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 03:25:37 PM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2015, 02:21:09 PM »
Story Post

The day started as any other. The birds awoke at dawn, the cattle waited for grain before grazing for hours upon hours, and the people went about their daily business as they usually would. And why wouldn't they? The World of Man was blissfully oblivious to the terror that was about to befall them. Again they did not know it, but forces beyond their reach were already working against their world, but there were also those working in their favor.

A waterfall pours into a clear pool within a grove, and through the mist are images of seven unlikely heroes. A maiden appears from a cave behind the waterfall, her gaze appearing to pierce the waterfall as though she intended to boil the water with her eyes. She turned towards the trees surrounding her outlet, and a young man emerged from the woodland. He looked to be no older than ten, but his eyes showed he was much older than any would guess.

It happens tonight. We cannot wait any longer. The day approaches when all time runs out, so we must act now. She looked upon the boy, his head still bowed. Wait until nightfall. They will be spread across the land, barely conscious and wary. You must guide them to me. They are our only hope.

The boy nodded, then disappeared in a wisp of smoke.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2015, 05:12:21 PM »
He had that lethargic feeling one gets in the morning, when the mind is preoccupied with last remaining wisps of last night's dreams, unable to operate as efficiently as it should. When Daylin opened his eyes, everything seemed darker to him, the colors less vivid, as if the air had a bluish tint. And this is because even the sun had yet to arise, and so the world is suspended in some unrealistic fantasy in which everything is perfect and peaceful and blue - except he knew that outside the confines of these early morning hours, the world would return to its original deformity of depression.

He sat up, his movements smooth and supple, like that of liquid mercury. He ruffled the back of his hair, wishing to shake away such musings and forget how routine the world is, because now is the time of suspension and everything needs to be quiet, including his thoughts. And looking about, he noted that there was a certain dullness to the morning. The feeling caused him to sigh as he rose from his bed and neatly made it, then crept to the kitchen to make his first meal of the day. No one else had risen from bed yet, and by the time he returned from the fields no one would be awake. The only interaction he normally had with the family that possessed him was when he returned for lunch, which Iowen always had waiting for him with a smile.

The old woman's cheery face made him happy, and he finished his breakfast and silently cleaned up his mess, a slight bounce in his step. He slipped out of the family shack and into the dark farm yard with a smile. Though he may not like the hours he worked, he would never complain. He owed the kind family far too much to ever complain about anything they asked of him.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 05:13:52 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2015, 07:38:14 PM »
Jake groggily opened his eyes to the feeling of sun rays on his face. He stared at the wooden wall for a while, trying desperately to find the strength to pull himself out of bed. A couple seconds passed and he felt a a freezing cold wave of water pass over him. He yowled in suprised.

?-Get up.. Now

He did an awkward roll onto his back so he was facing his sister, a frown on his face

Jake-Come now Silene, don't be like that.

Silene gave him a sharp look followed by a hard kick. Jake grunted softly.

Jake-Okay okay.

He sat up on his straw mattress and looked around the one roomed wooden shack in which they lived. There was a small fireplace for cooking, a table with a leg missing and a couple buckets of ice cold water. The walls were rotten and the floor was bare earth. This is barely living.

Silene-Anyway, I'm going to go to work, try not to get arrested today.

She smiled faintly but Jake knew it was fake, she was having a stressful time finding work and she only managed to get a job as a seamstress in a rundown tailor shop. Jake smiled and wagged his finger.

Jake-No promises.

His sister donned a red hood and walked out. Jake stood up lazily, a bit dizzy from the blood rushing to his head. He shook his head to get the water out from his hair then put on his boots, belt and jacket. He opened the door and sauntered out into the bustling street.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 08:07:17 PM by lubbies »
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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2015, 01:29:14 AM »
The sun was just rising as it painted the skies in orange and red. The only noise was that of the wind caught in the trees and the cracking of leaves that crushed below a pair of hooves. Neicha had woken up early to search for food. The air was somewhat foggy from the morning dew. Her green eyes gazed around. Her ears flicked in many directions scanning for any suspicious noises. The first birds started to sing. The deer-human lowered as she gathered herbs and put them in her satchel, then pulling herself back up with the walking stick she held in her other hand. Still not adjusted to her new legs she wobbled a bit before she stood stable. She ventured further into the forest.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2015, 03:40:52 AM »
Duriel slowly began to stir, groggily getting up. Thoughts in the back of his head begged him to just roll over in his bed, and go back to sleep, but he couldn't. It was a hard day at the tavern yesterday, a fight broke out and he had trouble stopping it, but he was sure it would be a better day today. He got ready for work and ate a smaller breakfast than normal, as he needed to get to work early today so he could clean up the aftermath, as they had to close early due to the fight.

When he arrived at work, he immediately began setting chairs back into place, sweeping up broken glass, luckily he had been able to clean the liquid before closing the day before. After eventually getting the place back into its normal, slightly run down state, he began to admire the building. He couldn't place it, but he felt... At home, in this tavern, and this put a bit of a smile on his face, as he turned a sign on the front of the building to show that it was open, he then walked over to his place at the counter, and placed his arms on the counter tops, smiling as he waited on customers.

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2015, 03:44:12 AM »
It was a beautiful sunrise that morning. It's a shame Floressa slept through it all.

She was up long past midnight earlier. A noble's nephew hired her as his "mistress" for the evening. His uncle was passing through town and the nephew wanted to impress him. She actually enjoyed herself that night. There was good food and wine, and the nephew was a kind gentleman with a hefty purse. She wanted to charge him less than what she would normally for such a long stay, but he insisted she take more. It was the most unorthodox bargain she encountered. But gold is gold, as they say.

She rubbed her ankles before climbing out of bed. It was the longest she had stood in her finest heels, and walking in flat shoes was bliss. But there was no time for her to bask in her even soles, for there was housework to be done.

« Last Edit: January 14, 2015, 03:52:10 AM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2015, 05:05:53 AM »

Another morning came, the sun barely hanging over the skyline, Jacob's family still resting in bed as he moved out to the fields. The animals seemed ready as always for the daily routine. When he had finished tending to the livestock the sun had begun it’s ascend through the sky as Jacob moved in towards the house. His mother already cooking while his sisters were playing around the house, but his father was nowhere to be seemed. His mother explained he was still in bed "The last few week have been trying of your father." she said. Such an awful time to feel ill, around this time those damnable wolves show up at night. It will be hard to keep track of livestock with only one person watching over. Jacob let out a sigh; this problem could be avoided if they simply moved closer to town but his father's too stubborn to consider it. Broken from his train of thought he looked down to see one of his sisters pulling on his pant leg asking him to play in one of their games. He smiled, patting her on the head "I’ll come and play after I finish with my morning duties, now run along and get ready for breakfast." after assuring her he went along to gather the basket of dirty laundry and prepare it to be cleaned.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 03:31:55 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2015, 03:25:15 PM »
The day had gone by much slower than he would have liked. He got up in the early hours of the morning like he usually did, hoping to get some free time before chores, but nothing preoccupied him for long. It wasn't until the roosters began to crow and his chores started that the hours turned to minutes while his body and mind worked separately. Tyrren wasn't the only person on his farm, but his father in his infinite wisdom thought that tending to the chores on his own would "build character, every young man needs character". Well, I disagree, Tyrren thought, The only thing this builds is my arms and back, sores in both, and the urge to sleep the rest of the day.

The boy heard hooves behind him, and his horse Raika plopped his head gently on top of Tyrren's. It was a trick he learned when Tyrren fell asleep on the steed and fell straight forward and laid his head on the horses, and it became a symbol of endearment between the two. Tyrren reached up and patted Raika's muzzle. Are you still hungry or do you want something to do? The horse stamped his foot into the ground, and Tyrren heard the familiar sound of the flick of his tail. He smiled at how intelligent some animals could be. Alright, I'll be done soon, then we can head out for a few hours.

He could feel the horse working his jaw above his head, almost as though he was working the deal over. Raika pulled his head off of Tyrren's and walked back to his stall, waiting for his rider. Tyrren finished feeding and the rest of his chores as quickly as he could, and shortly set off to nowhere upon his steed.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2015, 04:10:36 PM »
Story Post

Without fail the day had once again passed by as normal; the sun rose and set, plants shivered in the wind, rain fell and water flowed. For some it went by quickly, everyone had their daily routines and it only took them so long to fall in and be swept away by the current of life. Others were slowed, bogged down by mind and body. Whether anyone realized it or not, this day was different from any before it. Some may have sensed it upon waking up and noticing that a single hair was out of place or discolored; others may have noticed it while eating, as though there was a piece of something that crunched unlike the rest, or a spoon of soup that was too thick to be right. As many as there were that may have realized that something was off, there were only seven who would truly experience the difference.

The sun had just begun to rise but within the grove night remained, the only source of light coming from masses of fireflies. The maiden sat behind the waterfall, on a small wooden stool that didn't look fully finished. Into the fine mist she gazed, where she saw the faces of seven young heroes ending another day of their routine lives. From her sleeve she produced a small flask filled with a green powder. She unstopped the flask and poked her little finger into the powder before tasting it; she had to make sure the enchantment had finished. Sure that it would work, the maiden flung the contents of the flask into the waterfall, filling the mist with green and creating frames around the heroes.

Bring them swiftly, Kaiyos. We do not know exactly how much time remains.


After spending several hours treading old hunting paths aimlessly through the woods, Tyrren had returned home to his father throwing a tantrum over how hastily his son had left. The two argued over chores and who was responsible for what and why Tyrren should have tended to the wheat and not his father and how the wheat wouldn't need tending until early fall and... Tyrren decided he'd had enough when he heard his stomach growl and stomped off to eat by his lonesome.

The barn didn't have much room in the loft, so Tyrren had made himself a small platform within Raika's stall, (which, being the biggest stall in the barn had room to spare), that he laid the horses hay on. On occasions such as tonight, he would lay with his horse and stare out the window of the barn. It faced east, so Tyrren could see the moon in all it's glory, the stars surrounding it like children surrounding an adult, waiting for a story. With such serenity around him, the boy fell asleep.

And then he woke up. The sun was higher than it usually was when he woke up in the barn,  and he began to panic over chores when he realized he was on solid ground and not Raika's platform. Tyrren turned around to face.. Trees, and lots of them. Then he started to panic again as a boy poked his head out from behind one of the trees. Who are you, where am I?! The boy shook his head and put his finger to his lips as though to silence Tyrren. No, you need to speak. Who are you? The boy shrugged, then looked to the sky and threw his arms in the air. He turned back towards Tyrren. Name's Kaiyos. You wanna come with me and get answers or what?

The boy led Tyrren through the forest and into a grove with a small pond and a waterfall with a cave behind it. A beautiful woman emerged from the cave to greet the pair. Good work, Kaiyos. The first of few. Bring them quickly, and use your speed if you must. She raised her hand as Tyrren began to open his mouth. Patience. You will have your questions answered Tyrren, but only once everyone has gathered. Kaiyos disappeared in another wisp of smoke.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2015, 03:09:02 AM »
kkrrRR-thwump kkrrRR-thwump kkrrRR-thwump

The longbow's steady rhythm resonated over the field. Her aim was getting much better at faster speeds. It was mid afternoon when she set out to the archery range. It was a good way to wind down from hours of housework, and she made an effort to get at least one hour of practice in everyday. She collected her arrows and went back inside to help her mother with supper: a hearty beef stew.

The meal had left her filled and drowsy. It was rare for her to sleep so early, but it was a refreshing change from her regular habit. Floressa made sure her equipment was ready before falling to sleep. Longbow, dagger, tunic, boots, cloak and quiver. She made all her clothes by hand, scrutinizing over every detail to ensure they are tailored exactly for her. She rubbed part of the tunic. The stitch was holding strong. She could still remember the wild cat that tore at her, its menacing claws digging into her flesh. She stood before a mirror, staring at the scar on her left side. It was almost unnoticeable now. But there was no time for personal grooming. Sunset was fading into night, and she wanted to be up early.

She didn't want to wake up on the forest floor, however. She was not familiar with her surroundings. She hadn't gone too deep into the trees that lay behind her land. Suddenly a sound. Movement in the bush. A large animal, not a common hare. Floressa's instincts told her not to follow, but curiosity led her on. " Where are you going... " she whispered to herself. It was fast, but not quiet. Its tracks were so obvious she could almost follow it without her cousin's training. On and on she followed, not knowing where she was being led, only that she had to go.

Until it led her to a grove with a pond and waterfall, but no sign of any animal. Just a tall woman and and a scraggly boy. Not quite the beast she expected.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2015, 03:28:58 AM by Lunartic »

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2015, 03:47:52 AM »
Tyrren walked out of the cave at the sound of another set of footsteps. He was investigating but there wasn't much in the cave besides a bed and large shard of mirror-like rock. Once he walked back into the sunlight, however, he was surprisingly greeted by another beautiful girl who could have passed for either a regular mortal or an elf. Things just uhh... Hmm. Keep getting.. Bet- weirder. He looked down at the pond for a second to see himself blush before he looked at the maiden with a guarded look. Is she another person that you wanted here?

The maiden gave him a small smile as if to apologize for the mysteries. Yes, she too was guided here by Kaiyos, by very impressive means. Good work, onto the next. He should be here soon. The boy nodded and turned into what seemed to be a cloud before it floated above the treeline and out of sight. Tyrren sighed and tried not to look directly at the girl for fear of embarrassing himself, but said in a semi-defeated tone, Welcome to the grove, where all your questions will be answered soon, including my name. He sat down next to the pond and closed his eyes, waiting for the next arrival.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2015, 04:47:10 AM »
Duriel stumbled off into his home, it hadn't been a long day all things considered, but it was a hard one. He had gotten many more customers than he was expecting today, and it had been a real test of his talent at this point, but he felt good about it. He stretched as he walked towards his bed, he had eaten his meals whilst on his shift, so for now, he just had to get to sleep... For tomorrow wasn't going to be any easier. He slumped into his bed, and began to lay down, staring off into the only sky he knew-- The ceiling above. He began to think about what life on the surface was like... What was going on up there, how the other races lived up there... How they could live up there, without the safety of their walls... He slowly dazed off, smiling, as he was content with where he lived...

When he awoke, he wasn't in the safety of his walls... He was on the very surface that he had been thinking about, a forest, with tree's... With the warm embrace of the sun touching his skin... He slowly got up, thousands of questions entering his small, dwarven mind. He looked around, hearing a sound. He looked around until he saw them, but what he saw was odd. He saw what looked like a boy, and the boy motioned for him to follow, before running off, at oddly large speeds. He followed the boy without even thinking, chasing after as fast as his little dwarven legs could carry him. "Oi! Where am I?! Why'd you bring me here?!" The dwarf shouted, his voice echoing through as he ran after the person.

When he finally heard the tracks stop, and caught up, he was in a clearing, where he saw what looked to be a pond and a waterfall, with a tall woman, and a few other people in the clearing. "I don't supposed any of ya'd be willin' to give me some answers?"

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2015, 07:03:26 AM »
Floressa shrugged. "If I had answers to your questions, I would gladly answer them." She looked around the clearing. It wasn't very large, but it was . . . tranquil. And breezy. She looked down and suddenly realized she was wearing only her floral night gown. She pulled the light skirt down to her knees and her bare legs shivered from the damp grass in her toes. She could already feel her eyes start to turn yellow, but she kept them calm and gray. "But it seems all we can do is wait." She found a dry rock and sat on it with her legs crossed, one over the other, and hands folded neatly in her lap.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2015, 07:06:06 AM »
Heat rained down on him like the breath of hell, and sweat trickled down his back and beaded on his forehead. He wiped it away with the back of his hand, savoring the feel of the cool breeze on damp skin. He tossed out another shovel full of dirt, wishing everything had gone routinely. He had come out to dig the ditches needed for a new crop in the cool morning hours, before the sun had risen, but the rusty shovel he had been using for years had finally given out and forced an impromptu trip to the nearest village to purchase a new one (which he paid for out of pocket, since he had broken the old one). Now here he was, in the heat of day, sweating buckets as he rushed to make up for the time he had lost. 'That should do it...!' He shoveled out one more scoop, then threw the tool over his shoulder and made his way to the stables. Now came the easy part.

Once inside, he put away the shovel and ruffled through an assortment of different tools. He stopped when he found what he was searching for for; the plow. He pulled it out with a grunt, then made his way to the two largest stalls. Inside them were Cairne and Garlock, the two-oxen team he used to plow the fields. Cairne, the older of the pair and gray with age, brightened at the sight of the slave, but Garlock, enormous and extremely temperamental, snorted loudly. "No talk back today Garlock, we're runnin' late." He opened their stalls to let them out and began to harness them. When he was done he lead them out of the stables, back to the fields he had just been digging. He only planned on plowing a fallow field today, so he could go back and replant it later in the year. The two beasts of burden got to work immediately, guided by Daylin's skilled hand.

By sundown the entire field had been plowed, and the oxen had been returned to the stall for the night (and given an extra fork of hay for good work). Daylin was extremely exhausted, his limbs aching from overuse and his stomach growling for dinner, but he knew he still had things to do. Diodoros had just bought another wagon load of hay, and he had promised he get it unloaded and into the hay loft before it had time to brown. He grabbed his pitch fork and went about moving the feed, and by the time he was done it was well past night fall.

He dragged himself back up to the house, not surprised to find it completely dark. The table had been cleared, save for a single container with his food in it. He was glad someone remembered to leave his meal out, people occasionally forgot and he went to bed hungry, but he never said anything. He was, after all, a slave. Even cold the food smelled delicious to his empty stomach, and he wasted no time devouring the enormous serving. Appetite thoroughly sated and drop dead tired, he dragged himself down the hall and fell down on his straw bed. He was snoring soundly in seconds.

He was wrenched from his rest by light shining down on his face, and after a moment of bleariness, he was on his fight and looking around in panic. He hadn't overslept since he was fifteen, and now he was late to- His thoughts froze, and he realized he was outside in a forest he did not recognize (and he had everything around them for miles memorized). How had he gotten outside, and so far away from the farm? How did he get back?

"Heyyo!" He was pulled from his panicked thoughts by a young boy, twelve at the most, shouting at him and waving his hand. He slowly nodded in acknowledgement, confused on what to do. "Can't answers any questions, but I know someone that can! Follow me!" The boy zipped off at speeds that defied his small size, and Daylin was hard pressed to keep him in sight. They soon emerged into a grove with a small waterfall, and several people standing around it. The first was a slender, beautiful woman, but something about her seemed... magical. The next was a tall, scraggly boy who looked agitated and out of place standing beside a short, stout little man that was presumably a dwarf. Directly to their left, sitting cross-legged on a rock was..."Floressa?"

Daylin: 35/100