Creative Discussions > Other Roleplay

[RP] The Second World

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Zang rested his giant head on a meaty fist, apparently not amused that his "best" warriors were one by one falling to a meat-sack human. He waved his opposite hand lazily, signaling the next captain to join the carnage before them. Another giant orc stepped forward, this one heavily donned in the same bone armor, and equipped with two bone axes that were created from shoulder blades, similar to the Chieftain's own. He held them in a defensive stance, but drooped every few seconds and had to recollect himself. He seemed determined not to make the first move.


The Elven Lady scoffed at the elf before her. I can see that they're attempting to educate nearly every student they're tasked with over at that order of yours. Not a nick of wit in you before you joined them, I assume. She quickly grabbed the tome out of Jacobs bag before he could react, a smirk appearing on her face. I jest with you. Of course I know why you're here, I'm the one who summoned you from your magely quarters, on your safe little island. She flipped through the tome, but stopped suddenly, confused by the text before her. She began pacing as she explained, the book still in her grasp. There have been mages seen entering and exiting the forests, with no context as to why. We know not of why they are there, or what they may be doing. What we do know is that as soon as the new king was instated, any herbology projects the now past king, my father, had ongoing were cancelled. Mayla then faced Jacob. And we have reason to believe that your tome here has secrets that your Marethari order has kept from us on their involvement on these projects.


Fleetfoot perked his ears up. Huh. Well, where we're from, our people tend to stay separate. Those who wish to remain as we are, get one half of the village. Those that wish to return to their previous form live in the other side. Slackjaw and I prefer to stay as we are. The only time that we've been able to get along and collaborate is to try and discern what's been happening with our forest. Rockjaw seemed to fall out of the tree, but landed on his paws, and walked over to the other two. That's why we're here, and hopefully yourself too. He paused as he began collecting some breakfast materials, then decided against it. He began packing his things as though to continue their journey. Your forest wouldn't happen to have these plague-spots as well, does it? He paused again, his jaw actually slacking as he thought. Well, tell us on the way. We've gotta return with you so you might be able to help.

A look of curiosity overtook Duriel's face, one of his eyebrows arching as he took in the information the other dwarves had given him. Something seemed strange, why would they set off without a fourth representative? Who was this 'lost guard'? Was it him? If so, he was certainly unaware of it. "Ai'd be willin' ta' go in t ha' fourth man's place, sure, but ai've gotta' know... Who's this lost guard fella?"

They suddenly take his book and now this explanation. ' Why must matters always complicate themselves?' Jacob moved to grab the book, forcibly keeping his thumb on the page she turned to. "I'd prefer you'd ask before taking someone else's belongings. And what's with this nonsense of betrayal in the order? You sought to uncover the secrets, why have you asked for one to be sent and what of the others before me?" He added after another moments thought, "I have wit in spades, thank you very much!"

Daylin stared at his opponent, using his axe as a makeshift cane to lean on. Strands of wet hair clung to his broad forehead and his nose still gushed like a fountain, every shuddering breath bringing with it a mouthful of blood. He spat some into the sand and wiped at his mouth with the back of his free hand. "Ya know it'd be a hell of a lot easier to just talk with yer visitors."

The orc grinned lazily at his opponent. "It'd be simple if they announced themselves." He clanked his axes together, and gnashed his teeth as he grinned. "Though I suppose manners are you meat-sacks best quality, is it?"

"I 'spose so, but I ain't ever been the most mannered. I am nice enough to 'pologize for one thing, though." Daylin hoisted his axe with a grunt, and spit out one more mouthful of blood. "Sorry I gotta kill ya." He threw himself forward and brought the head of his axe down towards the orc's arm.

 The orc allowed the axe to get just close enough to bat it away using his own. "Seem's you're gonna have to apologize to yourself, once you end up in hell!" He swung his second axe towards Daylin's open chest.

The blow bounced off harmlessly off his breastplate, knocking him back a few steps. "I ain't gonna die, I made a promise." He brought his axe down from over his head, directly at the orc's neck.

The orc again attempted to deflect the blow using his axe, but only achieved in slowing it down. Still trying to move out of the way, the axe came down into his shoulder, causing the orc to shout in a mix of anger and pain, along with making him drop one of his axes.  One of his arms now limp, the orc let loose a fierce battle cry, and attempted to again swing his axe at Daylin, aiming for his thighs.

The blade slipped into a chink in his armor, digging deep into his thigh. Daylin squared his shoulders and grit his teeth, forcing himself to stay upright. He reared back his weapon and struck out with the heavy pommel.

'Well," she held out her hands to help Tyrren stand up. "you must act like them. Many knights are of noble blood and have proper mannerisms. Stand upright, with your back straight and chest out. Roll your shoulders back a bit, like this," which she demonstrated to him, "but not so much that you arch your back." On and on Floressa went with advise and instructions about how a knight should act - everything from greeting his fellow men and King to eating at a dinner table. She moved his body around like a toy doll when correcting his posture, pushing and pulling but softly. When asked how she knew any of this, she would simply shrug and say "I've read about it," or "I've seen it be done."

"The experience of acting as a proper noble is not something that any amount of learning can compare to. Knowing how to do something and actually doing it are two very different ideas," she added at the end of her lecturing. "For example, I did not acquire my lexicon from a book, or have someone tell me what words are appropriate and how to say them. I cannot emphasize how important it is to being a noble that you must experience their ornate environment for yourself and, for lack of a better term, learn the hard way." She looked into his eyes, hers pearly blue, wistful and hoping. "Can you do that?"


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