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Author Topic: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth  (Read 78990 times)

Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2015, 09:49:00 AM »
All posts for the remainder of the fight will only have Hason's PoV

The fuck? I'm fighting Stalin? This... Just got weird. As the iron communist finished speaking, he immediately rushed at us, attempting to punch us. I... Regret not being ready, as I may have been able to prevent him swinging in the first place, but hey? First time. I immediately dropped the key, and jumped to the left, whipping the hilt of the weapon back behind myself, the chakram blade beginning to rotate counter-clockwise, at impressive speed. As I landed, I ceased movement, whipping the chain, and the chakram around myself and towards the kishin egg.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 09:50:32 AM by Desbear »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2015, 10:26:16 AM »
". . . yes?"

Wrong answer.

"Ow ow ow OW OW OW! Jesus CHRIST that hurt!" She rubbed her head and tenderly pulled loose hairs away when she turned around. "Was that really necessary?" Apparently it wasn't enough either, because the next thing Jessie knew she was on her back and five feet behind her.

Alex didn't fare much better. Her feral scream sent chills down Jessie's spine. It reminded her of the day they . . . did something she would rather not reminisce over. It coincidentally stopped when he kicked her in the face.

"Alex . . . Alex, are you alright? Oh my fucking nose..."

She grunted.

"Yeah . . . maintenance, what the fuck is maintenance?

Alex stood up - eventually - and helped up her sister. "Doesn't matter, let's just get this over with. Go get the key."

The tone in her sister's voice made Jessie shudder. She never spoke like that, not to her, not to their parents, only once when . . .

"Key Jessica."

"Yeah, I-I'm going." She fought to keep her hand from shaking. Alex looked no worse than her - hair misplaced, bloody nose, lowered eyes - but Jessie knew how well her sister could hide her emotions. Most people would think she simply shrugged it off as best as she could. Jessie was scared.

Alex crossed her arms. "Everyone else is getting some crazy person from their box. You go open ours then come to me and transform."

"Why do I have to do it?" she asked.

Alex her sister in the eyes.

"I'll open the box," she said quickly. "Okay, just put in the key, open the box, turn around and run," she whispered under her breath. "Oh god I don't want to die oh god oh god oh god..." The key slipped into the box and turned easily, with Jessie standing as far as humanly possible from the box. The lock clicked and an angry, Italian, iron-clad man leaped out. Without second thought, Jessie turned and flew across the field, leaping at Alex and transforming mid-air.

Alex caught the slender bow and drew an arrow, lining up a perfect shot. If the great general of war hadn't screamed at her, she would have fired at the other maniac without a second thought.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2015, 10:35:45 AM »
@ Blades

Hitler blinked as his missile basically became a two front explosion. His thoughts were interrupted as a scythe barely missed him due to his dodge, hitting the ground. "You missed me Fraulein." An explosion erupted under him, launching him in the air. "Deus ex machine. Look it up. Hitler always has a plan." His jet pack activated, and he let out a missile volley at his target.

Stalin grabbed the chain, and pulled as hard as he could, bringing the meister to him. "Checkmate. My manly fist will hit you, one way or another." His fist flashed, and a large amount of fire was around it. He was going to end it here.


Mussolini burrowed underground, and came up under the archer. "I see London, I see France"  He took a massive swipe, cutting the area around them, trying to bring them underground.

One of the fighters attempted to run away past Mortecai.


A loud smack was heard. Everyone, kishin and fighter looked at the area the sound came from as the meister flew across the field. All they seen was Mortecai zipping his fly back up. With the happiest smile on his face.

Long John Masterbomb says you have to go to maintenance.

Mortecai turned into a hammer, and Archie grabbed hold, killing the kishin that the runner was trying to escape. Mortecai greedily ate the soul that popped out, having stayed half transformed into a hammer.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2015, 10:43:28 AM »
Warren twirled the scythe in front of him, catching the volley of explosions. It pushed him back several feet, his heels digging into the ground, smoke drifting off his clothes. "Now that's more like it!" He swung his partner toward the ground, using her as a pole vault to sling himself higher up. Halfway through the air, his train of thought was lost completely.

Nope! Long John Masterbomb says you have to go to maintenance.

For a second he blanked out and it looked like he was going to collide with Hitler full force, but at the last instant he brought the scythe around to slice at the kishin egg's jetpack.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 10:55:54 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Offline Desbear

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2015, 10:52:20 AM »
Well then... Gonna have to play this a little differently, aren't I? As he pulled on Steven's chain, I felt myself get pulled towards the Iron Fist... Heh, this'll be interesting. As the gap was quickly closed, I felt a power rise up in me... I guess I gave in. I threw all caution to the wind, and disabled Soul Protection. It was time to go fish. I reared back my right fist, what seemed to be the maw of a shark opened up around my fist. I swung my fist towards the iron fist, attempting to meet his fire with my water... Damn, if this doesn't work, it's gonna suck.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 11:10:46 AM by Desbear »

Offline Lunartic

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2015, 10:57:49 AM »
Alex ran toward the kishin egg, leaping before the ground fell beneath her and landing on his shoulders. She aimed the bow between her eggs, the arrow poised to fire into the man’s skull. ”I see a dead Blackshirt.” Her fingers were about to release when a loud smack resonated across the field. On one side was a rather limp meister, on the other a rather proud Mortecai. Between them was utter stillness. And something about maintenance. Using the distraction to her advantage, Alex cut the silence like a knife as her bow let out a satisfying thwump. She leaped forward, behind Mussolini, and spun around to face her opponent once more, readying another arrow as she did.

Offline Tickles

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2015, 11:20:05 AM »

A large burst of steam exploded or the field from the point of contact. Stalin was immolated almost immediately, leaving behind a kishin egg soul for the taking.


The jetpack was sliced, and Hitler flew around the field wildly. "ZIS CANNOT BE. I AM THE GREAT..." He exploded, leaving behind a kishin egg that floated slowly into the steam.


The arrow flew into Mussolini's forehead. He grasped at it, trying to pull it out. His body soon became a kishin egg that rested at the bottom of the crater.


Where the fuck did this shit come? HAMMERTIME!

In a few seconds, the steam was cleared, and kishin eggs dotted the field, all except for the still closed box. Mortecai and Archie made quick work of the eggs, all except the three defeated by actual students.

I don't know what the hell just happened, but I don't like it. You three, take your fucking eggs and get your power up already. What were your names?

Archie handed him their records.

Let's see. Warren and Silene, to maintenance. Warren, I heard your dumb ass chewing gum. Silene, you should try better to stop your man whore. Hason and Steven, I don't know what you did, but that steam bullshit ruined the lesson. Maintenance. And the two bitches Alexandra and Jessica. Indecent exposure for the both of you along with being late. double Maintenance. The rest of, get out of my sight.

Mortecai and Archie left the class. Archie let out a friendly wave to the students as if to say "Welcome to hell."
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2015, 11:48:45 AM »
Warren landed on the ground softly, smirking. "Now that was an explosion." The small, shriveled red soul of Hitler drifted down in front of him. He yawned loudly, pulling out another stick of gum and popping it into his mouth. "There you go, Silene, soul number one. Told you it wouldn't be hard."

Silene shifted back into her human form, stretching. Staying in her weapon form too long always made her stiff. "Did you really have to block all those missiles? Couldn't you have just dodged? That stuff hurts." She punched his shoulder lightly, but she was smiling. "Good job on beating him, though."

Before they could do anything else a thick blanket of smoke covered the air. They both broke into a fit of coughing, unable to see what was going on. When the smoke cleared, kishin eggs floated all over the field. Mortecai and Archie made quick work of devouring them, save three of them. The soul of the one they had defeated, a soul hovering by a young teenage girls, and one floating by someone holding a chain chakram.

I don't know what the hell just happened, but I don't like it. You three, take your fucking eggs and get your power up already. What were your names? Warren crossed his arms but didn't respond, so Silene went to for both of them. Before she could the tall man, Archie, handed him their records.

Ignoring it she turned to scold Warren, but he motioned for her to take the soul before they changed their mind. With a nod she picked it up and tossed it into her mouth, chewing twice and swallowing. It didn't really have a flavor, but the texture going down her throat felt amazing. Even with the addition of a single soul she felt more powerful, sharper even. She giggled, but was promptly interrupted by Mortecai.

Let's see. Warren and Silene, to maintenance. Warren, I heard your dumb ass chewing gum. Silene, you should try better to stop your man whore.

Warren blinked twice, swallowed his current gum, then popped another piece into his mouth. Silene flushed red with embarassment, but before she could say anything the two yelled at two more groups of students and left. She was speechless with anger.

Warren turned to the other two pairs that had been addressed, eyeing them lazily. The first pair was a girl dressed like a shark with a rather pathetic looking guy as a weapon, and the other pair was two teenage girls. "Anyone know what maintenance is?"

« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 11:53:17 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2015, 12:01:59 PM »
Jessie transformed back to her human form and stood beside her sister in the crater. ”Are you okay Sis?”

Alex nodded.

”You don’t look okay. How do you feel?” she asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

Alex instinctively pulled away, but then fell into her sister’s embrace. ”I don’t like our teacher,” she whispered into her ear.

”I can tell,” she replied softly. ”We’ll get through this, I promise.” She pulled back and smiled at Alex. ”Together.”

There was a moment’s pause. ”. . . together.” She motioned to the glowing, red orb in the middle of the crater. ”You should, y’know, do something with that.”

”. . . oh yeah.” Jessie walked over to the egg and crouched down to inspect it. ”So this is what they look like.” She picked it up. ”Not very heavy.” She smelled it.

Alex raised an eyebrow.

”It smells like the shittiest pasta ever made.”

Alex cracked a smile. ”Worse than Dad’s?”

”Oooohh yeah.” She stood straight tossed it between her hands. ”So, what am I supposed to do with it?”

”I dunno . . . absorb it some how?”

Jessie looked at it bewildered. ”Absorb it . . . how the hell am I supposed to do that?”

Alex crossed her arms and twirled some hair around her fingers. ”Well, Mortecai eats it . . .”

Jessie did not look amused. ”I’m not eating this stupid thing.” She rattled her fingertips against the orb - it sounded hollow. ”Hmm . . .” She held the kishin egg in front of her with her right hand and crushed it in her fist. It disintegrated into a fine red dust that absorbed into her. ”Woah! Did you see that?”

Alex looked up. ”What?”

”The egg! I crushed it and it was like, woosh, it turned into dust and then I had this . . . this feeling in my arm that just surged across my body. It was so cool!”

Alex giggled at her ecstatic sister. ”Alright, c’mon Jessie, let’s get going.” The two of them climbed out of the crater, Jessie still going on about the kishin egg, and when they reached the top Mortecai yelled at them some more. Neither of them paid him much attention.

A tall boy greeted them afterwards. Alex shrugged in reply to his question.

”Mortecai must like giving it,” said Jessie. ”The same boy who told us he was an ‘awesome teacher’.” she said with air quotes for emphasis, ”said maintenance wasn’t all that bad.”
« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 12:05:43 PM by Lunartic »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2015, 12:24:08 PM »

I...I'm alive? It actually worked? I began to stand up after the instructor had cleared the mist. Judging by the instructors speech, I wasn't completely exposed, but that little stunt did get me maintenance... That word, maintenance... Why was it, that the moment he said that, I felt fear spark across my spine? Bah, I shouldn't worry about it... It can't be too bad, right? Disregarding the maintenance for now, I began to kneel, pick up the Kishin egg that Stalin had made, placing it beside Steven.

When Steven came back into his human form, he spoke, a bit of a sarcastic tone to his voice.
"That was...Fun, I guess. It was at least exciting! Though, it would be nice if you didn't let them grab me." I could tell by how he was standing he wasn't completely back to normal, but that was most likely due to the whole maintenance thing... I don't think he saw my little shark trick. Shit! Speaking of which... Ah, there we go. The numbness is back. Soul protection is back on. I hope no one noticed.

Aaaaanyways, I watched as Steven took the Kishin egg, and halfway transformed back into a weapon. I don't know how he knew how to do it... But he sort of consumed it, I guess? He turned his waist down into the part of the chain and the hilt, and disconnected the chain from the hilt. I then watched as he placed the egg in between the chain and the hilt, pressing down as if to connect them both to it. Much to my surprise, the kishin egg seemed to... Disappear, in its place a small link, connecting the chain and the hilt. I should have asked him how he knew to do that. Before I could however, a question rang out from one of the Meisters who was left. I simply shrugged before answering, a bit of a confused tone to my voice.
"I don't really know what maintenance is... But it can't be that bad, right?"

Steven merely shrugged. I don't think he responded verbally, but I knew I would be able to get his opinion on everything in a bit. We normally had lunch in town, making it from whatever we could afford. It was a system, and it worked. I don't think he even said much before leaving, it was strange... He always had something to say. Something had to be bothering him... Eh... Guess I'll find out later.


After their instructor had finished clearing the steam, he transformed back, cracking his neck. He wasn't sure where the steam came from, but he knew it originated from her... Eh, he'd ask her later, around lunch when they met up to combine their funds for lunch. Though, for now he began to speak, sarcasm lacing his voice. "That was... Fun, I guess. It was at least exciting! Though, it would be nice if you didn't let them grab me.

As he finished speaking, he began to stare at the soul beside him, and felt instinct begin to kick in. He didn't know how he knew, but he knew how to absorb it, or use it. He half transformed into a weapon, and began to disconnect the chain from the hilt... It felt weird. Like really weird, as he dislocated himself from the rest of himself, and placed the soul between the hilt and the chain. He felt power begin to flow into him... And to be honest? It felt amazing. As he transformed back, he stood up, and began to move towards the door. He didn't say anything, he merely shrugged. He didn't have an answer, so why act like it? Even then, he still felt off... He was probably gonna go off and check on the cats, make sure they hadn't killed themselves.

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2015, 10:21:54 PM »
Silene walked up to stand beside Warren, still flushing lightly. "So we're all in the same boat then." She smiled brightly at the group. "I'm sure we'll be fine. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Well, they could kill us and bury our bodies beneath the school, that'd be pretty bad." Warren paused briefly, seemingly pondering the probability of what he said. "Doubt that'll happen, though."

Silene rolled her eyes and lightly shoved him. "Shut up, we wouldn't even be in this mess if it weren't for you!" Recieving only a shrug in response, she turned back to the other three girls. "Anyways, I'm Silene, and that lazy bum," she motioned over her shoulder at Warren. "Is my meister, Warren."

Warren held his hand out, holding three sticks of gums. "Want a piece?"

« Last Edit: March 01, 2015, 10:34:15 PM by The-Blades-slave »

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2015, 04:17:11 AM »
Jessie giggled and popped a piece in her mouth, smacking it with a smile. "Aah, minty. Anyway, I'm Jessie," she tilted to the shorter girl beside her, "and this is my meister, and sister, Alex."

Alex smiled and gave the others a little wave. "Hi. Oh, um, no thank you," she said when offered the gum, involuntarily wrinkling her nose as well.

Jessie gave her sister a curious look, chewing her gum loudly as she did. Then she stopped. "Oh yeah. " She looked back at the other two. " Alex doesn't chew gum."

Alex gave Warren a sympathetic look. "Sorry, I just . . . don't like it."

"She doesn't like mint either.

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2015, 06:30:41 AM »

As I watched my partner leave, I turned to the others. 'I mean, come on! If we were having maintenance together, we might as well know each other first. Right?' Anyways, upon approaching the group, I began to examine what I could from them. I began with the two girls, the ones with long blonde and brown hair. 'Not much to see here. Most I can guess, is that the way they're standing and talking though, I'd assumed they're close, possibly more like siblings than friends... Not much else to see here, other than the fact that one of them isn't wearing too much when it comes to a top.'

The next one I looked over was the girl standing near another, if I remember correctly, she turned into a scythe during the fights. 'Hm... She looks a bit more upbeat than some of the others here, her smile shows that. She seems to argue with her Meister, even describing her meister as a 'lazy bum'... I would probably say the same about Steven actually, but I'm just as bad as he is...'

I then looked to the last one, the only present male, and the one who had been wielding Silene as a scythe during the fights. 'He looks a good bit taller than the rest of us, I wonder if he could use Steven's head as a armrest..? And... What's that smell?' As I looked him over, my eyes began to water... There was the distinct smell of wintergreen coming off of this guy, and he was offering me a piece of gum. Reluctantly, I took a stick of gum, a smile growing on my face. I began to speak,  "Ah, thank you! My name's Hason, and my weapon who decided to be a jackass and leave, is named Steven."

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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2015, 07:01:22 AM »
As time went by and the smiling sun turned into a smiling moon, all of the students that were sent to maintenance waited outside the lab doors. There were ten students in all, all from Mortecai's class it seemed. The kid that was slammed through his desk had a swollen face.

"So, anyone else think that Mortecai guy over reacted? I can't smell anymore."

"Yeah, he was kind of intense. I didn't even get a kishin egg."

"Oh shut the hell up, at least you didn't meet the end of his dick!"

The door slowly opened up, and a voice beckoned.

Come in students.
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Re: [RP] Soul Eater: New Earth
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2015, 07:20:55 AM »
Warren leaned against the wall behind him, hands buried in his pocket, eyeing the crowd languidly. Most of them had taken one glance at him and backed several feet away, grouping with the rest to stay away from him like he was some feral beast. He didn't seem care- if he did it didn't bother him, chewing on his gum sluggishly. "Do you feel that, Silene?"

Silene nodded and unconsciously scooted closer to Warren, wrapping her arms around herself nervously. "This place... it feels wrong."

Warren agreed silently, noticing how much more it affected her. Maybe it was a female thing.

After a few more minutes of waiting, the door opened.

"Come in students."

Hovering close to each other, the two walked into the the strangely eerie lab.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 07:24:58 AM by The-Blades-slave »

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