Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] The Second World

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Jake had roamed the streets for hours, searching for people to relieve' from the weight of their heavy wallets. Eventually late in the evening he spotted an obese guard threatening a women in an alleyway. He waited in silence till the guard had finished and as the guard walked onto the street, Jake walked straight into him.

Guard-Do you have a problem?!

Jake smiled and excused himself. The guard shoved him away, Jake tripped and fell. The guard smirked and continued on his way, Jake remained on the floor for a while before bursting into a chuckle.

Jake-Fat guards have fat wallets.

He stood up and weighed his newly obtained purse of valuables.Not bad. Sun had begun to set so Jake had decided to call it a day. When he arrived home it was dark and his sister was sound asleep, even while asleep she had a troubled look on her face. Jake removed his boots and decided to keep on his jacket. He lay down on his straw bed and was out in seconds.

Jake felt the sun touch his face. He was quite suprised but decided to continue to lie down. The straw beneath him felt wet.. And moving. He opened his eyes slowly to find himself in a field of tall grass. He stood up quickly, feeling the mud between his toes. He had no idea where he was but had come to a conclusion that it was definately a dream. A boy who stood no taller than the grass approached him.

Boy-Come with me.

The boy gestured towards the forest. Jake was put off by the kid.

Jake-Sorry, my mum said not to follow strangers into dark forests.

The boy grimaced, Jake did not expect that reaction. Once again the boy gestured towards the forest.

Jake-okay I'll come.

The boy exploded into movement, moving at incredible speeds towards the forest. Jake attempted to follow but even his agility was no match. He had soon lost sight of his companion but continued in the same direction. He eventually reached a clearing with a bunch of people gathered around a waterfall. Instead of barging into the clearing he decided to hand around the edge, masked within the treeline.

Yume Tsuki:
Neicha had just returned to the village. Welcomed by the rest of the beast-men. Her joints were tired from venturing through the forest.
"Neicha, you should stop venturing on your own through the woods. At least take an escort with you. What would you do if you got lost?"
Said one that had the face of a wolf. Neicha rolled her eyes. She'd rather didn't bother anyone to come with her, and besides. Her sense of direction was ridiculous. Even when she starts doubting herself she still manages to get home without getting sidetracked. But she knew most of the people were mostly worried about her because she had some kind of knowledge about herbs. And one of their hopes on returning to normal. Neicha didn't like having that kind of burden brought on her shoulders, it seemed like a lot of responsibility, and besides it almost looked like they gave up on finding a way to turn back themselves. She did agree to help them find a way to turn back to normal humans, even though she herself had no interest in turning back into a human herself. Most humans were greedy beings in her eyes, that try and take everything from each other. Her eyes narrowed at that thought.
"Well if you excuse me, I have some work to do."
Having said that, she pulled herself up with the walking stick. The hunting group just returned from deeper woods, with enough prey to keep the carnivores satisfied. Neicha already shivered just taking a quick glance at their catches. One of the reasons she didn't want an escort to go with her. The majority of villagers were carnivores. She didn't even dare to think of what it would look like how one of them killed an animal right before her eyes. Therefore, she was glad she was a herbivore.

Once she arrived at her secluded hut she tossed her satchel on the table. She sat down on a chair and inspected the herbs she gathered.
"Belladonna, Wolfsbane... Silver leaf... Mageroyal..."
Skimming through the herbs in the bag she didn't really find anything helpful. Another 'fruitless' exploration through the woods. Most herbs she found were either deadly on consuming, or had healing effects. They would be very useful for safekeeping. With a sigh she rested her head in her hands on the table. Outside the dusk was already coming. Neicha wasn't really hungry and she didn't feel like seeking through all the herbs if she find anything new yet. She stood up swaying a bit, holding onto the walls to remain in balance, carefully walking to the bed. dropping herself onto the stacks of fur skins. The villagers insisted she took some since they didn't want to let anything go to waste and it would be much warmer sleeping with them. And honestly, it was better than sleeping on the hard wood planks that were supposed to be her bed. She fell asleep rather quickly.

Until she heard the noises of dripping water. Her eyes opened rather fast looking around if there were any leaks in the roof. Then realizing her roof made of stone... Stone...? STONE!? Neicha tried to crawl up in panic. Her roof wasn't made of stone! It should be wood! Her eyes shot glances right and left realizing she was actually in some kind of cave. Her hands were moving all over the floor until she found her stick laying next to her. Quickly she grabbed it and pulled herself up in a swift movement. Nervously she looked around.
"O-okay Neicha... Calm down..."
She breathed heavily shaking from head to toe. She slid the mask she wore on her head onto her face trying to calm herself down. At least there was no sign of whoever had kidnapped her... Yet. On the end of the cave she could see light. Apparently it was already day. Quickly she made her way out of the cave reaching the forest outside. It smelt different than the forest she lived in. How far from home was she? What would be the reaction of the other beast-man if they realized she had been taken away? She looked around, but nothing seemed familiar in the slightest. Then she spotted a boy in the distance. He was looking at her from afar. She just wanted to head for him when he turned around beckoning and then started running. He ran... She did attempt to run too, tripping almost immediately on the spot. Crawling back up as fast as she could running after the little dot in the distance that was getting smaller.
She cried out.
"I can't run that well!"
She lost sight him when she set hoof in a grove. Looking around. There were a few people around this place. Was this a trick. She warily stood there. Catching her breath hanging on her walking stick. Her mask hid her terrified expression while she slowly looked around at everyone. She was ready to turn around and run away. But she doubted that she would make it far.

Tyrren again looked up from the water, hearing the boy, Kaiyos, disappear again in the wind. This time, he was greeted by three new faces: A dwarf with a nicely groomed beard, who looked very intimidated by the sunlight that found it's way onto his skin; a literal giant of a man, who was gawking at the girl in the night gown, and apparently knew her by the sound of him saying her name; and a... wait, a deer? Tyrren stood up, and found that as tall as he was still didn't compare to the large man-thing, nor was he nearly as built. Next chance I get, I definitely need to bulk up.

He walked closer towards the maiden, so he could talk without being rude to anyone in the clearing. I don't intend any ill thoughts, but, what is that? The maiden smiled at his curiosity, but also his slight ignorance. In a slight undertone, she replied, They have no true name, like the elves or humans do, but prefer themselves to be the Beast-like. These are a race entirely their own, humans that attempted to merge themselves with elven culture and instead had their spirits taken by primal urges. What you see is the result. She smiled at Tyrren once again, and said If you look past my other shoulder, there's another one that Kaiyos brought back.

Almost immediately Tyrren saw the flash of two red eyes from behind a tree. It sent a slight shiver down his spine, but he was comforted by the fact that the maiden seemed mysteriously powerful. Tyrren felt stupid as he talked to the tree, Hey, uh, you don't have to hide. None of us wish you any harm, nor do I think we would be allowed to do so. He turned back to the maiden and asked, How many of us remain to appear? With a quick glance to the forest, she replied, Only one remains for Kaiyos to find. Then all questions will be answered.

Mid-day came with the sun raised into the center of the sky, beaming down on the dwellers of the surface. Jacob walked through the forest carrying a bundle of buckets in his hands. He was accompanied by his sisters, Herah and Louise, as he walked towards the nearby river to collect water. They stayed near his side as he regaled them with stories of Elvin history that their mother once told him. He decided to tell them of the beast-like, creatures once human but that had turned feral after an extended period in the wilds, they sought to live like the elves of old but were force to pay a price. "They roam the woods at night like packs of wolves attacking livestock-." Jacob stopped his story short; Louise tugged on his shirt with a fearful look in her eye. "What if those beasts attack our farm at night?" Jacob could hear the worry in the tone of her voice; he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Before he could say anything Herah blurted out the absurdity of the story ridiculing her sister for buying into it. It was a bit upsetting hearing his sister so forwardly reject tales of their culture, but they had already reached the river so he decided to let it go.

After filling the buckets to the brim, the trio walked back, one bucket in each of Jacob's hands while his sisters carried one on their own. They enjoyed the sounds of the forest as they walked, basking in the shade of the trees as they neared their home. When they finally came back Jacob's father had finally gotten out of bed, Jacob noticed a small limp in his step as he moved around, he seemed to hold on to his back whenever he stood up straight. The day went on normally past that point, Jacob finished his daily chores and soon night fell upon his farm. Jacob patrolled the outskirts of the field, the moon had risen in the sky, and Jacob paused for moments in his walks his eyes beginning to close longer each time, the only thing keeping him awake were the howls coming from the woods. It really was that time of year he thought to himself. He felt a hand grasp his shoulder from behind, as he turned quickly shovel raised he saw it was only his father. “Go inside Jacob I'll take care of the night watch." he said. Jacob would've liked to go inside and sleep, but his father should be the one resting. He tried to explain himself to his father but his expression only turned sour. "I fought to get this land; I’ll be damned if someone goes and tells me I can't even doing something as simple as watch over it." A slight frown showed on Jacob's face but he gave in to his father’s wishes and went inside.

Jacob lied down in bed and quickly drifted off into sleep, letting go of all his worries. It felt like no time had passed of all; the sun was already in sky. I must have overslept Jacob thought. Only then did he notice he could see the sun clearly in the sky, when he should've been inside. "How did i get out here?" he spoke out loud. "Follow me and I'll gladly tell you." A child who appeared from seemingly nowhere and had spoken. A stern look grew on Jacobs face." As if I would follow some strange kid in the middle of a forest." Jacob picked himself up from the forest floor and looked to the sky. “If the sun is rising in the south then the farm should be north of here or at least the clearing to town. Later kid, with any lucky the next person you try this on might believe you." He waved to the kid as he walked north, but the child didn't seem to mind much. When Jacob was no longer in view he had finally talked again "Well at least he's headed in the right direction." As Jacob walked through the woods he began to realize the trees seemed different then the ones he normally passed through. How far could one child have dragged me? He pondered. He reached what looked like a clearing blocked by some bushes, as he pushed them aside Jacob saw something he wasn’t expecting. A waterfall and around it a number of unfamiliar faces, Jacob came to one clear conclusion, he was nowhere near his little farm on the edge of the forest.

"Daylin?" She hopped off the rock and walked over to him. There was no mistaking the large man with his deep voice. "It's quite fortuitous that we-" she stopped her self mid-sentence and sighed. ". . . it's good to see you," she said with a smile as her eyes gained a warm tinge of orange. "How did you find yourself here?" She put her hands on her hips and looked around. "And where is here, exactly?" She looked around at the newcomers. "I don't suppose any of you recognize this grove."


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