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Author Topic: [RP] The Second World  (Read 65182 times)

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2015, 04:38:04 AM »
Story Post

The goddess surveyed each of them, and addressed each of their thoughts.

To Jake, There shall be great reward if you do manage to do as I ask of you, and although not all of it may be treasure I'm sure you will be pleased with what you find.

To Jacob, If you do not wish for another life, and instead wish to keep the one you have, then I thank you for agreeing to help, because this is the only way to save and maintain the peace that your world holds.

To Daylin, I'm sure that in this world, you will find that you can be whatever you wish. But I admire your loyalty and manners.

To Duriel, There are very little downsides, yes. When you fall asleep in your world, you will wake here and spend another day here. Once you find respite in this world, you will wake up on your on world once again. And so it shall go; if you fell asleep during the sixth hour of the day past noon, you would wake here in the sixth hour of the day past midnight. The opposite is true as well. The only downside is that if you do manage to die here, you will retain your memories from your time here, and guilt of not being able to help will slowly seep into your mind.

To Floressa, Yes, this is what some may call an adventure, but one must also remember that adventures are filled with perils, the likes of which exceed those you would see from planting crops late or from an injured animal. This is a true test of strength, courage, wisdom, willpower, and most of all, character.

The goddess then turned to Tyrren, who had not said anything through most of the encounter. And you, Tyrren. Do you agree to aid my cause? You have not said anything, nor have you asked any questions. Before she had even asked of his opinion, she knew what his answer would be. I've been waiting for an opportunity to mean something to someone for years. I knew I would help from the moment you began to ask.

She grinned, her brilliantly white teeth exposed to the sunlight. I have reason to believe that the current King is somehow involved with this calamity. Normally I am able to sense the thoughts of others around me and placate their minds, but when I attempt this with him, I am forced away from his mind. She shook her head in reminiscence of her failure. As I stated, each of you have a role to play in the events of this world. Tyrren, you must join the King's Royal Guard and find out what they know. They are the only ones who tread both inside and outside the walls of the castle. Floressa, you will travel with Tyrren to the King's Castle, where you will pretend to be one of the King's Ladies for some time. You will be around the King's closest hands, and you must gain as much information from them as they have. Daylin, you must travel to the land of the Orcs, and find where their alliances lay. If they choose to aid my cause, then we have a great power behind us, but if they have already decided, you must change their minds. Duriel, you must travel back to your kin, the dwarves, and discover where their weapons and armor is being sent. If too much of it is being sent to the wrong places, we must know why. Jacob, you must also return to your kind in order to gain insight into what truly happened to the previous king. He was an Elf who died of mysterious causes under strange circumstances, and we must know if the current King is behind it. Neicha, you will also return to your kind, although they will not recognize you. The Beast-like know the most of this land, and if any areas are being adversely or immensely effected by magic, they will know where and you must find out why. Finally, Jake, you will travel to the Home of the Thieves, where any and all information can be found, for the right price. I believe you of all would be able to find the lowest prices.

She sighed, releasing the breath she had been holding in order to talk. The goddess sat down on her stool, which had floated to rest behind her while she gave her speech. She closed her eyes, and placed her hands in front of her to make a triangle with her fingers. She captured each person within this triangle one at a time, and as she finished, a warm glow seemed to emanate from each hero. I have granted each of you the ability to gain what you need in order to complete your tasks. What you now must do is close your own eyes and think to yourself, Grant me that which I require for my journey.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2015, 03:54:59 PM »
"Grant me that which I require for my journey."

Daylin felt calm when she blessed him, a warmth in his core that made everything seem like it would be alright. All his doubts melted away, and for the first time since he arrived at the glade, he felt confident. 'I'm not just a slave, she was right. The fates picked me out of everyone in the world, out of kings and queens and knights. I can do this.' He closed his eyes tightly, and shoved all thoughts away but one, 'Grant me that which I require for my journey.' The second it crossed his mind he gasped and stumbled forward, struggling to stay upright. It was like someone had dropped a hundred pounds on him.

His head felt a lot heavier, and his breathing and vision were obstructed by a mask of steel. It disoriented him, and he took several deep breaths to push down the lump growing in his throat, then glanced around. He stopped when he saw the pool beneath the waterfall, crystal clear and calm despite the torrent pouring into it. He stepped towards it, curiosity overwhelming him, and gazed down at his reflection. He didn't recognize the person looking back.

His armor was minimal: large pauldrons, greaves and breastplate over a blue tunic with white sleeves, wrinkled brown trousers, and heavy leather boots. He wore gauntlets crafted from a dark metal with cuffs that wrapped around his wrists lead into several interlocking plates that protected the back of his hand, as well as several more interlocking plates that protected his forearm. The grime on his face had vanished, and his greasy hair had been cleaned and pulled back in a short ponytail. A royal blue cloak with gold trimming was fastened around his neck, hanging to his ankles. Strapped across his back was double-bladed axe, nearly as long as he was tall. The blades were mounted to a circular centerpiece that consisted of a stone ring set with ten spikes around the edge, with a single, longer thrusting spike at the top. Set at the center of the circle was a vicious looking griffon head, complete with a pair of wicked fangs and extended wings that served as the blades. The haft of the weapon was crafted from onyx, black from the axe-piece down to the grip and leather bound for security. The pommel was of similar design: a small chalice, clutched tight by a wicked three-clawed talon.

'Maybe this is a second chance,' He mused, stomach fluttering in excitement. 'a chance to be better and help people. It's worth a shot.' He turned to face the goddess and dropped to one knee, his head bowed and fist drawn over his heart. "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the gifts. I will try my best to live up to your expectations." He had stuttered on the final word and it hadn't sound very dignified to him, but he had said it. Floressa had rambled on about the proper etiquette in front of royalty since they were children and she had been obsessed with fairy tales, and he knew a knight did not stand in front of his queen. In his eyes, the minute he accepted the gifts, he was in her service. They all were.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 10:20:11 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2015, 08:44:48 PM »
She closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind but could not. Her mind was racing at what she was about to do, imagining great castles and stunning lords and ladies and a majestic king and . . . her breath steadied. Her muscles relaxed. She was calm, as if to soothe her eyes. Only one thought was allowed to cross her mind: Grant me that which I require for my journey. And so it was.

The familiar tightness of the corset surprised, as did the sudden feeling of being a few inches taller. She opened her light gray eyes and looked down at a beautiful evening gown. She could feel a scabbard pressing against her skin under its folds. Pulling up the skirt showed a blue pair of high heels that perfectly matched the cornflower dress. It was breathtaking. Literally. The corset was too tight and she found it hard to breath.

As if her thoughts were read - which they probably were - the dress and shoes disappeared on were replaced by much less formal attire. She now donned a fitting, brown leather tunic and trousers; a green, overcoat-like cloth skirt; a black leather belt and silver buckle around her waist; and brown leather boots that came halfway up her calf. On her left arm was a leather bracer, over her right shoulder a quiver, by her left hip a scabbard, and in her hands a bow. Instinctively, she nocked, drew, and released an arrow at a tree on the far side of the clearing. It struck a bit higher and to the right from where she was aiming. Getting used to this bow was going to need some practice, she knew.

She slung it over her shoulder. Looking down, she saw a pack at her feet. Inside was her dress and shoes, and some other necessities. She slung it over her shoulder - it hung just below her quiver - and turned to the goddess. "Thank you kindly for these gifts, madame," she said with a curtsey. "I promise you that you will not be disappointed by our actions." And that was a promise she was not going to break.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 02:47:33 AM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2015, 04:07:53 AM »

This was too much; Jacob had to hold his hand over his mouth to keep from laughing. It really felt like this woman really wanted him to just waltz into a kingdom and play investigator with a king's "murder". He almost lost it when she said beast-like, the creatures from the stories told to children.' Although that might explain the walking fawn. No! Such a thing is ridiculous and what was with that last line. As if saying some simple phrase would magically give someone all they need for an expedition. Grant me that which I require for my journey, please.'

In an instant he felt more weight on him. When he opened his eyes his attire had been completely changed. In his right hand was a spindly staff and a mysterious satchel draped over his shoulder. He was outfitted in a brown leathery suit with green trimmings. Resting over top of it was a grey cloak and a black substance akin to velvet lining the inside. Pining down the cloak were metal pauldrons and covering his wrist were vambraces made of the same material and design as his suit. Only when given closer inspection there was a small slit with... a flat knife inside! In fact underneath the cloak strapped to his side was a curved sword inside a very ornate sheath.

'I suppose I can’t complain about free clothes but to think she actually arm us ‘ He thought to himself whilst pulling the small knife in and out of his vambrace. He turned to the mysterious woman wishing to get directly to the point rather than saying thanks. “This is rather surreal, to say the least. So when do we start this epic adventure to save the world?"
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 06:43:11 AM by The-Blades-slave »
Sticks and stones can break my bones and names can make me feel like i deserved it.

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #34 on: January 18, 2015, 09:55:08 AM »
Duriel watched as all the other's clothing began to... Change, as their new attire began to flash into existence, and appear over them... This had to be a trick, there had to be something to it... But he had an idea. He would expose this trick, for what it really was. He stuck his hands in the pockets of his pants, knowing that it would be impossible, even if they were as fast as nonphysically possible, to do it without moving his hand, and the trick could be exposed... He closed his eyes, and began to think to himself... "Grant me that which I require for my journey."

As the words left his mouth, and he opened his eyes, looking around... "Ha! Nothing had ch-" As if he had taunted the Stone itself, he nearly fell backwards, the weight on his back nearly causing him to fall backwards... He was wrong. Duriel looked at his new attire, feeling of himself, for he felt quite a bit more weighed down than he did a few seconds ago. His shoulders and upper arms were covered by plated-steel that could have only been dwarven forged, and thick chainmail covered his chest, hidden underneath a black vest. A dark green cloaked fastened tightly around his ample sized neck, and his trousers had been mended, rolled up neatly over his actually practical leather boots. All around, he felt... Cleaner. All of his clothing had been cleaned, with not a spot on them. Further more, he noticed his beard was now braided, and that it itself was now cleaner. Last, and certainly not least, there was a ornate maul of dwarven origin slung over his shoulder, crafted with metal and marble.

He looked around in disbelief... The dwarf patted over himself once more, making sure it wasn't a trick, and was even amazed at the fact that his left hand had stayed in place. He noticed that beside him was a knapsack, with a canteen full of water and other things that he would need for the journey. The dwarf looked over the others, noting that the taller one, the one who claimed to be a slave earlier, was now wearing a full suit of armor, armor that he would bet good money on having been forged by some of his dwarven brethren. Now, the one that perplexed him the most, was the one who was still in a dress, however he kept it to himself, not questioning the path she would be forced to take. He merely glanced over the others, looking lastly to the goddess who had given them these items, and began speaking, a serious, and honest tone to his voice. "Thank you, your godliness."
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 07:03:10 PM by The-Blades-slave »

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #35 on: January 19, 2015, 04:16:35 AM »
Tyrren stood from his rocky seat and closed his eyes. As incredulous as it sounded, he felt that he must follow the goddesses' instructions. He thought to himself, Give me that which I require for my journey, though a trace of doubt remained in his mind about the power that was being "bestowed" upon him. Just as Tyrren was about to open his eyes, he felt a slight change in the air around him, one that rather than making him tense and anticipate danger made him relax and slack his shoulders. It took him several blinks before he fully succumbed to the reality in front of him.

Just as the goddess had stated would happen, everyone was properly equipped with everything they could imagine that might help them in the coming days, Tyrren included. He himself was suddenly donned with the attire of what he could only assume would be a Royal Guard: a black long-sleeved cloth shirt under a chainmail chestpiece made of a dark metal, covered by a white jerkin with a hood; his hands had dark finger-less bracers with tiered plating that reached halfway up his forearm, which was the same dark metal that the chainmail had, but with a golden trim; beige cloth pants, like the favorite pair he had from home; and black boots that kept his pants tucked neatly in, since he had hoped he wouldn't trip anytime soon. On his back he could feel a sword and shield, which he pulled off and held in his hands. The shield was about the size of a buckler, but in the shape of a heater shield, and it was made of the same metal as the other equipment, with the same gold trim. In the center of the shield was what Tyrren guessed was the Royal Emblem: a swirling dragon head, with an orb in the middle that seemed to be filled with smoke. The sword was about three feet long, with a simple cross-guard and a diamond-shaped pommel that framed a hilt of black leather. This, however, was made of a different metal than the others, and it perplexed Tyrren enough that he resigned to ask the dwarf what it was made of.

Before that, he knew he must thank the goddess for her gifts. Helping her or not, this was so generous that he was afraid if he didn't, he might be smitten when he least expected it. He picked up the sack that had appeared next to him, filled with food, water, a sleeping bag, and any supplies he could think of that he thought it might be magic. He approached the goddess and bowed his head, and said, Thank you for your kind gifts. I hope not to disappoint you in the time to come. He waited for her smile, then turned to the dwarf. Again he unsheathed the sword, and asked, I hope I'm not being assumptuous but would you happen to know what metal this is made of?

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #36 on: January 19, 2015, 10:05:04 AM »
Looking around the deer saw everyone getting equipment. Mostly for self-defense. She figured they would need it because it would be a dangerous journey. But pretty much everyone almost seemed to break their back at the sudden amount of weight thrown on them. On the other hand, they would get exactly what they needed for their journey. Neicha's nervousness calmed down at that statement. She slowly closed her eyes.
Give me that which I require for my journey.
After she thought the last word, her satchel attempted to pull her down to the ground by the sudden change in weight. If it wasn't for her walking stick she would've fallen to the ground. She opened to see what had caused the sudden increase in weight, out of the satchel she pulled a large tome. She opened it on a random page to see the contents, instantly realizing it was a tome about all the herbs of this land. Her eyes grew wide while her ears raised up. She put the book back in the satchel and looked for other changes, her walking stick had transformed into a staff. And on her left side a long sword was slung at her hip. She nodded thankfully at the goddess, taking a little bow.

Claiming that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a doughnut because you're on a diet.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #37 on: January 19, 2015, 08:31:30 PM »
Jake watched everyone obtain their gear one by one, each time, astounding him. He thought long and hard and muttered out the words softly.

Jake-Grant me that which I require for my journey.

Jake felt a material cover his mouth and head and a strange metallic object cover his wrists. He very slowly opened his eyes to find he was wearing a hood with a black cloth covering his mouth revealing only his eyes and hair. His clothes had been swapped out for black overalls, a small dagger that rested lightly on his side and on his wrists were two hidden blades on each wrist He pointed his hand out and instinctively flicked out his wrist causing razor sharp blades onto protrude. He pulled his hand back and the blade shot back into its socket. He looked back at the woman, pulled the cloth away from his mouth and smiled.

Jake-A city of thieves, sounds pleasant.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 04:53:04 PM by lubbies »
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Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #38 on: January 20, 2015, 12:47:24 AM »
Story Post

The goddess raised her left hand, lifting the sacks that everyone had been gifted to easy grabbing height. If everyone thought of the incantation properly, then these bags should contain everything you might need for your journey. Along with that, they are magical in that anything you must fit within them will be sure to fit, no matter how big, and weight proportional to the other items will be added. If you have ten pounds of resources in your bag and you add five, then only two and a half pounds will be added. She got a glazed look in her eyes, as though the idea of complex numbers confused her. The goddess blinked and the image was gone.

She turned to Kaiyos, who had been keeping a leaf in the air simply by pointing at it. Kaiyos will accompany each of you to within sight of where your task lays. The look on your faces begs me to explain how both the leaf and his companionship is possible. With a swift turn, the goddess struck her hand at Kaiyos' head, but the boy did not flinch nor recoil. Instead, her hand passed straight through his right cheek. She faced her stunned audience once again, and stated, Hundreds of years ago, a swift orphan passed through my forest and found his way into my grove. He had no one to watch over him, so I took him in, and gave him very powerful wind magic, and he has mastered it to the point where he may become the breeze. Just as the wind is everywhere, so may be Kaiyos.

She began to pace as she explained the coming days. This forest is centrally located within the land of which these events are unfolding. If each of you allows Kaiyos to surround you with his magic, you should be capable of reaching your destination within the remaining hours of the day. I suggest you rest and return home for a day before the task ahead of you. She turned her head sideways and cocked an eyebrow at the group. Unless there is a better idea?

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #39 on: January 20, 2015, 07:56:43 AM »
Daylin rose to his full height and pulled his helm, which he had removed to inspect his reflection, over his head. His hand moved to grip the handle of his flail, adrenaline pumping thickly through his veins. This was no time to nap, a job needed to be done. His voice was muffled by his visor as he voiced his opinion, "I say we go now. We're here, we got weapons, and we're all ready." He turned to address the rest of the group, dark eyes boring into them intensely. "Don't ya'll think so? Best ta get it outta the way."
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 10:13:43 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2015, 01:30:12 AM »

"I agree with, Daylin was it? If this quest is so important then we should not waste any time. You said so yourself we can reach our respective destinations by the end of the day. We can all concern ourselves with rest then. “
Jacob stood firm on this choice. He was prepared to leave regardless of how the others felt. Not so much because he cared about the grand quest, but because the first step to escaping these lunatics was by reaching some place populated. Besides, who knew what these people may try to do to or when they may take him again in his sleep.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 01:32:28 AM by The-Blades-slave »
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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #41 on: January 21, 2015, 02:36:36 AM »
Duriel watched as everyone got most of their items, however, there was one that... Perplexed him, it was one of the human's, a sword at that. He slung his knapsack up over his shoulder, and walked closer as the human asked what type of metal it was. He walked over to the weapon, and began to feel of it with his hands, and began to look at the metal with a bit of intensity, a bit of a confused look on his face as he answered. "Well, what ya' have here... Appears, to be dwarven steel, mixed with some sort of obsidian... There's very few blacksmiths who could do something like this, and it was done with great care and talent... It's going to be a rather trusty blade, I can assure ya' that.

Duriel eventually walked back to where he had been standing, and began to nod as the giant and the elf spoke, agreeing with what they were saying... He began to think of all that had gone on, his mind throwing everything about, examining all that had gone on in his small, dwarven mind... If this was true... If this was as urgent as she had made it out to be, it would be best to follow the other's lead, wouldn't it? Further more, the elf seemed smart enough to outwit him, and the giant struck fear into his heart as he spoke. Do to this, he decided that it would be best to leave while he still could. "Aye, I agree with the elf and human. If it's as urgent as you make it out to be, I don't think standing around here and sleeping is going to help anyone, your godliness."
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 04:54:16 AM by Desbear »

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #42 on: January 21, 2015, 05:52:42 AM »
Floressa shrugged. "I don't see a reason to continue discussing it either. Shall we be off then, Tyrren and Kaiyos?" After all, they were just burning daylight at this point. And the sooner they were off, the sooner she could make conversation with Tyrren. If he was the only one inside the castle she could trust, they might as well get to know each other. "After all, we're simply burning daylight at this point." She paused momentarily. "Daylin, you aren't normally this loquacious." Another pause. "Talkative."

Offline WhistfulSoul

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #43 on: January 21, 2015, 06:13:59 AM »
Dwarven steel and obsidian... What an odd combination of materials. Tyrren thought to himself, his blade in his hand. I feel like I oughta be careful with it, but at the same time I have a notion that it won't be damaged anytime soon. He nodded in thanks to the dwarf, then listened to the goddess and what the others had to say.

Tyrren agreed with the other adventurers. The tasks they were given seemed urgent, and he decided to treat it as such and head out immediately. He didn't have the slightest clue where he should set out but he knew that Kaiyos would. He faced the goddess and said, Thank you for your generosity and guidance. Hopefully we can aid you as much as you need. Tyrren was about to address Kaiyos and ask him to begin leading in the proper direction when Floressa spoke up. Shall we be off then, Tyrren and Kaiyos? After all, we're simply burning daylight at this point. He could almost feel his cheeks boil before he looked away to calm himself. He decided if he focused on a point above her shoulder he might have a chance. I was going to suggest travelling together myself, considering we're heading to the same general place. Guess I'm a little slow to start, heh. He fiddled with something on his jerkin. Gods, who am I all of a sudden.

Tyrren walked up beside the girl, and turned to Kaiyos. Alright guy, lead the way.

I actually have all the badges from each region, because, y'know, badges.

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Re: [RP] The Second World
« Reply #44 on: January 21, 2015, 05:07:56 PM »
Jake tipped his head as if to excuse himself and pulled the cloth back up. What treasures await me in a city of thieves. He smirked from under the cloth. I don't care about this calamity, this IS just a dream. He gestured to the boy that it was time to go. He must leave now before it grows dark, he turned around, put his hand up as if to wave goodbye and walked away.

Jake-I'll find whatever I can.

And with that he receded into the treeline once more, eyes burning a fiery blaze.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2015, 05:10:18 PM by lubbies »
Grafics Cat <3

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