Pokémon Universe > Game Features

Your Own Customizable Home

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I agree with carbon XDDDDD

Yes, we're planning to make apartments which users can rent and customize to their needs. Note that this feature will not be in the first beta ;)

good idea

spirit, use your long rambling of ideas attack!

yes, master marik!


anyway, i am really excited to see this feature, and to receive updates on how it's playing out. but here are a few of my suggestions.

as we know, player customization is key in pokemon, so i propose that players be allowed to upload their own posters to their rooms. this way, if i want to share a picture i recently drew, i can just put it on the wall of my room, and let my friends view it.

this same principle should be employed for music as well, so that my friends can listen to a track list i upload to a jukebox or stereo system in my room.
this would also be a fun feature to have on a pokeradio like they had in gold and silver that attracted different pokemon to you when it was played.

...and while we're at it, why not allow users to have 30second video clips playable through their television sets in their rooms?

okay, as for secret bases (because i loved this feature), i know we're going to be getting apartments, but to me that doesn't mean we can't also have smaller rooms, ala secret bases. you would not be able to store items here, with the exception of decorative items like chairs, and tables, and therefore would not be an identical clone the apartments.
when set as offline, your character could be idle in your room so that friends could come and challenge you (obviously you would be a CPU at this point).

now i know the problem on everyone's mind is with how cluttered the game would get with everyone making secret bases, but i do not feel that this needs to be the case. when people become friends in the game, they should have the opportunity to give each other a ticket as a token of their friendship; this token would be like a secret pass to their friends secret base. only people with your secret ticket would be able to see the entrance to your secret base, so this should drastically decrease the clutter.
also, when you look at your map, you would be able to see a little icon indicating where a friends base is (of course this feature should be toggled)
if you want to add extra fun to this feature, you could also employ that friends need to locate their friends base before being able to find it on their map.
as for the problem if two people build a secret base in the same location..... again, this is easily solved, just have a text box pop up asking which base to enter....simple

im pretty sure there was something else i was going to write here in these regards, but i can't remember what it was, i will get back to you if i remember.
oh, well.... what do you think team?

The Fireball Kid:
You know. Instead of Apartments you could have guild houses. And to get a house you need a minimum of x players + fillers. What about that?


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