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Author Topic: [RP] The Second World  (Read 65132 times)

Offline The-Blades-slave

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #45 on: January 21, 2015, 06:36:53 PM »
Daylin flushed beneath his helmet and shrugged. "Ain't normally nothin' that needs to be said." His attention on Floressa, he didn't notice Tyrren until he began to speak. 'Not another one...' The giant had seen countless men fall for the half-elven woman, enchanted by her beauty and exotic ways, but it always ended the same. She wasn't meant to be a farmer's wife, she was made for royalty.

He clapped a big hand over Tyrren's shoulder, rattling his armor, and squeezed painfully tight. "Make sure she stays safe, she don't know just how cruel the world can be. Keep it that way." His voice was a low growl, and he had leaned down to whisper in the man's ear so only they could hear. He let the threat hang in the air for a moment, then turned and ruffled Floraessa's hair. "Be safe, Flora. Yer daddy'll tan my hide if anything happens to you."

With his duties as the big brother finished, he walked away from the pair and away from the glade. "Guide me to the orcs, Kaiyos. He felt goofy talking to the wind, but the goddess had said he would hear.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 07:08:25 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Yume Tsuki

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #46 on: January 22, 2015, 01:11:54 AM »
Neicha was scanning through the book once again. She wanted to read it so badly, she almost forgot why she obtained it. She snapped out of it when the goddess spoke up. Closing the book and putting it in her satchel. Most of the group had to go to the same area. Everyone agreed to go to their assigned area right away.
"Alright Kaiyos, would you mind giving me a little help? I'm not that used to these legs yet so I'm not really fast."
With that the spirit nodded dissipating before her eyes. Neicha felt a cool breeze. Kaiyos' voice reached her mind.
Just start heading in the direction that feels right and I'll do the rest!"
Neicha looked around. Then she went off her body felt somewhat lighter as she walked swiftly using her staff as support to prevent herself from falling over.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #47 on: January 22, 2015, 06:32:55 AM »
The dwarf hadn't a reason not to believe the goddess, and so he smiled, making sure to get a rather tight grip on his knapsack. "Kaiyos, guide me to the Dwarves." As the words left his mouth, he felt the wind around him grow a bit colder, and a destination was displayed in his mind. He began not to walk, but to run as fast as he could with the new items, the ground around him being turned into much more of a blur than he had expected...


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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #48 on: January 22, 2015, 11:15:21 PM »
What no one had realized was while they began to agree on departing from the grove was that Jacob had already left. His supplies in tow the second everyone’s gazes turned from him he had fled. He was already a good few dozen paces away by now; he could barely hear the waterfall in the distance. He did a quick check to make sure he wasn't followed before he started rifling through his new satchel, it felt rather light, but when he looked inside there were a number of books, one especially looked rather old and decrepit, they were all tucked nice and neatly with in the bag. Not that it mattered Jacob wasn’t that big on reading, it always seemed like a waste of time. But what he sought for had to be somewhere in the bag. ‘Come on now. If this thing really has what I require for a journey then it should be here.' He pushed away at the books, the rations, the waterskin, and the rest that only blocked what he desired. Until he reached what felt like the very bottom, he grasped it pulling it out the bag. Within his hands was a map, it wasn’t in to bad condition either, folded up nicely. It should convey the entire continent or at least that’s what Jacob hoped. Jacob had seen a world map before, it was in a tavern in the town nearby, it had shown the location of the town on over the landscape and he remembers it thusly in case he ever decided to travel and wished to return home.

But as Jacob unfolded the rough piece of paper his was left stunned. The map was some cross between a Political and landscape map, it wasn't that hard to read though some drawing of mountains and such did get in the way of a few names, but more importantly this map was completely different from the one in the tavern. Entire kingdoms were missing and the landscape seemed to change as quickly as you crossed borders. He kept turning the map every which way hoping he was wrong but it was unfortunately clear. The map revealed the entire continent, and in the center of it was the outline of a small pond and waterfall just like the one Jacob woke up in. This could be a trick; they may have just planted a map in the bag knowing Jacob was the skeptical type.' But if I'm wrong and this is all real.' It was best not to think about him.

He began to fold up the wondering what was real and what wasn't when the feeling of someone’s eyes watching him broke his trance. “I take it the map wasn't to your liking." Above him in the trees was Kaiyos looking down at Jacob. "How did you catch up to me so fast?" He yelled in a rather demanding tone. "Catch up? Why would I have to catch up when you haven’t left my side?" Jacob looked at him with anger and slight confusion, he must be referring to that wind magic none sense. “You know you have a pretty uncanny sense of direction. You seem to always go in the direction you’re supposed to without even meaning to do it." Kaiyos pointed off in the direction Jacob was headed. “If you keep going that way you'll cross into elven territory and soon enough the city where the king's castle resides." Jacob looked to the direction Kaiyos pointed in and then to them map, slightly crinkled from his tight grip. It was true, off further a head was the kingdom of elves but it seemed to be a ways away. “You still expect me to go?" Kaiyos looked to Jacob slightly confused at his question. “I doubt you will be so openly welcome anywhere else but there, besides if we don’t all play our parts in this then the world as we know it will end." The child made a fair argument. Though this may not be the world Jacob knew, strange things are most definitely going on around him, things he cannot explain but that are most certainly true. He still disapproves of how he was brought here to this world, but there is certainly no way he would be able to live with himself if he were to turn his back and let an entire planet be destroyed. "Very well child, you and your goddess will have your way. I do not see how this investigation will help but I will do what has been asked of me." Jacob turned his back to Kaiyos and began to walk off; it was funny the winds all of a sudden seemed to be carrying a rather pleasant breeze.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2015, 02:56:10 AM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #49 on: January 23, 2015, 03:33:34 AM »
She rolled her eyes. "I'll be fine Daylin. Trust me," she said with a reassuring smile. And with that, she was off.

She hardly noticed how fast she was going. Her wandering mind offset her concentration. She saw Tyrren's face when Daylin's giant hand clamped on his shoulder. He tried to hide the grimace, but she had read through better liars than him. And the look in his eyes certainly wasn't pleasant. She didn't need a man to babysit her, carry her through all of life's roughness. This was an experience for her, an adventure. Ever since she was a little girl she dreamed of a chance like this, to go out and explore the world. In fact, she would've preferred walking on her own to the castle which was suddenly in plain view.

". . . oh," she said with bewilderment. "Well that was quick."

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2015, 05:31:59 AM »

He stopped next to Floressa, and gazed up at the castle before them. Tyrren rubbed the shoulder that He-man had grabbed before their departure, thinking Just because I think she's beautiful doesn't mean that I'm a danger to her, nor that I want to be.. He sighed. But I get it. He set his pack down and rummaged around for a tent and bedroll. For such a light bag, there was quite an amount of space and weight within. Better set up now, tomorrow awaits us, in both worlds. Unless you wanted to talk, of course. He pulled out the tent and bedroll he was looking for, and set them both up. He figured the girl would want her own, but he wasn't sure if he should offer help or not. He sat down at the edge of his tent and let his eyes fall upon the stars above. I wish I knew where our real home was, so I could wave in the right direction.

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One of the guards spotted an outsider approaching, and grabbed him by the arm with a surge of force. He brought him to a tent on the outskirts of the village that they were now in, and threw him and his things in. Whoever you are, you can die tomorrow. Enjoy a last meal. Several minutes later, a slave woman stumbled in with a cup of grog and slushy soup that wasn't quite appetizing, along with some uncooked meat. She set it down and looked at Daylin and said, I am here to service you for the night.


Night had fallen and everyone had their sleeping arrangements settled, and as the moons and stars illuminated the landscape with a faint glow. Slowly, or with some time, everyone was asleep, and waking up at home.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2015, 02:01:10 PM by The-Blades-slave »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2015, 01:58:41 PM »
Warning: Content may be considered slightly inappropriate

Daylin had no time to struggle, pulled into the village and shoved into a tent without hesitation. He landed flat on his ass, the wind knocked out of him, looking around wildly. The prison he had been placed in was  accommodating; warm and spacious, mended together well enough to shelter him from the wind; a fire pit that burned softly and a cot to sleep on. 'It ain't as bad as I thought it'd be.'

The flap to the tent parted, and he whipped around to notice a pretty young woman. She had a heart-shaped face framed by sheets of dark tresses that had been tousled and curled by the desert breeze. Her body was lithe and graceful with fragile wrists and long fingers, full breasts that pressed against the torn that clothe that restrained them, and a narrow waist that flared out into perfect hips. Her legs were long and slender, marred by ugly bruises, and she was barefoot. But more striking than all of those features were her eyes—they were feral and strange and the deepest purest blue he had ever seen. Actually, he had never seen eyes like hers. "I am here to service you for the night."

The farmhand kept his gaze fixedly on her face. What do ya mean 'service me'?" He had a vague idea; the mere thought caused his cheeks to burn beneath his helm.

"They told me to make sure you were... satisfied here," she made her way over to him, seeming to glide across the ground. Pressing herself against his chest, she purred, "Your last night is supposed to be enjoyable, they told me to make sure it was."

Daylin stumbled back, tripping over the cot and landing on his ass for the second time in one night, sending his helmet rolling across the ground. His face flushed darker than his hair and he breathed out, "'They told you'? Who, the orcs? Why would they do that?"

The woman closed the distance between them again, straddling him. "Because," her pale pink lips were just inches from his, and he squirmed uncomfortably. "they want your last night to be good, before they kill you."

He was silent for a spell, trying to look at anything other than the woman in his lap. Finally, he managed, "K-kill me? Why would they do that?" He fiddled with random straps on his armor as he tried to keep focused on the proper task, but it was oh so challenging...

"That's how their politics work, they're brutal. If you want to speak with their chieftain, you have to defeat their warriors in combat. All of them. Even a big guy like you doesn't stand a chance, not against that many. Unless..." She looked from side to side, as if to check if someone was watching. Then she leaned in close, warm breath tickling the husk of his ear, and whispered, "unless I help you."

"Help me? What do ya mean?" To his credit, his voice had a small degree of strength to it, even if he was still in a stupor.

"I can get close, drug them, make them tired for your fights tomorrow. In return, I only ask two things."

His mind was clear of fog now, as if some spell had warn off. "What're those?"

"First you have to act as if we made love tonight. You'll have to sleep beside a woman, poor you."

He was silent a long time before, hesitantly, he nodded. "As long as I don't get a knife in my back."

The woman laughed, a beautiful and alluring sound that fogged his mind. "They'll beat me for not doing as I'm told if I injure you, and I don't fancy a beating.

"What's the other one?"

"When you leave, you have to take me with you."

He didn't hesitate on that one, his voice was strong as he spoke. "Agreed. If you'll help me, I'll help you."
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 12:59:55 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #52 on: January 28, 2015, 08:30:51 AM »

As Jacob progressed further to his destination the forest had only seemed to get thicker. The map showed a forest surrounding the elven capital, but he didn’t imagine this. There was hardly a step you could make that didn’t lead into a tree root. 'Gee, without this map I'd probably be lost by now.' Jacob could tell he was making some excellent timing, he made the final push through the thicket of trees reaching the outskirts of the capital and the sun was only grazing the horizon.

Exiting the forest Jacob came upon a clearing full of fields. ‘Must be nice having your home so close to the capital of your kingdom.' he thought to himself. Nothing was there was very extravagant, the farms houses didn’t look much different form his back home. As he walked along the trail Jacob could see the elven farmers prepare for a days end, putting away their wares and going into their homes. But what caught his eye more was the giant stone walls surrounding the capital; even from here he could tell that the walls were enormous. He was so distracted by what lied before him he wasn't even aware of the crossroads ahead. He very well would have bumped into a farmer pushing around a wagon full of grain.

He sounded ready to give Jacob an ear full but when took a closer look at Jacob he paused. "Pardon me sir but are you headed to see the king?" Jacob was taken aback by this sudden question. This farmer was rather peculiar looking, he was dressed like any other farmer but his skin was dark, not tanned like Jacob's but it seemed almost grayish and his eyes, they were a piercing yellow. Jacob gave a light chuckle while pulling a strained smile. "Ha, I'd be lucky to find an inn. I've never been to the capital before." The farmer looked Jacob up and down a final time. "Is that so, then please carry on and watch were your walking." Then mysterious elf walked away pushing his wagon leaving Jacob to continue marching towards the city walls.

The wall was staggering up close, the giant steel gate left Jacob in awe. Standing outside of it were two guards halted at attention. Jacob assumed it would be easy enough to waltz past them into the city, but there was no such luck as he was stopped before he could even make his way past them. “Stay yourself young one. What purpose do you have in the capital?" The guard’s voice was stern as he held his lance in front of Jacob. "Uh I’m just here to conduct some business with a patron within the city." It was a pathetic excuse and Jacob's nervous smile didn't make him seem any more convincing. The other guard stared intently at Jacob it was a bit off putting, suddenly his eyes widened and he pulled the first guard aside. They began talking in hushed whispers talking looking back and forth at Jacob, and then one guard rushed inside the city as the other went back to attention. "You may pass into the capital, sir. I apologize for holding you up." Jacob stood there befuddled for a few seconds, lost at the guards change in manners. "Am I going to find out what you two were discussing?" The guards remained silent staring forward, Jacob decided to shrug it off and head further into the city.

 Passing through the gates the city looked far different then the town he knew. He hadn't realized it but dusk had already fallen, the stone streets were illuminated by several lanterns. All the open space that wasn’t taken up by the road or building was laid out with trees and fields of grass and flowers. Jacob trying to take all this in was only becoming more and more difficult. As he wandered the streets he saw the castle in the distance and wondered how he would possibly be able to enter and conduct his search. The idea of him entering seemed so far off. "You there with the staff." A voice rang out to Jacob, he almost forgot about the staff he had given strapped to his back. It was by a man dressed similarly as the guards outside the gate, he wore golden painted armor made out of some metal Jacob couldn't be sure the type. The difference was probably the trimming; it was red and contained a seal on both his shoulder plates.

“I am Andorr, captain of the guards. I'm here to welcome you to the capital, Marethari."  Jacob again was at a lost for word unable to follow the situation. But this Andorr continued as he walked closer to Jacob." We were worried no one would come after your keeper refused to offer help. He said it was too dangerous to send anyone but you seem to be in good shape. Although you look rather young." When Andorr finally reached Jacob he was surprised. The captain stood at least half a foot over Jacob, and there were scars across his face showing he must have had some experience in battle. "Uh, I'm sorry sir i believe you have me confused with someone else. I'm no Mare-Marethari." Andorr let out a light-hearted laugh before he grabbed hold of Jacob’s shoulders. "There's no reason to feign ignorance, Your clearly one of the master herbalist, from the Marethari order, besides I don't know who you could fool while wearing the orders uniform. Look your sword even has the insignia on the hilt." Jacob looked down to his exposed sword, and sure enough the engraving of a leaf was carved into the iron hilt. He let out an embarrassed chuckle rubbing the back of his neck. This must have been the plan of that two-bit goddess dressing me up like this. “Ah ha, you got me I suppose it should be fine admitting it now that I'm within the city. I assume you know why I am here?" Andorr's expression turned more serious as he cleared his throat. "It would be best we discuss our reasons for summoning you later, it is rather late and the king will wish to speak with you in the morning. I shall escort you to your quarters for the night within the castle." Jacob followed behind Andorr to the castle with an unpleasant silence going on between the two.

He was guided by Andorr and presumably a servant to the king to his quarters. It was a pretty much what you'd expect from a room owned by royalty. A small room illuminated by candles, a large bed covered in expensive looking sheets, and a window overlooking the city. Jacob would have loved to just stare outside, but the current matters were more pressing. He was impersonating an herbalist, from what sounded like a pretty important group; he didn’t know a single thing about herbalism. He rifled through his satchel hoping for had something for him that could assist him.  All there was, besides the rations, were books that varied on to many different subjects. The closest one about herbs was a book on seasoning combinations. “A book of spices! Of all the useless things that fraud of a goddess could have given me, she decided to throw in a cookbook!” Jacob angrily threw the book to the side of the room, flopping down onto the fancy bed. He was too tired to get agitated right now, he blew out the candles in the room and retired for the night hoping some fortune befall him in the next day.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2015, 10:28:10 PM by Humen »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #53 on: January 28, 2015, 09:38:26 AM »
As Duriel reached the land of the dwarves, the wind left him and he began to walk, at a normal pace again. He began to think about what he was to do... He was supposed to find out where the armor was being sent, so he would need information... Well, Duriel was a simple man, and he knew a place where knowledge would be thrown around more and more as people lost their intelligence... A tavern. Before dusk consumed the surface's light fully, he found something quite rare... A tavern above ground, and not within the depths bellow. He would have hoped to receive lodging within the building, but it seemed they had closed before he had arrived, and further more, wasn't sure if he had any coin on him.

As he grew more and more tired, he found a rather large tree, or at least, a tree that was rather large in comparison to him. It wasn't the best place to sleep, but it would work. He placed his sack under his head, as if to use it as a pillow, and began to lie on his back, trying to sleep as the night grew older and older. Eventually, he did find rest, but it seemed short lived as he woke up... Not under the tree, but in his home, in the other world.. His word. He began to rush, as he didn't hear the roosters crow from above ground, and assumed that he was rather late. When he began to run out the door, having skipped breakfast, he heard something... He heard the roosters. He had awoken earlier than they, and it was just now a proper morning time... Rather than staying back and waiting, he made his way to the Tavern, to start getting the place ready.

As he arrived at the tavern, he began to think to himself, about all that had happened... More and more thoughts began to cloud his mind, and he even began to wish that he was back there, with a clean slate, and something else to do, other than this day in day out routine. As he thought about it, he cleaned the bar, and set everything up as he did normally, as if he could do his job absentmindedly. His face held a look of unhappiness, however, he began to shake his head as he left the building, turning the sign from closed to open... He began to smile, as he walked back to his place at the bar, a grin on his face... What more did he need, than this?

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2015, 07:19:36 PM »
Neicha stopped at the edge of a clearing. She spotted fire, and some silhouettes of humanoid animals. "Thank you Kaiyos I really appreciate it" Neicha whispered. "No problem! Good luck." She heard his voice getting further and further away. She turned her head back to the camp. Her ears lowered. "... Yeah... I definitely need it..." She hated attempting to interact with people, whether they were beastmen or not. She took a breath. Then stood up. "E-excuse me for intruding..." She face palmed in her mind. She had this pictured way differently. Now she seemed like some awkward deer. All faces were turned her way. It startled her and she was nervously holding onto the mask that rested on top of her head. "M-my name is Neicha. Neicha Felwood. A wandering herbalist..." She proceeded.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #55 on: January 30, 2015, 07:47:06 AM »
She sighed and looked up wistfully with eyes as blue as the sky above. "Yeah . . . I wish we weren't brought here so quickly though." She dug out a tent and bedroll and began to set it up as her companion was. "I think it would have been interesting to actually see this world and what it has to offer, instead of it all just being a blur." A sudden gust wind blew hair into her face. "Pbbt! Hey, come on!" It settled down and she managed to part it once more, although it certainly wasn't as neat. "I've lived on a farm my whole life. My line of work is pretending I'm a noble's mistress. Hell, that's what I'll be doing here too. I just . . ." She leaned against a massive tree. The subtle, noble-esque undertone in her voice was gone. What little air of formality she had left was gone, and instead she looked and sounded like a tall, unceremonious farm girl in ranger's clothing. "It's great and all. It's not like I won't enjoy it. I mean, this is what I've dreamed of since I was a little girl. But every once in a while, I want something different. I want to use this," she plucked at her bowstring, "to hunt. Gather my own food and prepare it over a fire somewhere in the wilderness. Live off the land like the forest elves do. Maybe not forever, but . . ." she cocked her head slightly and looked at Tyrren. "You know what I mean?"

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #56 on: January 30, 2015, 08:52:46 PM »
Tyrren listened to the girl until he realized that she had asked of his thoughts. I understand. I've been on a farm my whole life as well, and this is actually the chance that I've been waiting for. Something to do, something that will prove that I'm worth something in someones eyes, a chance to show me that I'm needed, and not just the town drunk's son. He paused for a second, and flinched at his own words. Well, he's not the town drunk, but he gets the whole town drunk, supplying barley for any amount of beer. He looked out on the horizon, to where the stars all peeked their faces out, one by one. I just want a chance to be my own person. All I've done is listen to what my father tells me to do, and work towards the Maker knows what. Guess that's why I've never had a penchant for religion. He turned to the beautiful girl, wondering how she ended up where they were. You're lucky, sought after by many. Though I suppose it's not always in the best of ways.

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The girl laid down in the bed, and fell to dreams beside the man. He soon followed suit, on caution in case the Orc guard came back.


A scroll was slipped under his door while he lay in bed, unconscious. Inside was a note detailing for him to go to the royal library, with a small hand-drawn map.


As the dwarf slept, a dwarven wagon stopped beside the tree, apparently on it's way into the dwarven capital. A small man steps out. Well I suppose we'll just have to wait till morn to bring this here back to the tavern. It's a right piece of luck wine can't turn. He noticed Duriel sleeping on the tree. Aha! And I suppose I can wait to see if this young lad wants some extra coin!


A beast-like with similarities to a bear turned in the direction of the voice. What could be described as a smile could be seen in the light of the fire. You're just the person we've been out looking for! And to think we were going to give up and cut our losses! He stretched out his paw. Name's Slackjaw, or Rockjaw, depending on when you catch me!

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2015, 04:54:09 AM »
Was it real, Daylin wondered, as he trudged towards the fields with two big buckets in either hand. It had really seemed to be. His muscles still ached from stomping around in that heavy armor, but Floressa had once told him that if someone thought about something enough, their mind would try anything to make it real. He had checked on her before he left home; she was soundly asleep in her bed, and he didn't have the gall to wake her. He was nervous to even mention it to her, afraid she might think him crazy. His only solution was to see if he went back tonight, as the goddess had told him he would. For once, he was glad for the backbreaking work ahead of him.

When the farmhand reached the fields, two pairs of blank eyes stared at him. The dairy cows were big, fat animals and their udders sagged with milk. Should have been out here last week, he chided himself, they've probably been in a lot of pain. As if they could read his thoughts, one of them mooed loudly, and he patted her on the head. "C'mon girls, lets get ya fixed up." They followed him slowly, stopping to graze the grass and wandering off at times. Daylin was very patient, used to their absent-mindedness, and they eventually got to the barn. He rested his enormous bulk upon a wooden stool, which groaned in protest, and beckoned the closest cow over.

The buckets were all filled by the time he was done, and he cautiously lead the cattle back to the grazing fields, careful not to spill anything. The trip back to the house was harder, since he had to hop the fence that kept the animals in, but he managed it without incident. He noticed a familiar figure waiting on the porch as he arrived. "Hey, need anythin'?"

The woman shook her head and tutted at him, wagging her finger as she scolded, "Daylin, you don't have to do all this on your own. All you have to do is ask for help," she reached out and took two of the buckets from him before he could protest. "It's not healthy to wake up as early as you do and not even stop by for lunch!" She lead him inside, tossing the door open and motioning for him to lay the buckets in the corner.

"I've told ya before, I'm used to gettin' up that early and I bring food out with me."

"Nonsense! It's not good for you to work so much, it'll make you old before your time. Come join us for lunch, there's nothing else to be done around here today!" She left little room to argue, and he awkwardly shuffled into the kitchen, resting himself on one of the chairs. Diodoros sat across from him, and his gaze rested on him as sat down.

"How are those ol' heffers doin'? Think they'll need to go to the slaughterhouse soon?"

Daylin shook his head and told him they had a couple years left before that, and shoveled a spoonful of leftover stew into his mouth. Within moments, the two were lost in talk about the condition the farm was in, when the sheep would need to be sheared, thoughts on getting a herding dog, and how long until the pigs would be big enough to cook up.

They talked for hours, and Daylin had to admit it felt good to take a break. It was over soon enough, though, because he had to leave to lock up the animals before the sundown and round up the eggs from the hen house. By the time he had finished both tasks and tucked the eggs safely away in their container, it was dark, and he retired to his bed. His thoughts were on the strangely feral woman and the orcs as the thick blanket of sleep washed over his mind and his eyes drifted shut.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2015, 09:00:08 AM by The-Blades-slave »

Daylin: 35/100

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2015, 06:16:10 AM »
After their talk seemed to trail off and the girl seemed to be nodding off, Tyrren suggested the two get some sleep so they were at least somewhat rested for the task ahead. He laid down and before he knew it he was bolting upright in the barn, hitting his head on the beam above him. Sh*t! How long have I been asleep? He turned to see Raika with his snout shoved in the hay Tyrren had slept on, munching away on his afternoon snack. From what he could tell, his father had stepped up and made sure that everything was in order. He snuck out of the window in the barn and circled around the house to see where his father was. As it were, his father was nowhere to be found, but there was a note inside telling Tyrren not to worry about chores, that they were all taken care of. His father had gone into town to gather some things they needed, and he would be back in time for supper, should it be ready.

As he walked into his room, Tyrren's hand crumpled the note in disdain. He didn't want to dislike his father, it was simply that he didn't feel that his father liked him as much as he would have liked. Tyrren slumped onto his bed, and his hand fell onto his pack, which jolted his memory of the day he had spent on a world not his own. His mind raced, trying to make sense of all that his memory had to offer and what it all meant. He had a quick thought to tell his father, but he didn't think the man would appreciate an elaborate excuse as to why his son shirked his work. Maybe when we're on better terms. He thought about the girl he had set up camp with, and compared her to the girl that he was interested in impressing from his home. He chuckled to himself, realizing how futile either would be to chase after. He wasn't impressive, and didn't think he would be for quite some time.

As the sun fell, Tyrren made a stew and made sure all the evening chores were completed. His father returned and Tyrren helped him unload all of the supplies that he had brought back, many of which he noted were to fix the rat problem once and for good. The two ate dinner in silence, the kind one might have after a fight that they wish to apologize for. As Tyrren passed his father and trudged into his room to sleep, the one thought that hadn't crossed his mind since he woke up popped into his mind: Was the other world actually real? He slid into his cot and wondered when his father peeked into the doorway. Son, I'm sorry for being so hard on you. I just want you to be a good kid, one others can count on, and one that you don't doubt. There was worry in his voice, and Tyrren was taken aback by his father's softness. Don't worry, Dad. You can count on me, even if I don't show it.

His father nodded, a small speck of water in his eye. As he walked away, Tyrren could feel the familiar grasp of dreams herding him towards his new task. Again he immediately woke, and before he could begin to weep for his lost dreams, he realized that he was again in the world that could be composed of them. Staring out from his tent he could see another, which he assumed the girl from the previous day was asleep within. He cleaned up his belongings then waited for Floressa to wake up so they could enter the capital together.

GM Post


As the beast-boy walked through the forest, he thought he felt an extra shadow following him. As he turned to inspect what might give him a shiver down his spine, an assassin in dark plate armor jumped from a tree, pinning him to the ground. Kaiyos formed his body and ran at the man, Hey! Get off him! He's under protection of the goddess! The man turned to the boy and sliced through him with a hidden blade that protruded from his sleeve. Sorry, his allegiances have... realigned themselves. Kaiyos turned into a cloud, unable to help the beast. Sorry, Jake. The man turned back to Jake. Let's take a trip, shall we?

The man stabbed Jake through the chest, and instead of blood, smoke poured out of his body, engulfing both man and boy. When it faded, both were gone.


The orc guard that was keeping post outside Daylin's tent threw open the flap. In walked an orc dressed in bone, flanked by two others similarly dressed. He looked around suspiciously before addressing one of his officers. Wake him. Find the woman. She has to be here somewhere. One of the officers grabbed Daylin and flung him to the ground, and the other exited the tent, apparently in search of the woman Star, who was in the tent with Daylin the night prior. The giant shook his head to rid himself of his new headache while trying to remember when the girl left, then remembered her plan of the poison. The orc in bones faced him. I am Zang, Chieftain of the Orcs. You have entered into my lands without permission or notice. For this, you face trial by war. You shall face ten of our best warriors in combat, all of which are my officers. If you manage to best them, I may allow you to leave. The orc turned to his remaining officer. Have him gather his belongings and bring him to the arena. He has ten minutes to prepare himself for the onslaught that is facing him.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 02:50:49 AM by WhistfulSoul »

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2015, 03:17:59 AM »
Day in... Day out. It was always the same. Go to the bar. Serve customers. Break up four to five fights. Call the dwarven police. Leave. Go home. Sleep. It was always. The same. He had been doing this for what, a year now? He hadn't truly thought about it until now, but... Was this what he wanted to do? To go to work, go home, go to sleep, wake up, go to work again? Did he really want to toil away for his entire life...? He wanted to stop thinking about it, he wanted to go back to his job, he wanted to think about normal things, but... He couldn't after having a taste of a different life, after even just thoughts of it... He couldn't stop thinking about it... And he didn't know what he would do if it was just a dream...

The dwarf slumped down in his bed as he attempted to go to sleep, hoping... No, pleading that the world of magic, and adventure wasn't a dream... And he wasn't disappointed. When he came to, he was no longer in his home, but within the world of magic, under that tree he had slept under... Originally, his first order of business was going to be the tavern, to listen for information... But that would wait for breakfast. He opened his sack, and began to take out a piece of bread, and some water in a canteen, eating just a bit, and drinking a small amount, as if to conserve it. It wasn't until he was putting his food and drink back into the sack, that he noticed the wagon beside him. He also noticed a few other dwarven men around the tree, just sort of lounging about as if resting. Some were whittling, some were reading, one was even knitting. The dwarf laughed, and began to try to speak to them, a tone of jest to his voice. "Oi, I didn't know this was a common resting spot."