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Author Topic: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth  (Read 78958 times)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2015, 08:18:37 AM »

"I'm...sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." That was the only thought that echoed through my mind. That was, until I was thrust out of the void-like area. Upon hitting the ground, I just sort of... Curled up into a ball, resting my chin upon my knees, confusion overwhelming me... I began to think about what had happened in the void, images of the bloody, and mutilated Steven flashing into my mind... And then I heard a voice. "...Hason... Hason!" The voice echoed out... As I opened my my eyes, I saw him standing there, shaking me... He began to speak, his voice sounding concerned. "Hason... I... Don't really know what you saw in there, but... We need ya', and I believe in ya'. I mean come on, I'm gonna need your help to stop this monster."

I... Don't know why, but those words filled be with hope, with... Energy. I began to stand up, and wiped the wet liquid from my face... I... Had been crying, it seemed. He gave me a small smile, before putting his hand out. I took hold of his hand, and he transformed, the hand I had been holding becoming that of a hilt. I felt an... Energy, begin to flow through me. As if we were... In sync, per-say. It was similar to that of when I would normally wield him, but... Stronger, and the bond felt like it would endure even the thickest flame. 'I... Need to put my doubts behind me, at least until we make it out of here... Until we get out alive.'


As the attacks hit the stranger, Steven felt a feeling, one of comfort, as he was released to the ground. He quickly turned back into his human form, and began to look for his Meister, he had seen being thrown out of the cloak, and land on the ground a few feet away. When he arrived, what he saw was... Odd, to him. She was balled up, and just... Sitting there. Crying. He wasn't sure what she had seen in there... But he was going to have to break her out of it. As he neared her, he kneeled down to her, and took hold of her shoulders, lightly shaking her, before speaking. "Hason! Hason!" His voice was a tone of concern, and he only continued to speak when she opened her eyes, tears streaming down her face. "Hason... I... Don't really know what ya' saw in there, but... We need you, and I believe in ya'. I mean come on, I'm gonna need your help to stop this monster."

He didn't tell what it was that he said that helped, but he could tell it did. He watched as she slowly got up, and wiped the tears from his face. He would have to ask her what she saw later, but for now... They had a monster to at least help kill. He held out a hand, that she took, prompting him to transform into his weapon form, for her to hold. As she stood there, holding him, he felt a somewhat overwhelming power begin to flow into him... It was like the bond of when she would wield in him combat, but it felt... Stronger. Was this soul resonance...? Only time would tell.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 08:34:09 AM by Desbear »

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2015, 08:29:11 AM »
The stranger reappeared, but not in his usual form. He was massive, monstrous, and more terrifying. The students that cowered before seemed to have run off. To where was anyone's guess. His body was covered in rotted flesh. His bones like living armor. Steam rose from the exposed muscle. He no longer needed a weapon. He was the weapon, a living behemoth whose goal was to get rid of these pests and raise the Kishin.

Few mortals have stood before me and fought back. I normally have them so broken they simply give up hope. You have done well to prove to me your species has a small chance. I'll be sure to pass on your story.

He attacked with his large fists. The force of the swing alone could be felt before it would strike.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #47 on: March 03, 2015, 09:38:54 AM »
Warren grinned up at the towering figure like a madman, crouched to keep his balance as the ground trembled, his scythe held precariously in his only hand behind him. Only one thought ran through his half-functioning, pain addled mind; "Just more to blow the fuck up!"

The sheer joy that oozed from his wavelength at the thought of destruction threatened to overwhelm Silene, but she held her ground. Despite her exhaustion and his wounds, they had never resonated more. Even so, Warren was playing a dangerous game, hovering on the brink of insanity in an attempt to amplify his strength. One misstep and they were through.

"Nuh-uh, you don't get to crush me before I blow you up!" Warren launched himself from his position on the quaking ground, landing firmly on the stranger's massive forearm, wobbling and smirking. "Where should I hit first?" He spotted a thick, bulging vein on the beast's neck. "Oooh, wonder what kind of mess that would make if I blew it open!" Still excited and barely in control of himself, he ran up giant's arm surprisingly fast, drawing his scythe back and preparing an explosion to end all explosions.

Wavelengths gathering, souls drawn together, they achieved what Silene had only dreamed about: Soul Resonance. The power she felt was overwhelming, unbelievable, and very, very terrifying. It coursed through her like electric wire, lighting her up as it went. Her scythe-blade grew larger and serrated, flames roaring down the steel expanse. "Warren!"

Warren wrapped both hands around the newly formed weapon as he ran, reveling in the familiar, musky scent of fire and smoke. When he got close enough a dark crimson orb materialized at the tip of his blade, audibly crackling with explosive power, and he brought the scythe down."TIME FOR THE BOOM!"
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 10:17:43 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #48 on: March 03, 2015, 09:40:31 AM »

I... Should have felt fear. I should have cowered at the form I saw... But that wouldn't matter now. As I felt the the being begin to swing, I began to do something I had proved I was very good at; I ran. As we ran, I felt a power, one... Just out of reach, but different than I had felt before... And so, I continued to reach for it, expending energy as I did so, and then... Seemingly receiving it back, and I could feel Steven doing it too... And then, I felt energy begin to be noticeably drained from my body, and as what appeared to be energy encase the chains. The hilt even changed, to that similar to the end of a serpent's tail. The head of the weapon, the chakram even changed, to that of a serpent's head... This was when I realized something, what was going on; This, was the power of Soul Resonance.

As I ran, I noticed the chains extended fourth in front of me, keeping up, and even beginning to pull away, growing in length as they began to drag across the ground... And then, I noticed as the head of the serpent began to hover across the ground, speeding up as it moved. I quickly jumped up, and onto the tail of the weapon... Had it always been this large? Bah, I would figure out what was going on later... As the weapon wove through the air, I began to hunch down, clutching onto what seemed to be two handles...

As the body of the serpent was dragged across the ground, I watched as the snake reached a point of safety, much closer to the behemoth with ease; Dodging the large sweeping attack. I then watched as the head of the snake seemed to... Latch onto the leg of the behemoth, and then snake its way up, circling the being's body as they rose in hieght. I was somewhat fearful as we rose, but I saw something that confused me greatly; For some reason, the chains followed the path the head made exactly, not whipping around wildly bellow, but raking across the monster, sticking to the path set.

As we neared the head of the being, I heard Steven call out to me, his voice a bit concerned.  "Hey uh, Hason. I'm sorry for suddenly taking off like that, but I wasn't really expecting it either. You okay back there?" To this, I merely chuckled, nodding my head, and replying with a bit of an excited tone. "Yeah, I'm fine! And it's no problem, I wasn't sure what was going on either, but... What's your plan?" There was silence for a few seconds, before he answered, a bit of a embarrassed tone to his voice. "I uh... I was gonna go with a choke hold method, either separate the head or cut off his breathing for a bit... Gotta at least try, right?" To this, I chuckled a little bit. I gave a bit of a reassuring nod, and then allowed him to go on with his plan. After all, I didn't have a plan myself, and he was doing most of the work anyways; I was just the battery.


As Hason whipped him out in front of her as she ran, Steven felt something just out of reach... Something he felt he had to reach out for... He quickly attempted to grab onto the power, but in turn expended energy... And then receiving it back, and then receiving it back once again... As he did so, he felt his weapon form... Changing. He felt the power of resonance changing his form. The chakram blade changed, growing in size and changing, to where it resembled that of a snake's. Next, a thick, soul energy began to coat the chains, and the chains began to extend farther and farther, also growing in size and length. Finally, the hilt changed from a leather bound hilt, to that of a serpent's tail, with two holds for a person to hold onto.

As the serpent was whipped in front of the meister, he felt as the head began to hover over the ground, as the chains began to rake across the ground. He felt as he gained control, able to change the speed and the direction he was going, right or left. He increased the speed to the max almost immediately, narrowly dodging the large swinging attack as it began to sweep across behind them. He then, began to do what felt natural; The weapon began to snake up the leg of the monster, the head seemingly beginning to hover off of the monster, and the chains dragging across the beings body as they were led around.

As they began to ascend up the beings body, and grow closer to the head, he realized something; He should probably check on his meister's fate, or at least, see how she thought she was faring. "Hey uh, Hason. I'm sorry for suddenly taking off like that, but I wasn't really expecting it either. You okay back there?" A smile grew on his face within the weapon as she replied, with what he would have considered a rare tone for her; Excited. "Yeah, I'm fine! And it's no problem, I wasn't sure what was going on either, but... What's your plan?" His reply was a bit... Paused, or stalled. He was trying to figure out how to say it, without making it sound completely insane, however... That proved to be difficult. "I uh... I was gonna go with a choke hold method, either separate the head or cut off his breathing for a bit... Gotta at least try, right?"

Her response actually caused him to grow confident, as she merely nodded, and didn't say anything against it... And so, he continued. Beginning to tighten the chain around the being's neck, trying to cut off breathing or... Really do anything.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2015, 09:57:15 AM by Desbear »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #49 on: March 03, 2015, 10:18:02 AM »
Alex put Jessie over her shoulder and hurried over to the other pair, but stopped short of a few feet. They deserve a moment. That moment didn’t last long as both meisters brandished their weapons, Alex’s an instinctive reaction to . . . something. A strange feeling that she - no - that Jessie had felt. ”He’s coming.”

And she was right. He emerged from the shadows enormous and disgusting, a beast spat out by the gates of Hell. Many of the few students that were still present and conscious had seemed to disappear, and for good reason. A humungous fist came careening towards them.


No shit.

Alex did exactly that, and the massive hand barely missed her heels. ”So that’s how it’s going to be, huh.” She set Jessie on the ground and stared at The Beast. ”You want to play rough? Than let’s play rough.” She peeled off her gray-green overcoat and tossed it aside.

Finally shedding your outer layer?

Alex gave her sister a sly grin. There’s more. She kissed the silver medallion around her neck and stuffed it down her knit tunic, which was then pulled off and placed with the coat. Only a sleeveless white undershirt covered her top.

Jessie laughed and applauded. Now that’s more like it!

Alex picked her back up and ran once more. She could feel the air behind her as The Beast’s hand came down once more. She ran over to the only other four that stuck around - or at least to where she could talk to them. ”Anyone have a plan?”

Don’t die.

”Oh shush. Anyone else?” Alex didn’t receive an answer, because the next thing she knew Hason was riding a giant snake up The Beast and Warren was at his neck shouting about “The Boom”.

Alright, aim for the neck. Sounds like a good plan to me.


Hey Alex.




How are you feeling?

KKRrrr . . .

Good. Really, really good.

Having fun?

Alex grinned. Hell yeah.


That was a huge understatement.

Each heartbeat was charged with adrenaline, pulsing in time with their wavelengths, surging back and forth, weapon to meister, meister to weapon, each in synch to a silent drum. The name touched their lips: Soul Resonance. They felt each other grow stronger, two of a whole together, side by side, drawing a single arrow on a massive bow. A seemingly demonic aura glowed from the limbs, the arrow black and solid. And together they released The Barrage of Athena. From one came hundreds of thick and heavy arrows, each finding their mark in The Beast like dots of paint on a canvas, embedding in his skin and bones. Not a single bolt was wasted.

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2015, 10:32:15 AM »
The Stranger was being held down, possibly revenge from the weapon he had cause to tense up and lock. The explosive meister ran up the right arm, the same arm he lost. His scythe grew more menacing, and was engulfed in fire. He aimed a strike at the strangers. The two women, seeming to brim with confidence, launch a barrage of arrows, increasing the pressure on him. All the attacks hit in combination. The arrows pierced through the stranger, yet seemed to miss the creatures on him. The scythe hit his jugular, and the blood exploded out of the vein that drenched the field. He felt the snake squeeze as hard as it could, crushing his body. No, this was his world, he could have stopped it, but found he couldn't. Why couldn't he alter the path? Was this their will overtaking him? No, they were resonating. They learned their hidden talent.

So, they really are special. Carter, this had better be worth it.

With the last breath, the beast let go. He collapsed to the ground, and a massive soul was left before the three pairs of children, no Warriors. The soul spun around, faster and faster, and then let out a bright light.

The students woke up from the illusion, finding themselves sitting at regular desks. The lab that looked menacing was replaced by a modern biology lab. The stranger, still wearing the tattered cloak, was sitting at the front of the classroom. His face was hidden by a scarf. His hands were folded on each other, wrapped in surgical gloves.

Congratulations. You all passed your first day. A+ work. I have a report ready for Carter.

The only students in the room were Warren, Silene, Hason, Steven, Alex, and Jessie. The others were gone.

Surprising as the others were simply let go. They proved to weak for the standards of this school. You six are quite incredible, achieving soul resonance, even within my illusion planes. I apologize for anything I had to subject you to. I needed to prepare you for moments where an opponent will truly be past your abilities. So, you're all free to ask any questions. If not, then you are free to go rest up.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2015, 11:01:04 AM »
”Where’s my shirt?!?”

Five heads turned to the back of the group where a very embarrassed Alex in a white sleeveless undershirt was trying to make herself less and less noticeable.

*sigh* “Borrow mine Alex.” Jessie stood up to take off her gray tunic and toss it over to her sister, who accepted it gratefully.

 ”Thank you so much Jessie.”

She shrugged. ”No problem. Besides,” she looked around at the other five  before sitting back down, ”I’m used to wearing less than that.” It was only after she sat down did Jessie realize how flirtatious she just acted. How were the other two girls going to see her now? Did her eyes linger on the two boys for too long? Ah Hell, what do I care?

Stop embarrassing yourself Jessie.

She looked back at Alex, who smiled and waved to her. Jessie raised an eyebrow. What? Alex mouthed in response. Jessie just shook her head and turned forward.

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2015, 05:03:16 AM »

I... Wasn't really sure what had happened. I heard loud, crunching as the being fell, and with it, we did... And then, it was over. When I awoke, I was sitting at a regular desk... It was all so confusing. 'What just happened...? Was... None of that real? As the instructor, teacher, or even cloak elaborated on what had been going on, I just sort of... Sat there. Silently thinking about what had gone on. 'I have to ask him about that... I... Also need to know if I'm safe.'

As I continued to think, my thoughts were interrupted when one of the girls asked about her shirt. To be honest, she would have been fine if she had said nothing, as I doubt anyone would have noticed. I heard a rather loud sigh from the desk near her, and watched as one of the girls took off their tunic and gave it to her... I then heard her drop a comment that sounded like she was trying to sound flirtatious, but... I honestly don't think anyone was going to notice, or really care. Especially after what had just happened... 'I guess I'll have to wait until the rest have left... After all, I don't want Steven or any of the others to know about that, and get me killed...'


When each of the attacks began to hit the large behemoth, a smirk had grown on Steven's face... However, it only grew in size upon the crunching noise he heard as he began to crush the neck... As the large, massive glowing soul appeared, he began to grow more and more excited... And then, it was over. He woke up, his head on a desk... Was that all a dream? Bah, he'd find out later. As he looked around, the rest of the class was doing the same, however, there was something he noticed; The group was smaller than it was when they entered the original room, and the cloaked man's voice seemed... Calmer, and less demented... He had several questions he needed to ask, yet, either none of them were for the cloaked figure, or he didn't feel confident in asking them... However, he did have one for Hason, and he would have some form of an answer that night... Either way, he remained silent, just sort of... Thinking.

The silence was quickly broken however, when a few desks over, a girl asked about her shirt, wondering where it was. He glanced over, but just shrugged and proceeded to look back to his desk, then to the cloaked figure at the head of class. He heard more conversation from them at the back of class, something about one of them giving the other a shirt to wear, and then from what he could tell they dropped a comment that could have been taken in less than a flattering manner. He had to wonder what kind of person they had to be, to at least appear completely fine after that...

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #53 on: March 04, 2015, 06:26:39 AM »
The explosion rocked the chamber, throwing Warren away from the beast and splattering him with warm, sticky blood. He hit the ground hard enough to bounce and roll several more feet, laughing hysterically the entire time. "Where's your fist now? Oh that's right, over there, over there, and over there! AHAHAHAHA" He didn't notice that his scythe wasn't there, nor the fact that he was now alone in the hell as he laughed to himself.

A familiar voice sounded far off in the back of his mind, but he couldn't remember quite place it."Warren..." 

"Hey voice, did you see me blow him up?!" It was like... BOOM!

"Warren, wake up..."

Hearing it again caused him to hesitate, he wasn't sure why. Why would they want him to wake up? He didn't think he was asleep, but the more he looked around the less things made sense. The rivers of lava turned into desks and chairs, the tower of flesh became a tower of old books, and he realized his arm was back. He wiggled his fingers. Yup, all ten fingers were working. That meant...

None of this was real!


Warren woke up just in time to be smacked in the face. Hard. He jerked up, eyes spinning around the room wildly. Yeah, they were definitely in some kind of lab. He saw that pile of books that bad been the tower of flesh off in the corner, and he saw a very pissed off Silene in front of him. The pale expanse of her stomach was visible to the world, along with the lower half of her bra.

Silene hugged him fiercely, squeezing the air out of his lungs with surprising strength. Then she smacked him again, leaving him with a hand imprint on both sides of his cheeks. "Really, Warren? 'Did you see me blow him up'?" She was angry that he had scared her, but mostly she was overwhelmingly happy that they were both alive and had achieved Soul Resonance.

Warren shrugged, rubbing his cheek and tossing another stick of gum into his mouth. "That was a damn good explosion, even if it wasn't real. Speaking of which..."

Meister and weapon simultaneously turned towards the front of the room to demand an explanation, but he had already launched into one. He explained that it was a test and that the others had failed and that was why they were gone (Silene hadn't noticed in her effort to wake her meister, but sure enough the only other people there were Jessie, Alex, Hason Steven), but they had passed by performing soul resonance.

Warren blew it off, unphased by the revelation, but Silene was pissed off. 'They put us through that... that hell as a TEST?!' She was ready to stomp up there and give the stranger a piece of her mind when Jessie suddenly spoke up from the other side of the classroom.

"Besides, I'm used to wearing less than that."

The comment made Silene realize that the entire class could see her bra and she blushed brightly. Warren held something out to her.
"No, I don't want any gu-"

"Just take it, it's my fault your shirt is ripped up. I'll buy you a new one before we go home." In his hand wasn't a stick of gum but his trench coat. She took it with a small, thankful smile and slipped it around her small frame. It swallowed her completely, dragging the ground and sliding up over her hands. Either way, it covered her up.

"Thanks, Warren."

"No problem."
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 06:29:26 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #54 on: March 04, 2015, 06:44:54 AM »
The Stranger got up and walked around the room, reading their souls once more.

Alex, you shirts are on the floor. You barely threw them away. Jessie, please put yours back on. That is highly inappropriate. Warren, yes it was not real, except for the soul resonance. I suggest you practice more. The form was a tad sloppy. Silene, top notch first aid work. Hason, see me after, I have some concerns to share with you. Nothing seriuos. Steven, I think your cats are hungry about now. Might want to stop and get them some food. I'll loan you some cash, but I want it back by the end of the week. That pretty much sum it all up for you? It was a test, you were put through hell.

The stranger seemed to switch.

Now, leave my sight before I make sure your minds never recover.

Have a nice night.

He went back to the front of the room to fill his report. Elsewhere in the academy, Carter was on his way to the bio lab to recieve stranger's report. Merlin was not too far behind, though he was looking for a way out to go meet these special students.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #55 on: March 04, 2015, 07:00:18 AM »
Alex looked around the room and found her shirts in the back corner.”What? Oh. Umm . . . thank you.” She put her knit tunic on and carried her overcoat over her arm. Jessie took her grey sweatshirt back and tied it around her waist. The two then seemed to have a conversation purely through subtle gestures which ended with Jessie putting her sweatshirt on properly - although unzippered.

They must think we’re crazy.

Jessie smiled as she pulled her arms through the sleeves. Let them. “Well, shall we get going?” she asked while already in the hallway. ”I don’t know about you guys, but I’d like to keep my mind intact.”

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #56 on: March 04, 2015, 07:15:35 AM »
"My thoughts exactly." Silene grabbed Warren, pulling him unwillingly through the hallway, past Jessie. "You owe me a new shirt."

Warren slouched his shoulders, letting himself be dragged along. "Can we at least get some food first? I'm starving. Besides," he gave her the once over. "I think you look good in my coat."

Silene smirked at the compliment, her cerulean eyes twinkling mischievously. "No, that was my favorite shirt you lazy bum. We're getting a replacement before we do anything else."

Warren heaved a sigh, but he was smiling as she dragged him out. He regretted a lot of things in his life, but the choice to leave his family wasn't one of them. This kind of life was a lot more fulfilling than the one he had lived before all of this, before Silene. "Hey Silene?"


"Want a piece of gum?"
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 07:25:15 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #57 on: March 04, 2015, 07:24:46 AM »

As the figure began to walk around the room, all the while talking, I began to get up... And then, he got to me. He stated that I should see him after everyone left, saying he had something to tell me... I felt myself begin to tense up at this, and my breathing becoming slightly strained, however I attempted to return to my normal manner as fast as I could... I would say I wondered what he was going to talk to me about, but... It was rather obvious, wasn't it? He was going to ask me, before I could ask him...


Steven was almost reclined in his chair, still a bit tense after the whole ordeal... Something about the figure caused him to feel off, as if still cautious, but he attempted to ignore that feeling for now... He was rather curious about what the cloaked figure wanted with hason, but when the stranger reminded him about his cats however, his eyes seemed to widen... He had forgotten to feed them! Or at least, he had forgotten to feed one group. When the cloaked figure offered him money to go get the cats some food, he nodded, taking it quickly, a joyous and grateful tone to his voice as he thanked the figure. "A-Ah, I forgot... Thanks for reminding me, and I'll try to pay you back as soon as possible...!"

Upon the stranger seeming to switch, and begin to urge them to leave, he complied; Getting up from his desk, and moving into the hallway. He began to almost sprint down the hallway, after all, he had to get to somewhere with cat friendly food, before everywhere closed.

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #58 on: March 04, 2015, 07:40:14 AM »
The Stranger put up a hand to calm Hason. He then reached into a small fridge under his desk and pulled out a water bottle. It had Lord Death's face on it, with a giant cranberry in his hand.

No need to be afraid Hason. I know you're a witch. I'm not going to kill you.

He tossed the flavored water to Hason, and pulled out another for himself. He briefly uncovered his face to take a drink, seeming satisfied.

Instead I want to study you. Carter is on his way here, and he may have some reservations. Do not worry, I just want to run a couple of tests to gauge how far into magic you are. I promise nothing bad will happen. Of course, you have the option to refuse, and I can simply tell him you're an exemplary student. Unfortunately, you only have a good three minutes to decide. He walks briskly.

The Stranger returned to his book "Experiments in Dissection" by Franken Stein, awaiting an answer.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #59 on: March 04, 2015, 07:54:39 AM »

I must have tensed as he spoke those words... He knew I was a witch, he truly did. As the other tossed the bottle, I caught it, examining the bottle. It was flavored water, cranberry to be exact. I unscrewed the cap, and took a quick sniff of the contents to check for anything...Malicious. Upon there being no ill contents, I took a quick sip of the drink, promptly screwing the cap back on... As he began to speak again, he proposed an offer; He wasn't going to kill me, or simply let me die here, but he did want to see how far into the magic arts I was. He assured me it would just be harmless tests, and... I believed him. After all... 'What's life without a little risk?. As I spoke, there was a lack of emotion, save for a small amount of caution in my tone. "I... Guess since you're going to let me live, allowing you to run a couple tests is the least I can do, huh...? You have my permission."