Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Your Own Customizable Home

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I fully agree with this idea! it would add so much fun to having a home/hideout. If you can get collectibles or trophies in the game you should be able to put them in your house on a shelf or something.


--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on January 21, 2010, 11:53:43 AM ---Check our TUAT:

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Yes, I have already read that  ;)
But it doesn't explain how you wanted to give millions of players a house or living place   :D

Oh, I haven't though of that, Dvys... you raised a good point there.


Ok perhaps the simplest way to do it is to make a player's house/apartment visible only to him/her and to his/her friends in the game. The one who doesn't have any friend will only see his/her.

In the case that person has friends, it will automatically mean that they are in the same group/clan/etc and share a common apartment/guild/etc.


--- Quote from: Dvys on January 22, 2010, 10:47:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: Mr_Dark on January 21, 2010, 11:53:43 AM ---Check our TUAT:

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Yes, I have already read that  ;)
But it doesn't explain how you wanted to give millions of players a house or living place   :D

--- End quote ---
How about you go into a special estate agents building (one on each island) and a box comes up where you type in the trainer's name. This will then take you to their house, without the need for all these buildings clogging up the map.

Nah. The houses will be on the map and they will be for rent. We will make sure there will be enough houses. Just because we'll actually place the houses on the map doesn't mean we can't create an appartment complex.


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