Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] The Second World

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A soon as he had closed his eyes Jacob seemed to reopen them in an instant. The sun was raised in the sky it had to be nearing midday already, and he was lying there in his room back home.  It must have been a dream, he supposed, that made the most sense anyway. His father scolded him for waking up in the middle of the day. His sisters had a good laugh at his expense and his mother did her best at calming his father down afterward. The day was pretty normal form that point onward and when night fell he stood outside patrolling for thieves or wolves, still hearing their menacing howls out in the distance, until his father relived him. He lied down in bed exhausted from another days work and drifted off into sleep.

Jacob opened his eyes again with seemingly no time having passed at all. It was morning as early as when he usually wakes on the farm, but the room was different he was back in the dream again and in the elf castle. All the belongings the goddess had given him lied in the corner and a strange note lied on the floor. What could be in the library he pondered pocketing the note in his satchel as he dressed himself? As he left the room, there were few guards and servants wandering the halls, considering how early it is that seems pretty natural. They didn't pay Jacob any mind as he wandered to the royal library following the crude map. The library was substantially larger than any Jacob had ever been in, well if he had ever been to a library before. "I wonder if they expected me to come this early? I guess I could at least try and find some real books on herbs while I wait."

She kept up her end, Daylin realized. The drugged orc teetered forward and swung at him, but he backpedaled and the blow went wide. Seeing his opening he threw a punch at his opponent's face, and was met with a satisfying crunch.  The warrior stumbled, reeling from the blow, and he lashed out with the pommel of his axe.

Crack! His axe hit its mark, silencing the jeering crowd that had gathered around them. The captain collapsed, clutching at his head and groaning, his blood mingling with the sand. Daylin planted his boot firmly on the orc's back, glaring at the chief, "Was that really needed? I just want to talk."  The thrill of combat was getting to him, white-hot adrenaline pumping through his veins on overdrive. He was struggling to keep his head.

Yume Tsuki:
Neicha's ears lowered once again. A plague? Suddenly this task seemed like more than she could handle. Reverting the transformation of the villagers in her own world appeared like such a smaller problem than what was going on over here. This definitely required a lot more research the fact that there is a plant that survives it does give her a little spark of hope. A pat on the shoulder snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Oh yes, a good idea. I am quite weary from travelling."
With that she was led to one of the tents, offered a place to sleep. Placing her satchel next to the pile of hay that was her bed quietly going to sleep.

When she opened her eyes she looked at the wooden ceiling of her hut. She quickly got up grabbing her stick and satchel, leaving quickly through the door heading towards the village. It was pretty late in the morning. She walked right to the person she needed.
She called out. A wolf turning towards her.
"Ah, Neicha, what can I do for you?"
"I need your help with something, it involves Self-defense."
The wolf was silent for a while.
"Self-defense? You know you can always take an escort with you--"
"Sorry but that is impossible."
"Why? Is it a matter of pride? Do you not trust us? You can barely even walk."
"I am going to change that, I no longer want to rely on a stick. I need to be able to defend myself when things go wrong."
"Look, if you think things get a little too dangerous you could just ask--"
"That is not the point in this case Rayleigh. I might be on to something. But it's a really hard way to get there, it even might seem a bit silly..."
Neicha talked quieter at each sentence, not really sure about what to say. It was all a dream after all. It could have all been just some imagination.
"Huh. On to something. You mean that you're making progress? Where is this place you need to go."
"It's kind of hard to explain... And it might have the answers you seek. I'm just not sure."
Rayleigh remained silent for a while, pondering. Everyone had gathered around the two, curious of what was going on. Whispering hopeful words to each other.
"Well, since you're stubborn... I might as well learn you a thing or two, but why did you come to me for this?"
"Well, you used to be a swordsman..."
Neicha looked shyly at the ground.
"I'd thought you could learn me a thing or two..."
The wolf looked at the deer.
"I thought you disliked violence?"
"I do... But... I should at least learn how to fend on my own..."
The deer fidgeted the stick in her hands.
"Fine, come with me... I know a clearing where we could practice."

The rest of the day Neicha learned the basics of deflecting, using sticks as swords. She tumbled over a lot getting caught in time by the wolf before she hits the ground. Rayleigh gave directions on how the deer could improve her footing letting her practice standing without help of her walking stick. They took short breaks going back to the village to have some food. And repeated the training until sunset. Tired and sweaty Neicha took a dip in the pond near her hut. Her muscles aching. After she was done and wrapped herself in some fur she went inside to dry. Then she dropped herself back on the bed and fell quickly to sleep from the tiring day. Hoping that the dream she had was actually real so she could keep grasping on it for answers.

She giggled at the remark, but said nothing.

The lake Floressa mentioned was more like a pond, but that didn't matter. The water was clear and tranquil and the grass was nice and soft under her bare soles. She dipped a toe into the water. It wasn't as warm as she would like, but it was bearable.

Less than an hour later, she returned to the campsite looking as stunning as ever. Noting the lumpy bedroll, she nudged it with her foot. "Rise and shine Tyrren, you've had enough sleep for today."


Herrish smiled his stupid grin again. S'we can swap underpants, o-course! Colfer walked by and slapped him on the back of the head, which only resulted in more giggling. Colfer began fixing up their wagon while he explained, We's got a meetin' with tha king see, like all the other taverns, to make sure we's makin' tha proper quality and the like. 'Cept we gots a problem, we's missin' a fourth representative, we's was hopin' you would make up for it, bein' the Lost Guard an' all.


Except herbs won't help. The voice came from behind Jacob, and from a stunningly beautiful elf who seemed very commanding, despite her young appearance. She approached Jacob, before offering him the traditional elven handshake: a touch of the first and second fingers to their own forehead, followed by a thumb to the opposite shoulder. I am Mayla, current Elven Lady. A book of herbs won't do you much good, as whatever killed my father isn't listed in any of these books. It must be something new, an herb we've never seen before. Though I suspect the tome in your satchel may glean some insight? Mayla nodded her head in the direction of Jacob's bag.


Zang's face spread into a wicked smile, apparently reveling in the scuffle. The only talk you may have is with the corpse you lay next to beneath the earth! Again! Another captain jumped forward, and instead of weapons in his hands, they were equipped on the back of them. Protruding from the outer part of his wrists were blades made of bone, and armor that extended from his wrists up to his shoulders with spikes, fashioned from what seemed to be the spines of several dead creatures. He was skinnier than the orc before him, and slightly more more mobile. As he stepped forward, he clashed his blades together, a bit of clumsiness in his movements. His eyelids seemed to droop as he egged Daylin on.


Neicha woke to the fox leaning in her direction. Sorry, just wanted to make sure you're alright. The only one who sleeps as late as this is Slackjaw, and that's where he gets his name. The fox motioned towards a tree, which was vibrating from a rough snore that seemed to emanate from the clouds. I'm Fleetfoot by the way, nice to meet you. You're name's not like ours, based on a quality. Where'd you say you're from?


Tyrren raised his hand towards the sky to show that he was still awake. Trust me, if I wanted to sleep, which I don't, I would be able to, hah. He crawled out of his bedroll and re-rolled it while Floressa gathered her things. I've been up thinking of how this all might go. I've only ever seen knights once in a blue moon, much less talked to them. How am I supposed to fit in?


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